City of Mechanicsville


January 24, 2008

The Mechanicsville City Council met in special session on Thursday, January 24, 2008 at City Hall. Mayor David L. Furry called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council members presentfor roll call were Jeff Christianson, Larry Beck, Carla Barnhart and Gene Brown. Vacancy: Pam Logue-Newcomb. Others present included Jim Barber, Alan Zerbe, Rhett Taylor, Sherie Paup, Bryan Lovell, Doyle Pickering, John Deahl, Dan Paidar, and Doug Cook.

OPPORTUNITY for any citizen present to discuss items not on the agenda:


CONSENT AGENDA: Larry Beck motioned, Jeff Christianson seconded to approve the minutes from 1/14/08 and the agenda. Roll call vote: Ayes: Christianson, Beck, Barnhart and Brown. Nays: None. Vacancy: Pam Logue-Newcomb. Motion carried.

Resignation of Pam Logue-Newcomb, Council seat: Larry Beck motioned to accept with regrets a letter of resignation from Pam Logue-Newcomb from the council. The motion was seconded by Carla Barnhart. Ayes all. Motion carried.

Larry Beck motioned, Jeff Christianson seconded to publish a notice regarding the councils intent to fill the vacancy by appointment. Ayes all. Motion carried.

Resignation of Marianne Bohr, Planning & Zoning Commission: Carla Barnhart motioned, Larry Beck seconded to accept the resignation of Marianne Bohr from the Planning & Zoning Commission. Ayes all. Motion carried.

Request IDOT to complete Traffic Engineer Assistance Program study: Follow up information was received from the DOT indicating that the study would provide up to 100 hours of work from a consulting engineer to help define any school pedestrian or bicyclist problems and would help identify the best practical solutions. The only financial obligation would be if the City chose to expand the consultants study beyond the purpose of the SRTS. Larry Beck motioned, Jeff Christianson seconded to request the TEAP study. Ayes all. Motion carried.

Budget Work Session: Council reviewed proposed budgets from various departments and identified details needed for the bond attorney to complete a resolution for borrowing the balance of funds needed to complete the purchase of the $204,200 fire truck. A total of $104,324 less a transfer of Local Option sales tax in the amount of $40,000 leaves a balance needed of $64,324. A transfer of $15,000 from the ambulance fund could be considered for making the first payment. Tax rates and amounts for the township trustee contracts were reviewed. The ambulance requested consideration be given to the purchase of a laptop, pulse oximeter and a vacuum splint as well as a request to transfer the proceeds of the sale of the ambulance and rebate received from Ford from the General Fund to the Ambulance Trust Fund. The solid waste fund budget includes $170,000 for the purchase and replacement of the garbage truck with the difference to be borrowed. The solid waste committee will meet with Clarence to determine feasibility of a 28E agreement in sharing the purchase of a truck. Consideration was given to applying dust control to the gravel on 125th Street from Road Use Tax funds. General Fund discussions included but not limited to replacing trimmers, library roof maintenance, rear doors at Memorial building & post office door and flooring, replacing tables, weather-stripping doors at shop; replacing furnaces at fire station; lettering on fire truck; Shoreline to charge electronics in the fire truck; foam nozzle; roof maintenance on back half of apparatus building; weather stripping overhead fire doors; replacing door jamb on west door. A discussion on cost of living increases and whether the 2.4% should be applied individually or a fixed amount per hour be calculated and applied equally (example. full time employees 45 cents, part time 28 cents.)

The next meeting will be: 2-11-08 at 7:00 p.m.

ADJOURN: There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, council member Larry Beck motioned, Carla Barnhart seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 p.m. Ayes all. Meeting adjourned.



Linda K. Coppess, CMCDavid L. Furry, Mayor

City Clerk/Finance Officer