Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm at Plymouth City Hall

The Plymouth Council met in regular session on Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Mayor Jon Vrieze called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the following members present: Eric Abundis, Jeff Robak, Amy Berding, Gary Clark, and Wade Eastman.

Others present: Ric Vermedal, Bev Torgeson, Sarah Innis, Brenda Abundis, Amy Clark, David Deinhart, Dianna Anderson, and Ashley Martin

Agenda was unanimously approved as presented with a motion by Berdingand seconded by Clark.

Departmental reports were given starting with Ric. Ric stated that the Pine street project is going good. The contractors need to put in a shoulder and they will be done. Ric discussed the manholes in the pasture needing to be replaced. He estimated the cost of replacing five manholes would cost the city $10,500. After much discussion from Ric and the council, it was agreed that the leaks need to be fixed. Spencer Howe is the contractor that Ric has been in contact with and will continue to work with him.

Motion by Berding, seconded by Clark, to approve the replacement of the five manholes in the pasture that are leaking. All Ayes.

Martin informed the council that she has been in touch with Data Tech for some training. There are two options available: 1) would be an on hands training where someone would come from Data Tech for $600/day plus the city would pay for their mileage, food, lodging, and any other expenses. 2) Would be a training over the phone at the cost of $95/hr. Martin strongly urged the council to consider this training for her. Martin felt comfortable with the phone training and stated that the training would be 4-6 hours.

Motion by Berding, seconded by Clark, to approve the phone training for Martin with Data Tech. All Ayes.

New city credit cards were also a topic Martin brought up. She informed the council that when the last clerk left she closed the city credit cards. When Martin called to open them back up she found out her personal information had to be tied to it. Ric stated he did not feel comfortable with this and would like Martin to look at different options. Martin told the council she’d get a city credit card for her and look at setting up a credit account for gas for Ric.

Motion by Robak, seconded by Eastman, to approve of a credit account for Ric and Martin to open a city credit account in her name. All Ayes.

The petty cash box was brought up by Martin. She stated her concern to the council about it. She stated that there was no petty cash fund account and there was no way for her to track how much was in there or replenish it. She told the council she could make a fund and replenish it every month or she could just get rid of it. The council left that discussion to Martin.

Martin discussed that idea of paying bills that come in with a due date before the next council meeting. She stated that there is a claims report that she can run that will pull any checks she wrote so the council can see which bills she paid, if any, during that time. Martin stated that since there are two signatures on checks she would have to talk to either Mayor Vrieze or Berding before mailing the bill out.

Motion by Berding, seconded by Clark, to approve Martin paying bills before the due date if the next council meeting is after the due date. All Ayes.

Martin brought up questions concerning dog tags. Martin stated that it is a State code that dog owners have to get their dogs vaccinated and the city code would not supersede that code. She stated that there was no revenue for the city having dog tags after paying from them, sending out letters, postage, and the clerk’s time. After some discussion, council decided to keep the dog tags in place.

Mayor Vrieze gave an update on the demolishing of the yellow house at 504 Broad St. The contractor is behind on his projects but still has Plymouth on his agenda for the year.

David Deinhart from Absolute Waste Removal presented an example of a three year contract. Prices will not increase outside contract unless North Iowa Landfill increases their prices. The contract prices will increase .25 cent each year on the anniversary date for garbage/recycling. Absolute Waste Removal will still collect garbage and recyclables every week. The city will still be provided one city wide curb side clean up a year.

Motion by Robak, seconded by Berding, to approve the Absolute Waste Removal three year contract. All Ayes.

Council discussed the hiring and benefits for Martin. An hourly rate of $14.00 with $100 medical premium once a month.

Motion by Clark, seconded by Berding, to approve $100 to Martin a month for insurance. All Ayes.

Berdingmade a motion to approve adding Ashley Martin to the city’s checking account. Clark 2nd that motion. All Ayes.

Approval of the 10/6/2016 was tabled until next meeting.

Motion by Eastman, seconded by Clark, to approve the October bills. All Ayes.

Mayor Vrieze reported about the cars on Rock Street. He has been in contact with the owner and informed Vrieze that three cars are in storage, one is sold to the neighbor, and there are three more. Vrieze told the owner the three remaining cars need to be moved off the street before the snow falls.

Clark stated he has been in contact with his neighbor about a car in the street. The neighbor will be getting a lien to up and be parking the car in there.

Berding, Abundis, and Robak agreed to take turns changing the Plymouth sign. Martin will pass on any suggests for the signs and keep the keys and letters in the Hall.

Having no further business, Robak made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Berdingseconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09p.m.