UCML Steering Group and Executive Committee

Nomination Form for November 2011 elections

(posts effective from 1stJanuary 2012)

If you wish to stand for election to the UCML steering group/executive please return this form. Your nomination should be supported by a proposer and seconder who will be based in institutions or associations who are members of UCML or of a recognised academic institution/subject association. The form should be returned electronically to UCML’s secretariat c/o Claire Wilkins at the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies, to:

Deadline for return of nominations:4th November 2011

Constituency (see list of vacancies below): Hispanic and Lusophone Studies......

Nominee:Dr. David Frier

Institutional affiliation: University of Leeds

Postal address: Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Michael Sadler Building, The University of Leeds, LS2 9JT.

Email address:

Proposed by:Professor Thomas Earle

Institution:Sub-Faculty of Portuguese, Oxford University

Seconded by: Professor Mike Thompson

Institution:School of Modern Languages and Cultures, The University of Durham


Vice Chair, Research

Vice Chair, Engagement and External Communication

Vice Chair, Language and Intercultural Education

Area Studies Representative

Germanic Studies Representative

Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Representative

Institution Wide Language Teaching Representative

Linguistics Representative

Slavonic and East European Studies Representative

Candidate’s election statement should include present post, relevant experience and expectations. Candidates are advised to read the relevant role profile and the UCML Constitution and Standing Orders to inform their candidature.

(candidates’ statements should not exceed 150 words. They will be circulated to UCML’s membership with the ballot paper)

I am Senior Lecturer in Portuguese at the University of Leeds, where I was Head of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies from 2007 to 2010. I am currently President of the Association of British and Irish Lusitanists. In this role I have nourished relationships with relevant academic associations and cultural organisations and liaised with HEFCE, government departments, embassies and other universities to articulate the interests of the discipline. I have been a member of the LLAS Subject Centre’s Special Interest Group for Literary and Cultural Studies, and I am sensitive to current issues in all aspects of Modern Languages Studies. I would be proactive in listening to and representing the interests of Hispanic and Lusophone Studies, both nationally and internationally. As the university environment changes rapidly, my wide-ranging experience and strong professional network will allow me to contribute to UCML achieving its targets and lobbying government and funding bodies.