City of Edinburgh Council Grant Aid Application Form

Communities and Families Holiday Activity Programme, 2018/20

The Holiday Activity Grants Programme (HAGP) has a minimum award level of £10,000. The funding periodwill start on 1st September 2018 and finish on 31st March 2020. An evaluation report, recording the outcomes achieved with supporting evidence, will be required for all awards

This form should be completed and submitted electronically to by 3pm on Tuesday 19thJune 2018. Any applications submitted after this time will not be assessed.

There is a guidance document to assist applicants in the completion of the form.

For additional information and guidance please contact: or telephone 0131 469 3457.

PART A – Organisation Details

A1.1 / Organisation Name
Project Title
Project Description (50 words maximum to be used in Committee report)
A1.2 / Organisation postal address
A1.3 / Organisation point ofcontact details for Council grants (name, email and phone number.)
Name / Position
email / Tel. Number
Chairpersons Details
email / Tel. Number
A1.4 / Organisational Governance – State the type of organisation you are for example, a registered charity or a registered company. If your agency is not a registered charity or company, please state if you have a Constitution / Statement of Aims / Memorandum and Articles (relevant documents must be supplied on request)
A1.5 / OSCR Registration Number if applicable
A1.6 / Companies House Registration Number if applicable
A2 / Volunteers
Please indicate your organisation’s approach to any volunteering it benefits from. / Please mark appropriately
No / Yes
The organisation benefits from the services of volunteers in delivering the service or activity
Basic guidelines for involving volunteers in particular areas of service recruitment
Vetting & PVG checks
Volunteer agreement
Grievance procedures
Dismissal policy
A3 / Work with children and/or adults at risk
If your organisation undertakes work which involves working with children and/or vulnerable adults please indicate if you have policies and procedures to minimize risk of any abuse. / Please mark appropriately
Yes / No
Child Protection policy and procedure
Adult Protection policy and procedure
A4.1 / Support in Kind from City of Edinburgh Council - Property
Please supply details of any property you lease from the Council to deliver services associated with this grant proposal, i.e.; address, description (shop, office, workshop)rent, repair, maintenance and insurance liabilities
Address / Full market rate for property / £
Description / Rental currently paid / £
Rent, repair, maintenance and insurance liabilities / £ / Is the rental paid part of the costs for your proposals / Yes / No
A4.2 / Support in Kind from City of Edinburgh Council – Posts
Please confirm the total value of any seconded posts (include employer’s contributions for NI and superannuation and a proportion of overhead costs)
Post / £
Value / £
Other agreed supported costs by dept / £
A4.3 / Support in Kind from City of Edinburgh Council – Other
Please identify any other support that you receive from the Council, for example:-
Please tick
Access to Council buildings / equipment / sessional time at reduced rates
Council staff / Elected Member on the Board/Management
Receive business support advice / capacity building from Council staff
Other (please identify)
A5 / Equalities Groups
Please tick the equalities group who will be specifically targeted through the requested grant funding. Mark all that apply.
Code / Description / Tick as appropriate
YP / Age - young people
OP / Age - older people
Dis / People with disabilities - A person has a disability if s/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities
MP / People who are married or in a civil partnership
Race / Race; people defined by their race, colour, and ethnic or national origins including Gypsy/Travellers, asylum seekers and refugees
Rel / People with a religion or belief system
Men / Men
Wo / Women
LGB / Sexual Orientation; Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual people
Trans / Transgender and Intersex People
WPB / Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding and on maternity leave up to 26 weeks after giving birth
PP / People on low income and / or living in an area of multiple deprivation
HMLS / People who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
HR+CR / People who may be subject to infringements of rights
A6 / Accounts and Auditing
The level of accounts and auditing for your organisation which is required to be submitted to the Council is in line with the requirements of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), as noted below, and should be attached with this application if not already submitted to the Council. See guidance notes for details of these requirements.
Yes / No
Have you or will you provide most recent annual independently examined / audited accounts?
Have you provided proof of Bank Account in Organisation’s Name?

A7Bank details

To be completed by applicant

What bank account should we pay your grant into if your application is successful?

Name of bank
Bank address
Account name
Bank sort code
Account number
Organisation Name
Project Title

Part B - Your Proposals

In this section you should clearly show how your proposal addresses the outcomes of the grant programme.

1.1 / Description of activities or services you propose to deliver. Please give details of provision including, number of contacts and/or service users as well as where and when service will be provided (days and weeks). (Maximum 750 words)
1.2 / Your Output Targets
Please detail the outcomes and targets that you propose to meet if your application is successful. Please ensure that your targets are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound). When completing this section please ensure that you have linked the outcomes you have identified above to the activity and targets you are listing here.
Year / Target Outcomes and Outcome Measures/Indicators / Targets - Activities, volumes and outputs
1.3 / How will you ensure that the staff team employed has the appropriate qualifications, skills, experience and attitude to working with disabled children, young people and their families? (Maximum 500 words)
1.4 / How will you ensure that the individual needs of disabled children and young people are met within a group/club activity? (Maximum 750 words)
1.5 / Please describe how you will capture and record the successful participation and positive experiences of individual children. (Maximum 500 words)
1.6 / Please state how you monitor and evaluate your servicefor quality and effectiveness, including how you measure theimpactof your service and how you will support children, young people and families to give feedback to inform service improvements. (Maximum 500 words)


2.1 / Areas served
Which areas in the city will your proposals address?
Code / Please Xboxes
C/W / Citywide (if x, no need for further detail as below)
1 / Almond Neighbourhood Partnership
2 / City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership
3 / Craigentinny / Duddingston Neighbourhood Partnership
4 / Forth Neighbourhood Partnership
5 / Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership
6 / Leith Neighbourhood Partnership
7 / Liberton / Gilmerton Neighbourhood Partnership
8 / Pentlands Neighbourhood Partnership
9 / Portobello / Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership
10 / South Central Neighbourhood Partnership
11 / South West Neighbourhood Partnership
12 / Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership

Part C: FinancialRequest and Projections

Please complete the financial spreadsheet (separate file), detailing your request for 2018/19, 2019/20 andfinancial projections for 2018/19and2019/20.

Part D


To be completed by Applicants –
FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS please include this declaration sheet when submitting the hard copy of your most recent independently examined / audited accounts
All applications must be signed by two people who are representatives of your organisation. One of these people must be a board / management committee office bearer.
You are being asked to declarethat:
  • any grant funds are only to be used towards preventative and targeted support as described in this application and will not financially support any services that can be purchased privately or with a personal budget under the Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013
  • you have read and will comply with all CEC funding conditions.
  • to the best of your knowledge the information contained in this application and any accompanying documents is accurate.
  • by typing your name in this document and submitting it by email this is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Declaration.
1st Signature……………………………………….
2nd Signature……………………………………….


Checklist for Applicants
Please check that: / Yes/No
You have identified your principal contact person
You have answered all the questions in Part A
You have answered all the questions in Part B
You have submitted all the relevant financial information in part C
You have submitted independently examined / audited accounts
You have submitted a copy of your governance document/constitution (Only if you do not receive a grant from Communities and Families)
You have submitted proof of bank account in company’s name (Only if you do not receive a grant from Communities and Families)
Please also note that the Council may request to see a copy of any related operational policies.
