1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Members in attendance: Bernadette de la Fuente, Rita Green, Art Korte, David
Lancaster, Chad Meyer, Tim Norton, Peter Tuffli, Alderman T. J Redmond, and
City Administrator George Liyeos. Since this meeting was set up to have a
discussion with, and receive comments and reactions from the Mayor and
Alderpersons about the Draft of the Residential Redevelopment and Design
Guidelines there were the additional attendees: Mayor Julie Morgan, Alderwoman
Sherri McCann, and Alderman Phillip Scherry.
3. Approval of the April 4th and April 12th, 2006 meeting minutes.
A Motion was made by Rita Green and seconded by Art Korte that the approval of the Minutes of previous meetings be tabled until the May 3rd meeting. The Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approval of the agenda for this meeting.
A Motion was made by Art Korte and seconded by Chad Meyer to approve the agenda. The Motion carried unanimously.
Prior to the meeting Commission Members were given copies of letters from Mr. Jay Brunk, Select Custom Builders; representatives from Mayer Homes; and from John Suelthaus from Kingbridge Homes, LLC.
5. Update from the Chairman regarding the MVOB and Draft Sign Ordinances.
There was nothing to report.
6. Follow up and further discussion regarding the Residential Design Review
Alderwoman Sherri McCann noted that some developers see the Guidelines as restrictive, and recommended that perhaps PGAV could mediate the Guidelines instead of rushing to approve them.
Chad Meyers indicated that he has spoken with some builders who realize what P&Z is trying to do with the Guidelines.
He did point out and obvious contradiction with the expectation that with a new building there is the need for brick on the front of the building and that the rest of the home could be all siding, as opposed to a different standard applied to a rehab of an existing building that may require that the entire rehab conform to the rest of the building and be all brick.
Rita stated that builders must to be provided with information so that they know what is expected of them.
Mayor Julie Morgan spoke of the restrictive nature of the Guidelines when dealing with 50’ lots – there needs to be a maximizing of usable square footage.
David Lancaster provided examples of numerous housing plans from the internet that show great variety and possibilities within the limitation of a 50’ wide lot.
Chad Meyer noted that builders have the mistaken impression that we do not want homes with front garages.
Sherri then inquired about the helpfulness in having ordinances that exclude garages from protruding a defined distance from the front of the house.
Alderman T.J. Redmond asked how can square footage be replaced without putting the garage farther out from the house?
Bernadette de la Fuente spoke of that being a design problem, and that incentive based design could be initiated. As it is now some builders are not looking at the surrounding neighborhood in what they design, and they provide designs that are repetitious with little or no design character.
Alderwoman McCann stated that there are many examples of good designs, and that we have to work together to make our neighborhoods “work”.
Rita Green stated the Rock Hill is one of the last bastions that allows “garage” homes. The proposed Guidelines she noted give a good idea of what is expected and what we are trying to do.
Alderman Scherry spoke to the fact that the Development and Site Plan Ordinances support what the Guidelines are all about.
Chad Meyer than noted the subjective nature of the Guidelines from the standpoint of what does it mean that a garage is sticking out too far from the front of the home?
Bernadette de la Fuente then spoke of how P&Z will review the existing Ordinances and determine what needs to be done to draft more appropriate Ordinances. Rita Green concurred stating that it is necessary to get the Guidelines approved even though there are many holes in the existing Ordinances. There are many things that P&Z needs and wants to do for example deal with greenspace, tree cutting, etc.
The question was asked “how does this process get us started?” David Lancaster reiterated that Builders will know from now on that the Guidelines are what we expect to preserve Rock Hill.
T.J. Redmond seconded that thought stating that once the Guidelines are in force there can no longer be any excuses. He suggested that Mayer Homes, for example, will modify their designs but should not get any preferences.
George Liyeos spoke of what we need to bend on and not bend on, for example we cannot expect that all new homes have rear entry garages, or detached garages.
Rita Green again brought up the issue of using incentives for giving an increase in usable green space for better designs for garages.
Mr. Redmond offered the opinion that Mayer Homes and other builders will in fact work with us, but that they want and expect to be listened to.
Bernadette de la Fuente noted that this will be a process of give and take as we move along.
Chad Meyer affirmed that we cannot have an attitude of “us vs. them”.
Mr. Liyeos informed the gathering that the Home Builders Association has been sent a copy of the Guidelines, but as yet has not weighed in with its thoughts and or suggestions.
A suggestion was made to have Carlos Trio have a work session with P&Z.
Mayor Morgan directed her suggestion that in preparation for the first reading for the Guidelines that the Board of Alderpersons gets the reaction from the Home Builders Association.
Alderwoman McCann spoke to the necessity of getting this matter “right”, and that the Guidelines are a good base from which to start to “fix” the Ordinances.
Mr. Liyeos addressed the fact that Rock Hill is attracting homebuyers and that we should expect more from homebuilders. However, we must be realistic and bend on certain issues such as the requirement for brick. Rita Green noted that the issue of brick was done as a bandaid ordinance, and P&Z knows that that issue has problems. The whole materials issue needs to be reviewed regarding conflicts with its approach.
Alderwoman McCann noted the necessity of having all the Alderpersons on board on the issues of the Guidelines. Mr. Liyeos suggested that it be brought up at a Board Meeting.
Mr. Redmond asked what is being done in the meantime? Mr. Liyeos assured him that everyone is now being given a copy of the Guidelines. The Guidelines are a clarification of existing Ordinances, noted Mr. Liyeos.
Alderman Scherry asked about a timeline for cleaning up the Ordinances. Bernadette de la Fuente stated the P&Z will continue to plan comprehensively and work to make sure that the process is done well and right.
Residents then voiced their concerns about issues relating to the new homes on O’Day especially regarding dirt, runoff, and construction debris. Mr. Liyeos reminded them that code enforcement is not a P&Z matter, and that enforcement is being addressed. Should anyone have any concerns with code enforcement they should contact him, and he and the Building Inspector, Neil Cantwell, will deal with particular problems.
A Motion was made by Chad Meyer and seconded by Rita Green to adjourn the meeting. The Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.
Art Korte, Secretary Date
David Lancaster, Chairman