R E G U L A R M E E T I N G NOVEMBER 2, 2015
BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass Christian, Mississippi met on the above date at the Municipal Court Bldg., 105 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian, Mississippi, at 6:00 p.m., same being the time and place for said meeting.
PRESENT: Mayor Chipper McDermott, Alderman Anthony Hall, Alderman W. Earl Washington, Sr., Alderman Buddy Clarke, Alderman Victor Pickich, Alderman Kenny Torgeson, Chief of Police Hendricks, City Attorney Malcolm Jones and City Clerk Marian Gest.
There being a quorum present to transact the business of the City, the following proceedings were had and done.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, minutes of the October 20, 2015 Regular Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting, as requested by Dawn Sanders, Deputy City Clerk. A-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, Shared Use Agreement with PC School District and City for use of Gym for City Recreation Department for basketball practices not to exceed $350.00. A-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, City Attorney to enter Disclaimer in Tax Title Confirmation Suit in the case styled, Fore and Rury v. City of Pass Christian, et als., Chancery Court, Harrison County, MS, 1JD, in Cause No. 15-2453(3) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quitclaim deed to the Plaintiffs upon receipt of payment of back taxes, accrued interest, and costs as determined by City Clerk. A-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, to discuss appointment of Mayor for Phillip F. Wittman to serve as Hearing Officer for citizen appeals for request for adjustment of utility accounts per City ordinance. (The hearing officer will be paid an hourly rate and work on an “as needed” basis.)
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, to table appointment of Mayor for Phillip F. Wittman to serve as Hearing Officer for citizen appeals for request for adjustment of utility accounts.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, Pass Christian Middle School for the use of and waiver of fees at Memorial Park on Saturday, November 21, 2015, from 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. for a Fun Run for approximately 100 students, this bringing favorable notice and resources to the City, as requested by Payton Ragon, K-5 Physical Education Instructor. A-5.
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Alderman Clarke recused himself at this time during the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, adopting resolution authorizing and directing Mayor and City Clerk to execute Quitclaim Deed to Skyler Hattiesburg, LLC to correct error in legal description in previous warranty deed to City for acquisition of vacant lot for North library parking lot. A-6.
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At this time, Alderman Clarke returned to the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, hearing update from Jennifer Burke on Splash Pad, as requested by Mayor Chipper McDermott.
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board unanimously denied, adjustment request for William Arey in the amount of $127.60 in sewer charges for 24,000 gallons of water usage in September and for actual usage for October which will be a second request for adjustment that was/is used to water new sod. The excess water ran into the yard and did not enter the City sewer, as requested by Bruce Anthony, WPSCO/Utilities Manager. W-1.
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Alderman Clarke recused himself at this time during the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve Application PD-23-2015, James Crane as agent for Kirby Stumpf, at 107 Cedarwood Point, Variance from the maximum driveway width requirement of 12-feet, and from the Parking Standards for access to under house parking a the front façade of the house with a garage door, as requested by City Planner, Danit Simon. PD-1.
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At this time, Alderman Clarke returned to the meeting.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve Application PD-26-2015, William Wingfield, 915 East Scenic Drive, Variance from the maximum size of an Ancillary Dwelling Unit (“ADU”) to construct a 2,333 square foot ADU to the rear of the main house, as requested by City Planner, Danit Simon. PD-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, City Planner’s recommendation to approve the Re-Subdivision of 112 & 114 Vista Drive, Tax Parcels #0313L-02-033.000 & 0313L-02-032.000. The property owners, Shephard Jr. & Karen Patton, propose combining the two lots, as requested by City Planner, Danit Simon. PD-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, Public Works to cut the grass on the property owned by Thomas Benoit Jr. located at 388 Grayson Ave. (Parcel No. 0312P-02-031.000), a public menace pursuant to MS Statutes Section 21-19’11, as requested by Shad Jeanfreau, Building Official. CO-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, Cecil Lizana to submit reconsider order of demolition of home located at 123 North St., owned by Rosemond Ward, as requested by Shad Jeanfreau, Building Official. CO-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, allowing Mr. Lizana to tear down or have plans for reconstruction by the first meeting in January 2016.
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved unanimously, the Code Enforcement Officer, Shad Jeanfreau, to file Affidavit in Municipal Court against Daniel Webster, 215 E. North St., for violation of International Property Maintenance Code on the basis of not installing siding. CO-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, hearing update from Shad Jeanfreau on city slabs, as requested by Mayor Chipper McDermott.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, accepting check in the amount of $400.00 from Timber Ridge Woman’s Club for the purchase of body cameras for the Police Department and to amend the budget accordingly, as requested by Chief Timothy Hendricks. P-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, the Pass Christian Police Department to participate in the Impaired Driving Special Wave Grant with the Office of Highway Safety from December 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016, as requested by Chief Timothy Hendricks. P-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved, request for the following Police Reserves and Program to come under the control of the Police Department Police Chief for City sponsored functions, events and for private security details as provided in MCA section 17-25-11 and that the proposed employment is not likely to bring disrepute to the employing jurisdiction or its law enforcement agency, the officer at issue, or law enforcement generally, and that the use of the official uniform and weapon in the discharge of the officer’s private security endeavor promotes the public interest, as request by Chief Timothy Hendricks. P-3.
- David Spence - John Pope
- Chris McKay - Andy Purchner
- Robert Powe - Travis McLauren
- Thomas Hawkins - Diamond Woodman
- Alex Mitchell - Lisa Bradley
- Paula Dedeaux - Stephanie Stewart
- Regina Charlot - Dwight Gordon
§ Alderman Clarke: Aye
§ Alderman Washington: Aye
§ Alderman Torgeson: Aye
§ Alderman Pickich: Aye
§ Alderman Hall: Nay
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, request to evict the following customers from the Pass Christian Harbor for non-payment of boat slip rental in excess of 60 days past due on pleasure pier and 120 days past due on the commercial pier if they are not paid by November 1, 2015. Accounts will be submitted to a collection agency if not paid in full after vessel has vacated the harbor, as requested by Willie Davis, Harbormaster. H-1.
#00317 & #00222
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, the purchase of the following items under State Contract to be purchased out of Capital Improvement funds, as requested by Willie Davis, Harbormaster. H-2.
- 2016 Toyota Tacoma $22,675.00
(State Contract #8200014505)
- 2016 Ford F-250 XL $26,038.00
(State Contract #8200021746)
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, hearing update from City Attorney on West Harbor status of businesses (Snowball), as requested by Mayor McDermott.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, recommendation to hire Barry Necaise to fill the Operator I position with a hire date of November 4, 2015 and a starting rate of pay at $9.00 per hour, as requested by Russell Holliman, Public Works Director.
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Upon motion of Alderman Clarke, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, the purchase of the following item to be purchased out of Capital Improvement funds, as requested by Russell Holliman, Public Works Director. PW-2.
- 2 – Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Pickup Trucks $19,767.00/each
(State Contract #8200021742)
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, the purchase of the following item to be purchased out of Capital Improvement funds and to be used for events such as Cruising the Coast, Christmas in the Pass and Mardi Gras, along with other special events, as requested by Russell Holliman, Public Works Director. PW-3.
- 1 - RTVX900 W-H Kubota $12,324.00
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, the purchase of the following item to be purchased out of Capital Improvement funds, as requested by Russell Holliman, Public Works Director. PW-4.
- 1 – Caterpillar 259D Skid Steer $49,800.00
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, advertising to accept bids through 3:00 p.m. November 17, 2015 and to be opened same day at the Mayor and Board of Aldermen Meeting for the following items to be purchased out of Capital Improvement funds, as requested by Russell Holliman, Public Works Director. PW-5.
- 1.8 Asphalt Patcher PB Model BC
- 4.5 Cubic Yard Street Sweeper
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, declaring Harbor Skid Steer, model #317 as surplus and to be sold in Public Auction at the Long Beach Auction, with the same terms, conditions, and contract as last sale by Auction and removed from the City’s insurance and inventory. PW-6.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, amending prior approval request for the following purchase under new State Contract, prior State Contract expired September 30, 2015, as requested by Wes Jones, Beautification Director. B-1.
§ Two Ford F-150 XL Crew Cab pick-Ups (8200021746) $22,944.00/each
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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, request to send City Attorney to the Mississippi Municipal Attorneys’ Winter Conference, Thursday, January 14, 2016 in Jackson, MS. No lodging, per diem $20.00 and the use of city vehicle, as requested by Marian Gest, City Clerk. CA-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, request to send Officer’s Scott Grady to a 3-day First Line Supervisor course in Biloxi, MS, January 26-28, 2016 at the Mississippi State University Extension Center, registration fee $295.00 and the use of City vehicle, as request by Chief Timothy Hendricks. CA-2.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, oath of office taken from Phillip E. Carden as Narcotics/Investigator Officer, as requested by Marian Gest, City Clerk. CA-3.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, oath of office taken from Samuel B. Thompson as Patrol Officer, as requested by Marian Gest, City Clerk. CA-4.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, payment of the following A. Garner Russell & Associates, Inc. invoices in the amount of $9,180.80 and to amend the budget accordingly, as recommended by Bob Escher, City Engineer. CA-5.
Invoice 12719 $ 540.00
Invoice 12720 $ 4,267.50
Invoice 12721 $ 4,372.50
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved unanimously, Claims Docket in the amount of $301,650.78. CD-1.
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Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, to accept Addendum items.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously, payment to AT & T in the amount of $7,818.00 for preparation fees to relocate Aerial Facilities buried along Davis Av. from Hwy 90 to E. 2nd street.
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Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Pickich, the Board approved unanimously, motion to recess.
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Mayor Date
City Clerk Date