Document Title: / TIA proposed amendment to RESOLUTION GSC-15/30: (Plenary)Machine to Machine (Revised)
Source: / TIA
Contact: / Cheryl Blum
GSC Session: / PLENARY
Agenda Item: / 6.9
RESOLUTION GSC-1615/30: (Plenary)Machine to Machine (AmendmentNew)

The 165thGlobal Standards Collaboration meeting (HalifaxBeijing, 30 OctoberAugust–32NovemberSeptember 20110)


a)Beyond the 5 billion devices connected to the Internet, the potential for greatest growth comes from machine-to-machine (M2M) deployments, involving networked security cameras and sensors, connected home appliances and HVAC equipment, ITS infrastructure for traffic and parking management, sophisticated smart grids etc..

b)M2Mis seeing positive industry trends and is recognized globally by governments and private initiatives.

c)The M2M market hashuge potential both in terms of size and growth for all parties involved in the M2M value chain.

d)The availability of global standards will be an important enabler for connecting multiple devices in complex systems and reaching economiesof scale, for manufacturers and solution providers.


a)That standards are most conducive to economies of scale if they are compatible worldwide.

b)That many organizations around the world, including PSOs, are working on M2M standardization; thereby increasing the possibility of redundant or conflicting standards.

c)That global coordination and collaboration willreduce the risk of standards duplication and will increase standardization effectiveness.

d)That coherentglobal standards should be developed whenever feasible.

e)That M2M introduces new components that are distinct from user communications and need to be made coherent with the work of existing communication networks including NGN.

f)That GSC’s mission is to reduce duplication, foster synergy, and encourage coherence.

g)In light of the work conducted by GSC MSTF since GSC-16

Amends GSC15-Res30 and Resolves:

1)To establish a GSC M2M Standardization Task Force (MSTF) to facilitate global coordination and harmonization.

2)To openly share relevant M2M material through liaisons, meeting invitations, etc.

3)To outline the worldwide M2M activity map and make recommendations on current and future activities

4)To encourage broad participation in the MSTF by GSC members and beyond

5)MSTF to report to GSC -16 on its activities and recommendations.

That Jeff Smith () will be the convenor of MSTF until GSC-16

1)To renew the GSC MSTF for another term until GSC-17

2)To endeavour to:

  1. Position the GSC MSTF as a non-standards development forum the purpose of which is to strengthen the work of international bodies focusing on M2M standards such as but not limited to ITU IoT, ETSI TC M2M, TIA TR-50 and CCSA TC10.
  2. Build the GSC MSTF as a global source of valuable information coming from an eclectic range of sources, both traditional and non-traditional players in the M2M standards arena (in particular vertical market groups, fora and associations).
  1. Establish the GSC MSTF as a venue where ideas on M2M can be debated and exchanged outside a formal standardization process framework.

3)To appoint Jeff Smith () as the chair of the GSC MSTF until GSC-17. The chair coordinates, and steers the direction of the GSC MSTF including convening meetings, in accordance with the GSC Governing Principles. In addition, the GSC MSTF chair may appoint a coordinator or other administrator(s) to facilitate the operation of the GSC MSTF. The chair represents the GSC MSTF in standardization fora and other venues.

4)To appoint two vice chairs until GSC-17; chair and vice-chairs to be representing different continents. The vice-chairs provide input to the chair in administering the GSC MSTF and may preside over GSC MSTF meetings in the absence of the chair. The vice-chairs may represent the GSC MSTF upon request from the chair.

5)To name TIA as the home and secretariat of the GSC MSTF until GSC-17

6)To open the GSC MSTF to representatives from SDOs, vertical market organizations, fora, groups and companies with an interest in M2M (“the participants”). Participation must receive approval from chair or vice chair, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

7)To have a list of GSC MSTF participants maintained at the GSC MSTF home and freely accessible by GSC MSTF participants.

8)To grant the following privileges to GSC MSTF participants:

As directed by the GSC MSTF chair:

  1. May author and present contributions at GSC MSTF meetings
  2. May review and contribute to GSC MSTF report to GSC
  3. May access GSC MSTF information repository

9)To organize 2 GSC MSTF meetings until GSC-17

10)To identify GSC MSTF correspondents by vertical market to be in charge of maintaining database/repository of M2M-related organizations and relevant information. Repository should be hosted at GSC MSTF home and freely accessible by GSC MSTF participants. Markets could include but not limited to:

  1. Automotive
  2. Finance and other payment-related activities
  3. Healthcare
  4. Home automation/building automation/physical security
  5. Manufacturing and industrial automation
  6. Smart Grid and utilities
  7. Supply Chain
  8. Other verticals
  9. Other horizontals

11)To liaise with GSC SDOs on as needed basis.

12)To report to GSC-17 on the GSC MSTF’s activities and recommendations. Said report must be approved by chair and vice-chairs for submission.


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