Council Chambers, Urbana City Building

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Stephen Wald, Stacy Gloss,Morgan Johnston, Beth Meschewski, Andrew Stumpf

Commissioners Absent Chairperson Marya Ryan,Todd Rusk

Staff Present: Scott Tess, Kate Brickman

Call to Order, Roll Call, and Declaration of Quorum

The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. Kate Brickman called the roll and a quorum was present.

Changes to the Agenda

There were no changes to the agenda.

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the November 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes was postponed until the next meeting.

Public Input

Kristen Keller spoke on the topic of food waste composting and posed several questions to Staff and the Commission.



Scott Tess gave themonthly StaffReportwhich includedprogress on the Climate Action Plan (CAP) Phase 2, highlighting efforts to reduce single occupancy vehicle mode share, installation of onsite renewable energy at the City’s Arbor Division shop, U.S. Department of Energy SolSmart designation, and defeat of Senate Bill 0116 – the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Bill.

Associated with the Sustainable Water Management Plan, Tess mentioned collaboration with Mahomet Aquifer Stakeholders.

Related to Public Engagement, Tess reported speaking with University of Illinois students concerning municipal sustainability work.

Additionally, an update on various U-Cycle activities was provided.

The Report stated January 3, 2016 as the next meeting date.

Continuing Business

Compact of Mayors

Scott Tess provided an update on the Compact of Mayors document that aims to capture the impact of cities’ collective actions through standardized measurement and reporting of emissions and climate risk. He is waiting to hear back upon their review of our submission.

CAP Goal 3 Action 5 Proposed Strategies to Increase Renewable Energy Purchasing in the Commercial Sector

With regards to CAP Goal 3 Action 5 (Proposed Strategies to Increase Renewable Energy Purchasing in the Commercial Sector), Tess took recommendations as to whether this item should be marked as in progress or continuous. Upon discussion it was suggested to leave this item as continuous.

Youth Engagement

Staff and Commission discussed additional outreach efforts towards community youth and will keep this Agenda item available.

New Business

2017 Meeting Schedule Approval

Scott Tess provided a list of the dates for the regularly scheduled meetings of SAC for the 2017 calendar year. Motion was made by Johnston, second by Stumpf, to approve the dates as follows, with all meetings to take place at 7 p.m. where noted below:

1/3/2017 / Executive Conference Room
2/7/2017 / Council Chambers
3/7/2017 / Council Chambers
4/4/2017 / Council Chambers
5/2/2017 / Council Chambers
6/6/2017 / Council Chambers
7/11/2017 / Council Chambers
8/1/2017 / Council Chambers
9/5/2017 / Executive Conference Room
10/3/2017 / Council Chambers
11/7/2017 / Executive Conference Room
12/5/2017 / Council Chambers

Motion carried.

Energy Bill

Tess provided a summary of the 400 page Energy Bill recently passed by the Illinois General Assembly. Discussion ensued.


There were no announcements.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

This meeting was recorded.