Planning Commission Minutes
April 13, 2010 Meeting Page - 4
Planning Commission
April 13, 2010 Meeting
City of Huber Heights
I. Chair Jeff Hallett called the meeting to order at approximately 7:00 p.m.
II. Present at the meeting: Ms. LaGrone, Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Walton, and Mr. Hallett.
Members Absent: Mr. Layton. His absence was excused.
Staff present at the meeting: Scott Falkowski, Engineer, and Margaret Muhl, Planning and Development Department.
III. Opening Remarks by the Chairman and Commissioners
IV. Citizens Comments
V. Swearing of Witnesses
Mr. Hallett explained the proceedings of tonight’s meeting and administered the sworn oath to all persons wishing to speak or give testimony regarding items on the agenda. All persons present responded in the affirmative.
VI. Pending Business
1. (CONTINUED) REPLAT – Applicant, GWINN ELLIOTT, is requesting approval of a replat of 1.169 acres of property located at 6522 Blackfoot Street (PL 09-03).
Scott Falkowski advised staff had requested additional information of the applicant, which has not yet been provided. Therefore, staff is requesting that this matter be continued.
Without objection, Case PL 09-03 will be continued to April 27, 2010.
VII. New Business
1. SPECIAL USE – Applicant, MURRAY BROS., is requesting approval of a Special Use to hold the Spring Festival from May 6 to May 9, 2010 at 6121 Brandt Pike (ZC 08-06B).
Scott Falkowski stated the applicant has been running this festival at Marian Meadows for the last couple of years. This year the event is to be held from May 6 to May 9, 2010. He explained that six conditions have to be met by the applicant for the Special Use, which are as follows:
1. Any structures shall be at least 100 feet from any residence.
2. An adequate off-street parking area shall be provided on or adjacent to the grounds.
3. The sponsoring group shall provide site security and notify the Director of Public Safety or his/her designee of the dates of the activities.
4. The sponsoring group shall be responsible for the clean-up and removal of all trash and garbage in the area.
5. The sponsoring group shall be responsible to see that all activities are conducted within the hours of 9:00 a.m. and midnight.
6. The sponsoring group shall comply with all fire and safety regulations.
The application indicates that each of the six requirements have been addressed as in past years.
Mr. Falkowski proceeded to show an aerial photograph of the site.
Paul Murray of 6282 Ashborne, Cincinnati, Ohio, stated he had nothing to add to the presentation. He agreed to the six conditions, and explained this is nothing different from what they had been doing in the past.
Mr. Hallett moved to approve the Special Use for the applicant, Murray Bros., to hold their Spring Festival from May 6 to May 9, 2010 at 6121 Brandt Pike (ZC 08-06B) in accordance with Staff’s Memorandum dated March 26, 2010, and the proposed Planning Commission Decision Record attached thereto.
Seconded by Mr. Walton. Roll call showed: YEAS: Ms. LaGrone, Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Walton, and Mr. Hallett. NAYS: None. Motion to approve carried 4-0.
Mr. Falkowski advised the applicant to come in and obtain their permit from the Zoning Department.
2. MINOR CHANGE – Applicant, KAP Signs on behalf of Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dental Care, is requesting approval of a minor change to install a sign at a pre-approved location at property located at 8708 Old Troy Pike (ZC 05-03A).
Scott Falkowski proceeded to show an aerial photograph of the site. He stated that this site had received a previous approval for a sign which was located on an island in a parking lot. He showed the location on the photograph. Due to landscaping on a neighboring property, the sign is not easily visible. A temporary sign had been installed at the site, and he proceeded to show its location, but it was not an approved sign, nor was the location approved. The applicant’s proposal is for approval of a permanent sign at an approved location. The new location has better visibility from SR 202. He proceeded to explain the constraints connected with the site.
Mr. Hallett stated the area for the sign was not a pre-approved location. Mr. Falkowski explained the pre-approved location was further back. This is a different sign at a different location. The proposed sign is approximately 2.5’ off the curb line which meets Code requirements. The sign will be 6’ in height, including a 1.5’ base. The width of the sign would be 8’ and would be two-sided and consist of 72 sq. ft., which was less than what was permitted by Code. The sign will be illuminated with an acrylic and vinyl face.
Mr. Falkowski explained that a landscaping plan had not been submitted, but the applicant has agreed to comply with Code requirements. The applicant has well maintained landscaping at the site. He asked if Planning Commission would approve the request subject to the Zoning Department approving a landscape plan.
Mr. Rodriguez asked for further clarification regarding the location for the new sign. Mr. Falkowski explained the site location on the map shown, and also stated that the sign would be more visible from the main thoroughfare.
Monte Williams, 1608 Kuntz Road, stated he was representing the applicant, and would be willing to answer any questions the Commission might have regarding the request.
Mr. Hallett moved to approve the Minor Change request of the applicant, KAP Signs on behalf of Advanced Cosmetic & Family Dental Care, to install a sign at at property located at 6708 Old Troy Pike (ZC 05-03A) in accordance with Staff’s Memorandum dated March 26, 2010, and the Planning Commission Decision Record attached thereto.
Seconded by Ms. LaGrone. Roll call showed: YEAS: Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Walton, Ms. LaGrone, and Mr. Hallett. NAYS: None. Motion to approve carried 4-0.
Mr. Falkowski informed the applicant to contact Chris Lohr in Zoning for their permit.
VIII. Additional Business
IX. Approval of the Minutes
Without objection the minutes of the April 13, 2010 Planning Commission meeting were approved as written.
February minutes have not yet been approved due to the fact that Commission members who were present at the meeting have not been together in order to approve the minutes.
X. Reports and Calendar Review
Items for the May 11, 2010 Planning Commission meeting:
1. DEC Land Co I LLC – DDP approval for Section 15, Phase II and Section 12, Phase I.
2. Special Use for the former Yellow Freight Site.
3. BDP – Eastside Investment properties (Former Furrow’s site).
4. Minor Change – Signage at WalMart (Sulphur Grove).
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Hallett adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:15 p.m.
Jeff Hallett, Chairman Date
______Margaret A. Muhl, Administrative Secretary Date