City of Gaithersburg Watershed Restoration Status Narrative Questions

City of Gaithersburg Watershed Restoration Grant Program

Status ReportNarrative Questions

/ 410-974-2941

Complete the status report narrative questions below. After completing your narrative questions, save this document on your computer and then submit the document via your Chesapeake Bay Trust Online Grant System account. You can access your account using this link

1.Grantee Information

Organization Name:

Project Leader:

Grant Number:

2. Project Summary

  1. Describe the status of the project and results achieved during this reporting period.

Upload any photos, digital images, newsletter articles, or press clippings to supplement your written description. These supplemental files can be uploaded into your status report’s narrative section under “additional attachments,” located on your Chesapeake Bay Trust Online Grant System account.

DISCLAIMER: By submitting photos and videos in your final report, you are acknowledging ownership and copyright of the photos and videos submitted. The copyright will remain with the photographer. However, the Trust reserves the right to publish all items in publications, websites, advertising and promotional materials. You also confirm that you have written consent from all subjects in the photos/video submitted including if any subjects are minors under the age of eighteen.

3. City of Gaithersburg Watershed Restoration grant program narrative questions

  1. Provide updates for any pieces of your project that were proposed to be developed during this reporting period. For example, if you proposed to select project sites, provide updates on the sites selected.
  2. Describe how your project supportedthe City of Gaithersburg’sMunicipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit.
  3. If your project includes best management practice (BMP) implementation:
  4. Provide progress updates for the work that occurred during this reporting period (e.g., development of designs, project bids, scheduled implementation, or contractors that have been secured, etc.).
  5. Report the BMPtype and size (e.g., square footage of rain garden created, number of trees planted, etc.), for each BMP to include the following:
  6. Total drainage area treated and total area of impervious cover treated (% and square feet)
  7. Stormwater volume treated (gallons or inches)
  8. Report the load reduction in pounds per year for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids.
  9. Use a BMP load reduction calculator or calculation method that is compatible with Maryland Department of the Environment MS4 permit reporting requirements, such as the MD DNR Fielddoc Online BMP calculator available at with full instructions at
  10. For guidance, ask the grant manager, Jeffrey Popp, at 410-974-2941 ext 103 or
  11. Remember to schedule pre-construction meetings and a final site visit with the grant manager.
  12. Describe and provide any other items necessary for this reporting period as described in your signed and approved grant agreement.
  13. Do you need technical assistance with this project? (Yes or No)
  14. If yes, describe here and contact the Trust grant manager, Jeffrey Popp, at 410-974-2941 ext 103 or
  15. Do you have any substantial timeline changes? (Yes or No)
  16. If yes, describe here and contact the Trust grant manager, Jeffrey Popp, at 410-974-2941 ext 103 or
  17. Do you have any substantial budget changes? (Yes or No)
  18. If yes, describe here andcontact the Trust grant manager, Jeffrey Popp, at 410-974-2941 ext 103 or

4. Project evaluation and lessons learned

  1. Provide a written evaluation of this phase of the project and the method(s) used.
  2. Discuss major changes that have occurred in the project and how those changes will impact the next grant phase(s).
  3. Briefly describe any lessons learned, including challenges or potential roadblocks to future progress.
  4. How will you overcome these challenges during the next phase of the project?