Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Library Board of the City of Saint Peter was conducted at the St. Peter Public Library, Tuesday, May 14, 2013.

I. Call to Order:

The Library Board meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm by Vice-Chair Mary Ann Harty. The following board members were present: Diana Good, Mary Ann Harty, Shanon Nowell, and Susie Carlin. Ex Officio members present: Doug Wolfe and Jane Timmerman.

II. Selection of Officers

Motion was made by Harty, seconded by Carlin to elect Shannon Nowell as Chair of the Library Board. With all in favor, motion carried.

Motion was made by Carlin, seconded by Good to elect Harty as Vice Chair. With all in favor, motion carried.

Carlin made a motion to nominate Good as Secretary. Motion seconded by Harty. With all in favor, motion carried.

III. Approval of Agenda:

Motion was made by Carlin and seconded by Harty to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

IV. Approval of Minutes:

Motion was made by Carlin and seconded by Nowell to approve the November 13, 2012 meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

V. Librarian Report:

Summary of activities:

·  Wolfe informed board that sixty-three digital online magazines would be available in early June. The subscriptions are paid through the Traverse des Sioux Regional System. These will be available in addition to current hard copies of magazines.

·  A “Bag Sale” for used books is set for Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18 during library hours.


·  No report.

Traverse des Sioux Director’s meeting:

·  Courier service to Saint Peter was scheduled Tuesday–Saturday and is now re-scheduled for Monday – Friday service.

·  Funding for ACHF is potentially in jeopardy at the state level. Wolfe will keep us informed.

St. Peter Reads:

·  St. Peter Reads Book Festival, April 6, 2013, was a very successful event. It is becoming well known in attendance and reputation.

Staff Updates:

·  Two new circulation clerks have been hired and are in the process of being trained.

·  Tosha Anderson is the new Library Associate.

VI. Old Business:

A. Friends of the Library Update

The Friends of the Library held a silent auction event during the Book Festival. Approximately $800 was raised to help support the library. Preparations are being made for a Friends of the Library membership drive. The Executive Committee is developing an Investment Strategy to manage funds.

B. Continuation of Policy and Procedures review


VII. New Business

A.  Fine Free Days

Beginning Friday, May 24 and for the remainder of the year, the last Friday of the month will be Fine Free Friday. Patrons from Saint Peter may return overdue materials and fines will be waived. (Note: fines that are currently outstanding are not subject to waiver)

B.  Rec Connection

This summer, the summer recreation program and the summer reading program are working together to encourage reading throughout the vacation months. The Kick Off event will be
“Meet the Coaches” at the library for all T-ball and Squirts players and families. The event will include Rec Coaches reading stories, conducting batting practice and serving refreshments. On several baseball exhibition nights, the children’s librarian will lead story times and activities at Jefferson Field for siblings of players. Other activities are planned with ongoing recreation programs to encourage reading throughout the summer.

C.  Summer Reading Program:

Wolfe distributed the 2013 Summer Reading Program Brochure. The program runs from June 4–August 15.

VIII. Adjourn

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned on a motion by Carlin and second by Good. Motion passed unanimously. Next meeting date is Tuesday, July 9 at 5:30 p.m.

Shannon Nowell, Chair

Diana Good, Secretary
