Introduction to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) 2004 Revision

The Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) and the Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) is a group of professionals devoted to the standardization of specification documents used in the Architectural, Engineering, and construction (AEC) fields. The group has created a system of organization for architects, engineers, and contractors called the MasterFormat™. According to information on the CSI Website ( the MasterFormat: Numbers and Titles is a master list of numbers and subject titles for organizing information about construction work results, requirements, products, and activities intogroups and subgroups. MasterFormat: Numbers and Titles facilitate standard filing and retrieval format throughout the construction industry. MasterFormat: Numbers and Titles are suitable for use in project manuals, organization of cost data, reference keynotes on drawings, filing product information and technical data, identification of drawing objects, and presentation of construction market data. The system is divided into 49 major groups and subgroups called divisions. Each division is made up of levels. Level one is the major division title, level two, three, and four define an increasingly detailed area of work results to be specified. The divisions and levels of the MasterFormat establish a six-digit numbering system shown in Figure 1. The first two digits designate the division number. The second pair of numbers identifies level two, and the third pair of numbers refers to level three. Level four numbers are preceded by a dot and are only used when additional detail is required. Several Division Numbers have been reserved to provide space for future expansion by the CSI. Look at the CSI Website for more information and to see the complete list of divisions and levels.

CSI MasterFormat Divisions

Division NumberDivision Title

Procurement and Contracting Requirements Group

00 Procurement and Contracting Requirements

Specifications Group

General Requirements Subgroup

01 General Requirements

Facility Requirements Subgroup

02 Existing Conditions



05 Metals

06Wood, Plastics, and Composites

07Thermal and Moisture Protection






13Special Construction

14Conveying Equipment

15 – 19Reserved

Facilities Services Subgroup


21Fire Suppression


23Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning


25Integrated Automation



28Electronic Safety and Security


Site and Infrastructure Subgroup



32Exterior Improvements



35Waterway and marine Construction

36 – 39Reserved

Process Equipment Subgroup

40Process Integration

41Material Processing and handling Equipment

42Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment

43Process Gas and liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment

44Pollution Control Equipment

45Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment

46 – 47 Reserved

48Electrical Power Generation
