Park Board – 08-22-07 - 3


City of St. Michael Park Board

August 22, 2007

Call to Order/Roll Call (7:00 P.M.)

Chair Eull called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Lorann Eull, Nancy Lauseng Eugene Molitor, Sandra Nelson, and Dan Woitalla. Also present were Council Liaison Kevin Kasel sitting in for Joe Marx (absent), Planner Mary Anderson, Youth/Family Coordinator Sandy Greninger (7:05) and Recorder Carla Blasing. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Set Agenda

Woitalla/Eull moved to approve the agenda. All voted aye.

Approval of Minutes of June 27, 2007

Woitalla/Nelson moved to approve the minutes of June 27, 2007, with a deletion of a comment by Chair Eull on “turf trail” as found under the subject Trail Land along Creek Side Drive. Motion carried unanimously.

Baseball Consortium – Concept for Dugout/Crow’s Nest Improvements. Anderson introduced Paul Schumm, 2928 Lander Avenue NE, from the Baseball Consortium. He indicated he is the head high school baseball coach. Other members of the consortium were also present. They were in attendance to request support for improvements to the Lower Rec Park in two phases. Schumm talked about removing the existing sunken dugouts on Field 1 because of water in summer and ice in spring. The new dugouts would match the grandstand architecturally, including materials and color. He also stated the consortium would like to construct the same dugouts on Fields 2 and 3. Schumm said he met with Ed Haller, Public Works Supervisor, and Karl Kessler, Parks Supervisor, regarding the design. Haller and Kessler thought, without having any estimates, the 1st phase project could come in at about $65,000. Schumm said other improvements included a small storage area built on to the back side of the home team dugout. A crow’s nest would be added on top of this roof for announcing purposes. Presently, the announcer sits in the stands and sometimes you can hear the person next to you talking when the game is being announced. The first phase would also include replacing the infield turf and sprinkler system on Field 1. Comments were also made by other members of the consortium, Terry Volkmann, Michael Kiesner and Randy McCabe, about the infield being in rough shape due to the old sprinkling system, and an updating would be nice. This project would be nice to complete this year and have ready for spring play. The second phase would include a combined concession stand and warming house. No estimates were discussed with this phase of the project. The Consortium group also talked about using the grassy area southeast of the ice rink for 5-8 year olds to play on. They would like to construct a small backstop, but the bases would be removable. Sandy Greninger with the FYCC mentioned she has scheduled 893 games on fields this season.

There were various questions from the Park Board members regarding financing, warming house, concessions and design. Molitor asked about funding for the warming house/concession. Schumm stated they would check with the Hockey Association to see if they could help support funding this structure. Eull mentioned it is a big project, but it would be a nice enhancement to our park. Eull is concerned with additional people, traffic and parking with the addition of another small field. She asked if there would be another area in a different park, such as Gutzwiller, that would be more suitable. Anderson suggested the Park Board direct staff to investigate other parks which might be suitable for this small field.

The Park Board asked for clarification as to what they would be making a motion on. Anderson said the motion would include the recommendation that they believe the requested improvements would be a benefit to the Lower Rec Park, but that the Park Board has no funding available to support the improvements.

After some discussion, Lauseng/Woitalla moved to recommend to the City Council that it supports and believes the requested improvements would be an enhancement to the Lower Rec Park as discussed, that final designs of any structures must be approved by the Park Board, and that the Park Board has no funds available to participate in the improvement projects. All voted aye.

Eull/Lauseng moved to have staff investigate possible locations for another backstop for five through eight-year-olds to play. All voted aye.

Tabled Item from June 27th Meeting - Trail Land along Creek Side Drive – Recent Plantings by Private Owner. It had been brought to the City’s attention that the property owner at 349 Creek Side Drive (south side of street) has put in additional plantings, as shown by pictures provided to the Park Board, along the boulevard and driveway on his property. Previously, there had been plantings along the driveway entrance. The question was asked if staff should write to ask the property owner to remove the plantings on the City-owned park land or explain what could happen in the future with that turf trail. Discussion took place on the area of the trail location and its use. Some Park Board members commented that Creek Side Drive is a very busy street and have seen or used the grassy area to walk on.

After some discussion, Woitalla/Lauseng moved to send a letter reminding the owners they have planted materials on City-owned parkland, which abuts their property, and the plantings should be removed. Staff will forward the letter to the Council for its consideration before mailing. All voted aye.

State Law Change for Park Dedication. Anderson reported on the recent State Law changes on taking park dedication fees. The fees are now based on valuation of acreage vs. units per acre. There was discussion on the percentage that a city could take per acre. Final discussion was that whatever percentage was taken, it would need to be justified. Staff will be preparing an analysis for park dedication over the fall and will bring an ordinance amendment to the Park Board for review prior to the end of the year.

Volunteer Group for Buckthorn Clean-up. Discussion took place on supporting, a one-day clean up for Buckthorn along Regal Creek trail and Lower Rec Park. Anderson said the best time for removal of buckthorn is late fall when the leaves are still on. Staff thought a Saturday would work best which would include a short training session on buckthorn and then volunteers would be sent out to help clean up. After discussion and clarification the Park Board would support such an event, although the late fall may not allow some members to be present due to other events.

Moliter/Woitalla moved to support a one-day removal of buckthorn with staff to submit additional information on a date and information at its next Park Board meeting. All voted aye.

Three Rivers Park Master Plan for Hassan Park Reserve – Pedestrian Bridge. Anderson reported on an email received from Jonathon Vlaming, Planning Manger for Three Rivers Park District. He indicated Three Rivers Park is going to do strategic planning for its parks, including Hassan Park Reserve. Communities would be involved and the process would take eight to 10 months.

FYCC Report. Sandy Greninger indicated FYCC could close its doors in June 2008 due to lack of funding. At this time we are sending letters to schools and cities to see what we can come up with. She met with Albertville City Council which requested a three-year audit. Albertville currently gives $8,000 per year and will up that to $9,000 in 2008. They had very positive feedback from the Albertville Council. FYCC is moving ahead with the 2008 budget. This year the FYCC has serviced 6,990 children between St. Michael/Albertville, 82 being Special Needs, with a staff of only two. Eull/Nelson mentioned how unknown FYCC is and what they do for the community. Woitalla asked how Movie Night went, which was clarified that the Meada Group had set this up. The FYCC just did concessions for the event. The movie choice was thought to be poor, but still had a good turn out of about 201 cars or 250 persons.

Other Business. Molitor asked about the round barn. Eull indicated she thought financing has failed. Staff indicated that if the City is approached by the Lenneman’s or developer, information would be passed on to the Park Board.

Adjourn. Moved by Woitalla seconded by Lauseng, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. All voted aye.



Carla Blasing, Recorder