City of Scranton

Minutes for the Meeting

of the Governing Body

Tuesday December4, 2007

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Burkdoll at 7:00p.m.

In attendance were; Councilmen Ken Croucher, Eddie Lester,Larry Hulsopple, andJack Mayfield,(David Barnes will be late) city attorney Mark Works, employeesBob Doepp, Bobi Morris and Scott Lester, citizensChad & Shelley Myrick, Betsy Crispin, Austin Chamberlin, Dennis Cowley, Gary DeShazer, Terry Ralston and Nick Stout.

A motion was made by Councilman Lester to approve the minutes for the condemnation hearing on November 20, 2007 as written. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Motion carried 3 – 0 – 1 (Hulsopple abstained).

A motion was made by Councilman Hulsopple to approve the minutes for the regular scheduled meeting on November20, 2007 as amended.Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Motion carried 4 – 0.

Old Business; Mark Worksstated that the Westar contract is waiting on approval from FERC.

Information on W. 5th and W. Greenbrier was tabled until the next regularly scheduledmeeting.

Mayor Burkdoll asked what makes someone eligible to be on the fire department and what is cause for being dismissed. Mayor Burkdoll expressed concern about the Assist Chief living so far away. Councilman Lester questioned why some people are kicked off the fire department for lack of attendance but not others. Councilman Mayfield expressed that he wants to see anyone willing and active to be allowed in the department and that it should not be a popularity contest. Chief Scott Lester was instructed to keep accurate attendance records. After the discussion Mayor Burkdoll made his recommendations for the appointment of volunteer firemen as follows;

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Ken Silver as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Ken Silver as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 3 – 1 (Lester).

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Harold Cox as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. No motion made. Harold Cox is not appointed.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Gary Williams as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. No motion made. Gary Williams is not appointed.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Frank Heiman as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Lester to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Frank Heiman as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Bob Doepp as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Lester to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Bob Doepp as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Jim Jones as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Jim Jones as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Ray Lester, Jr. as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Hulsopple to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Ray Lester, Jr. as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 3 – 0 – 1 (Lester abstained).

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Jeff Crosby as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Mayfield to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Jeff Crosby as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Nick Stout as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Nick Stout as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Ken Croucher as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Lester to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Ken Croucher as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 3 – 0 – 1 (Croucher abstained).

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Dustin Parsons as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Mayfield to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Dustin Parsons as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 3 – 1 (Lester).

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Shawn Wilson as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Mayfield to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Shawn Wilson as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 3 – 1 (Lester).

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Rella Morgan as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Mayfield to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Rella Morgan as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Phil Parsons as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Phil Parsons as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Darrin Briggs as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Lester to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Darrin Briggs as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Cody Heckman as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Cody Heckman as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Lester. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended David Roberts as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Lester to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint David Roberts as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Terry Ralston as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Croucher to accept Mayor Burkdoll’s recommendation and appoint Terry Ralston as a volunteer fireman to the Scranton Fire Department. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0.

Mayor Burkdoll recommended Jeff Payne as a volunteer fireman for the Scranton Fire Department. No motion was made. Jeff Payne is not appointed.

Mayor Burkdoll clarified that he did not appoint an assistant chief or a captain. He stated that he was leaving the decision to appoint someone to these positions up to the Fire Chief.

Councilman David Barnes is now in attendance.

Council was updated on the city website.

Councilman Barnes made a motion to have the city attorney and the city clerk prepare an ordinance allowing the zoning committee to have full authority to make the zoning decisions and allow for an appeals process. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 3 – 2 (Lester & Croucher). Mark Works stated that he would prepare the ordinance.

Old Business; Mayor Burkdoll recognized Austin Chamberlin with the Overland Property Group. Mr. Chamberlin discussed wanting to develop an income based housing project at the corner of W. North and W. 5th streets. There would be nine to fifteen single family homes. Tenants would be able to purchase the home at the end of fifteen years for a minimal fee. No action taken.

Jeremy Gaston was recognized by the mayor. Mr. Gaston addressed the council about several of the city’s utility practices. Disconnects, deposits and the cold weather rule were discussed. Mr. Gaston left the meeting.

Chad and Shelley Myrick were given the floor to discuss the electric service needed at their new home. Mr. Myrick stated that 375 feet is the distance from his home to where the meter is currently sitting. It is not possible to run a service line this distance and still be able to supply adequate power to their total electric house. Ken Croucher made a motion to have the city replace the wire, transformer and other related material, and move the meter to one of the two existing poles located on the Myrick’s property. Provided the Myricks give the city a permanent easementtwenty (20) feet wide and two hundred (200) feet long to maintain the line and equipment. Motion was second by Councilman Lester. Carried 5 – 0. Councilman Mayfield had the Myricks explain to the council what their BBQ competition consisted of. Council approved of having the competition during the Saturday in the Park celebration and would work out the details at a later date.Mr. & Mrs. Myrick left the meeting.

Scott Lester gave the maintenancedepartment report. Councilman Croucher made a motion to get the dump truck bed painted and touch up paint on the body at Santa Fe Collision for $1700.00 to be taken out of the Special Highway fund. Motion was second by Councilman Lester. Carried 5 – 0. Gary DeShazer informed council that there was a wire concern over by his house. Scott said it was mediacom’s line and he had already notified them. Councilman Lester made a motion to remove the old school flashers on Scranton and Burlingame Ave. and replace them with fifteen (15) mph speed limit signs. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 5 – 0. Scott asked if the city was still removing trees that are under city electric lines. Council stated yes. The Mayor asked that Scott make contact with the property owner first. Inform them of what their options are and let them decide how they would like the city to proceed.If there are any issues with the property owner the mayor will handle it.

Chief Scott Lester didn’t have anything for the fire department. Councilman Croucher wanted it stated that the department has not spent any of the grant money and Cody Heckman was still working on getting the gear at a cheaper rate.

Councilman Croucher made a motion at 8:55 p.m. for a ten-minute break. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 4 – 0 – 1 (Barnes). Council returned to regular session at 9:55 p.m.

Chief Bob Doepp gave the police department report. Councilman Croucher made a motion to have D&D Tier repair the oil cooling lines on unit 2 for $220.19. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 5 – 0. Councilman Barnes made a motion to approve housing, toll and food expenses for Chief Doepp to go to Wichita for training Jan. 8th, 9th and 10th not to exceed the current state expense rates. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 4 – 1 (Lester). Councilman Croucher made a motion to purchase a new video camera to be installed (by Chief Doepp) in unit 1 for a cost of $3995.00 to be taken out of the Special Equipment fund. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried5 – 0.

Councilman Croucher made a motion to allow the clerk to run payroll early (Dec. 21st) and include early checks for the council. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 4 – 1 (Lester). Councilman Barnes made a motion to distribute the employee bonus checks immediately instead of on Dec. 12th. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 4 – 1 (Lester).

Councilman Mayfield made a motion to make Monday Dec. 24th a paid holiday. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Carried 4 – 1 (Lester).

June 28th will be the date for the Saturday in the Park celebration and July 12th was set for the rain out date if needed.

Councilman Croucher made a motion to give free utility service to Richard Henderson for his current statement. Motion was second by Councilman Mayfield. Carried 5 – 0.

Council instructed Mark Works to only attend the second council meeting of each month starting with the December 18th meeting.

Councilman Lester will contact Paul Schmidt about the speed limit signs for W. North Street.

Councilman Crouchermade a motion to approve ordinances 4344 to allow payment of the city debts and payroll. Motion was second by Councilman Hulsopple. Carried 5 – 0.

CouncilmanHulsopplemade a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Motion was second by Councilman Croucher. Motion carried 5– 0.


Bobi Morris

City Clerk

Approved 12/18/07