Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad

Lesson Plan

Name of Faculty : VF-I (Theory / Practical)

Discipline : Mechanical Engineering

Semester : 6th

Subject : Automobile Engineering

Lesson Plan Duration : 15 weeks (from January 2018 to April 2018)

Work Load (Lectures / Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures-03, Practicals-02

Lecture Day / Topic
(Including Assignment / Test) / Practical Day / Topic
1st / 1st / 1.Introduction
§  Automobiles and its development / 1st / 1.Fault and their remedies in
§  Battery ignition system
§  Magnetic ignition system
2nd / §  Various types of automobiles manufactured in India
3rd / do / 2nd / do
2nd / 4th / Layout of chassis
Types of automobile and layout of chassis / 3rd / 2. Demonstration of
§  Head light model
§  Wipers
§  Indicators
5th / Power System
§  Fuel system for petrol and diesel engines including multipoint fuel injection (MPFI) Common rail direct injection (CRDI) / 4th
/ do
6th / §  Fuel injectors and nozzles
3rd / 7th / §  Comparison of MPFI with carburetor system / 5th / 3. Demonstration of
§  AC pump
§  SU pump
§  Master cylinders
8th / §  Concept of double overhead cam and single overhead cam / 6th / do
9th / do
4th / 10th / Twin cam 16 valve technology in 4 cylinder engine / 7th / do
11th / 3.Transmission System
§  Clutch- Function
§  Constructional details of single plate and multiplate friction clutches / 8th / do
12th / §  Centrifugal and semi centrifugal clutch
§  Hydraulic clutch
§  Gear box- function
5th / 13th / §  Concept of sliding mesh and constant mesh
§  Synchromesh gear box
§  Torque converter and overdrive / 9th / 4. Demonstration of
§  Rear axle
§  Differential
§  Steering system
14th / §  Types of drives- front wheel, Rear wheel and Four wheel
§  Function of propeller shaft / 10th / do
15th / §  Universal joint
§  Differential
§  Different types of rear axles and front axles
6th / 16th / §  Wheels and tyres
§  Types of wheels
§  Types and specifications of tyres used in Indian vehicles / 11th / do
17th / §  Wheel balancing
§  MPFI,CRDI, nozzles / 12th / do
18th / §  Clutch- function ,types
§  Gear box- types, function
Drives, wheel and tyres-types
7th / 19th / 4.Steering System
§  Function and principle of Ackerman and Davis steering mechanism / 13th / 5. Fault finding practices on an automobile- four wheelers (petrol/ diesel vehicles)
20th / §  Types of steering gear boxes-worm and nut
§  Worm and wheel / 14th / do
21st / §  Worm and roller
§  Rack and pinion
8th / 22nd / §  Power steering system / 15th / 6.Tuning of automobile engine
23rd / Alignment of wheels
§  Toe in
§  Toe out / 16th / do
24th / §  Camber
§  Caster
9th / 25th / §  Kingpin inclination / 17th / 7. Driving practice on a 4- wheeler
26th / §  Types of gear boxes
§  Power steering system
§  / 18th / do
27 / 5. Breaking system: Constuctional Details and working of mechanical hydraulic brake
10th / 28th / §  Concept of air and vacuum brake / 19th / 8.Charging of an automobile battery and measuring cell voltage and specific gravity of electrolyte
29th / §  Brake adjustment
30th / Introduction to antilock brake system
20th /
11th / 31st / Working of antilock brake system / 21st / 9.Changing of wheels, inflation of tyres and balancing of wheels
32nd / §  Types of brake
Working of antilock brake system
33rd / 6. Suspension System
§  Function / 22nd / do
12th / 34th / §  Types of suspension system / 23rd / 10.Checking spark gap and valve clearance
35th / do / 24th / do
36th / §  working of coil spring
13th / 37th / §  Leaf spring / 25th / do
38th / §  Concept of air suspension / 26th / do
39th / do
14th / 40th / §  Shock absorber / 27th / 11.Cleaning and adjusting a carburetor
41st / 7. Auto Electrical System
§  Constructional details of lead acid cell battery Maintenance of batteries / 28th /
42nd / §  Checking of batteries for voltage Checking of batteries for specific gravity
15th / 43rd / §  Magneto and battery coil ignition system / 29th / do
44th / Concept of dynamo / 30th / do
45th / Alternator
§  Construction
46th / Working Charging of battery by alternator / 31st / do
47th / Regulator / 32nd / do
48th / §  Leaf spring, shock absorber
§  Alternator
Dynamo / 33rd / do

Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad

Lesson Plan

Name of Faculty : Ms. Sultana (Theory)

Discipline : Mechanical Engineering

Semester : 6th

Subject : Entrepreneurship Development and Management

Lesson Plan Duration : 15 weeks (from January 2018 to April 2018)

Work Load (Lectures) per week (in hours): Lectures-03

Lecture Day / Topic
(Including Assignment / Test)
1st / 1st / 1.Entrepreneurship
·  Concept / Meaning and its need
·  Qualities of entrepreneur
2nd / ·  Functions of entrepreneur
·  Barriers in entrepreneurship
3rd / ·  Sole proprietorship and partnership forms of business organizations
2nd / 4th / ·  Schemes of assistance by entrepreneurial support agencies at national, state , district level
5th / Organizations
6th / ·  NRDC
3rd / 7th / ·  SIDBI
NABARD Commercial Banks
8th / ·  SFC’s
9th / ·  TCO KVIB
4th / 10th / ·  DIC Technology Business Incubators (TBI)
11th / Science and technology entrepreneurship parks
12th / ·  Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship
5th / 13th / ·  Qualities / Functions
14th / ·  Commercial banks
15th / 2.Market Survey and Opportunity Identification
Scanning of the business environment
6th / 16th / Silent features of industrial policies
17th / ·  National
18th / ·  State
7th / 19th / Resultant business opportunities
20th / Types and conduct of market survey
21st / Assessment of demand in potential areas of growth
8th / 22nd / Assessment of supply in potential areas of growth
23rd / Identifying of business opportunityConsiderations in product selections
24th / ·  National and state industrial policies
·  Types of market survey
·  Demand and supply in potential areas of growth
9th / 25th / 3. Project Report Preparation
·  Preliminary project report
26th / ·  Detailed project report technical
27th / ·  Economic Market feasibility
10th / 28th / Common errors in project report preparations
29th / Exercises on preparation of project report
30th / ·  Preliminary project report
11th / 31st / ·  Detailed project report
32nd / Common errors
33rd / 4. Management
·  Definition and importance of management
12th / 34th / Functions of managementImportance and processes
·  Planning
35th / ·  Organizing
·  Staffing Directing
·  Controlling
36th / ·  Principles of management (Henri Fayol, F.W Taylor)
Concept and structure of an organizationTypes of industrial organizations
·  Line organization
·  Line or staff organization
Functional organization
13th / 37th / 5. Leadership and Motivation
·  Definition and need
38th / ·  Qualities and functions of leader
39th / ·  Manager Vs leader
Types of leadershipMotivation
·  Definition and characteristics
Factors effecting motivationTheories of motivation (Maslow, Herzberg, Douglas, McGregor)
14th / 40th / 6. Management Scope in Different Areas
Human Resources Management
·  Introduction and objective
·  Introduction to man power planning, Recruitment and selection
41st / Introduction to performance appraisal methodsMaterial and Store Management
·  Introduction functions and objectives
·  ABC analysis and EOQ
42nd / Marketing and Sales
·  Introduction, importance and its functions
·  Physical distribution
15th / 43rd / Introduction to promotion mix and sales promotion Financial Management
44th / ·  Introduction, importance and its functions
Elementary knowledge of
45th / ·  Income tax and sales tax
·  Excise duty and custom duty VAT
46 / 7. Miscellaneous Topics
Customer Relation Management
·  Definition and need
47 / Types of CRMTotal Quality Management
·  Statistical process control
·  Total employees involvement
Just in time (JIT)Intellectual Property Right
·  Introductions, definition and its importance
·  Infringement related to patents, copy right and trade markPrinciple of management and types of industrial organization
48 / Definition of
·  Leadership and motivation
·  CRM
·  TQM
·  JIT
·  IPR

Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad

Lesson Plan

Name of Faculty : VF -II (Theory)

Discipline : Mechanical Engineering

Semester : 6th

Subject : Industrial Engineering

Lesson Plan Duration : 15 weeks (from January 2018 to April 2018)

Work Load (Lectures) per week (in hours): Lectures-04

Lecture Day / Topic
(Including Assignment / Test)
1st / 1st / 1.Productivity
·  Introduction to productivity
2nd / ·  Factors affecting productivity
3rd / ·  Measurement of productivity
4th / ·  do
2nd / 5th / ·  Causes of low productivity
6th / ·  Methods to improve productivity
7th / 2.Work Study
·  Definition and
8th / ·  do
3rd / 9th / ·  scope of work study
10th / ·  do
11th / ·  Interrelation between method study and
4th / 13th / ·  work measurement
14th / ·  Human aspect of work study
15th / ·  Role of work study in improving productivity
16th / ·  Productivity
5th / 17th / ·  Work study and its scope
18th / do
19th / work measurement
20th / do
6th / 21st / 3. Method Study
·  Objectives
22nd / ·  do
23rd / Procedure for method analysis
24th / do
7th / 25th / Recording techniques of method study 4
26th / . do
27th / Information Collection
28th / do
8th / 29th / 4.Motion Analysis
·  Principle’sTherbligs
30th / ·  SIMO charts
31st / Normal work area
32nd / Design of work
9th / 33rd / Places Relation between method study and
34th / ·  Objective, procedure and techniques of method study
·  Therbligs
·  SIMO Chart
35th / 5.Work Measurement
·  Objectives
36th / Techniques
10th / 37th / 7. Stop watch time study
38th / ·  Principle
39th / ·  Equipment
40th / ·  Procedure
11th / 41st / ·  System of performance rating
42nd / ·  Calculation of basic time
43rd / ·  Various allowances
44th / ·  Calculation of standard timeWork Sampling
Standard data and its usage
12th / 45th / 6. Wages and Incentives Schemes
·  Introduction
46th / ·  Wage payment for direct labour
47th / ·  Wage payment for indirect labour
48th / ·  Wage payment planes
·  Wage incentivesVarious incentive planesIncentive for direct labour
·  Work measurement techniques
·  Work sampling
·  Wage payment for direct and indirect labour
Incentive plans
13th / 49th / 7.Production Planning and Control
·  Introduction
50th / Objectives
51st / Functions of P.P.C
52nd / Advantages of
·  Production planning
14th / 53rd / 8. Production controlStages of P.P.C
·  Planning
54th / Routing
·  Purpose
·  Route sheets Scheduling
55th / ·  Dispatching and follow up Scheduling purpose
56th / Machine loading chart
15th / 57th / Gantt chart
·  Purpose and procedure
58th / Follow up
·  Purpose and procedureCPM TechniquesPERT TechniquesDrawing of simple networks
·  Critical time calculationProduction control in job orderTypes of productions
·  Difference between controls of production
59th / 8. Estimating and Costing
·  Introduction
60th / ·  PurposeFunctionsCosting conceptLadder of cost
61st / ·  Elements of cost
62nd / Difference between estimation and costing
63rd / Overheads
·  Types
·  Estimation of material cost
·  Estimation of cost for machining processes
Numerical problems
64th / ·  Objectives and functions of P.P.C
·  Stages of P.P.C
Overheads and its types

Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad

Lesson Plan

Name of Faculty : Mr. Amit Atri (Theory/Practical)

Discipline : Mechanical Engineering

Semester : 6th

Subject : Inspection and Quality Control

Lesson Plan Duration : 15 weeks (from January 2018 to April 2018)

Work Load (Lectures/Practical) per week (in hours): Lectures-04, Practical-02

Lecture Day / Topic
(Including Assignment/ Test) / Practical Day / Topic
1st / 1st / 1.Inspection
·  Introduction
·  Units of measurement / 1st / 1.Use of dial indicator for measuring taper
2nd / ·  Standard for measurement
·  Interchangeability / 2nd /
3rd / Standards
·  International
·  National
·  Company
·  Line and wavelength standards
4th / Planning of inspection
·  What to inspect?
·  When to inspect?
·  Who should inspect?
·  Where to inspect?
2nd / 5th / Types of inspection
·  Preventive and operative inspection / 3rd / 2. Use of combination set, bevel protector and sine bar for measuring taper
6th / ·  Incoming and in-process
7th / Final inspection / 4th /
8th / Remedial
3rd / 9th / Study of factors influencing the quality manufacture / 5th / do
10th / 2. Measurement and Gauging
Principles used in measurement and gauging
·  Mechanical
·  Optical
·  Electrical
Electronic Study of various measuring instruments
·  Calipers
·  Micrometers / 6th / do
11th / ·  Dial indicators
·  Surface plate
12th / ·  Straight edge
·  Try square
4th / 13th / ·  Protectors
·  Sine bar
·  Clinometers / 7th /
14th / Comparators
·  Mechanical
·  Electrical
·  Pneumatic / 8th / do
15th / Slip gauges
16th / ·  Tool room microscope
·  Profile projectors
5th / 17th / Limit Gauges
·  Plug
·  Ring
·  Snap / 9th / 3.Measurement of thread characteristics using vernier and gauges
18th / ·  Taper
·  Thread
·  Height
·  Depth / 10th /
19th / ·  Form
·  Feeler
·  Wire
20th / Applications for
·  Linear
·  Angular
·  Surface
6th / 21st / ·  Thread and gear measurement
·  Gauge tolerances / 11th / do
22nd / Geometrical Parameters and Errors
·  Error and their effect on quality
23rd / ·  Concept of error
24th / Measurement of geometrical parameter
·  Straightness
·  Flatness
·  parallelism / 12th / do
7th / 25th / Study of procedure for alignment tests on lathes
·  Drilling Machine
·  / 13th / 4. Use of slip gauge in measurement of centre distance between two pins.
26th / Milling Machine / 14th / do
27th / Testing of measuring instruments
28th / Maintenance of measuring instruments
8th / 29th / ·  Interchangeability / 15th /
30th / ·  Types of inspection / 16th / do
31st / ·  Limit Gauges
Concept of error
32nd / 3.Statistical Quality Control
·  Basic concept
·  Empirical distribution Histogram Frequency Mean
·  Mode
9th / 33rd / ·  Standard deviation / 17th / 5. Use of tool maker’s microscope and comparator.
34th / ·  Normal distribution
35th / ·  Binomial
36th / ·  Poisson / 18th / do
10th / 37th / Simple Examples / 19th /
38th / Introduction to control charts
·  X chart
·  R chart
39th / ·  P chart
·  C chart / 20th / do
40th / Applications of control charts
11th / 41st / Sampling Planes
·  Selection of sample size / 21st / 6. Plot frequency distribution for 50 turned components.
42nd / ·  Method of taking samples / 22nd / do
43rd / Frequency of samples
44th / Inspection plan format and test reports
12th / 45th / ·  Normal distribution / 23rd / do
46th / ·  Standard deviation
·  Control charts / 24th / do
47th / Sampling plan
48th / 4. Modern Quality Concept
Concept of TQM National codes
13th / 49th / do / 25th / 7. With the help of given data plot X, R, P and C charts.
50th / International codes ISO-9000
51st / Concept
52nd / do / 26th / do
14th / 53rd / Evolution / 27th / do
54th / QC Tools / 28th / do
55th / Introduction to kaizen
56th / 5S
15th / 57th / 5. Instrumentation
Measurement of mechanical qualities
·  Displacement Vibration / 29th / do
58th / ·  Frequency Pressure
59th / Temperature / 30th / do
60th / Electromechanical
61st / Transducers and their types / 31st / Do
62nd / ·  Resistance / 32nd / Do
63rd / ·  Capacitance Inductance / 33rd / Do
64th / ·  TQM
·  ISO-9000 / 34th / do

Government Polytechnic for Women, Faridabad