City of Colman Council Meeting April 16, 2018

The City of Colman Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gloria Van Duyn at 6:00 pm on April 16, 2018 at Colman City Hall. Council present: Mike Preheim, Roger Broghammer, Brad Schroeder, Mike Uhing, Mitch Clark, and Ben Elhoff. Also present: Finance Officer Michael Hauglid, Public Works Supervisor Grant Groos, and Golf Supervisor Mike Solum. Present for all or some of the meeting: Bernadette Lex.

The minutes from the March 12th council meeting and the March 19th equalization meeting were presented. Motion was made by Uhingand seconded by Clark to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.

The council canvassed the ballots from the municipal election held on April 10th, 2018. The results were Mitch Clark 45 votes and Cody Bowman 21 votes in Ward II. Motion was made by Schroeder and seconded by Uhing to accept the results of the Colman municipal election. Motion carried.

The electrical project was discussed. FEMA has concerns regarding the amount of residents this project would affect as they want at least 160 people based on the service lines in the project plans. Unfortunately the project the city submitted was accounted for around 120 people. FEMA won’t approve the project because of the number of customers. Chris Graff is working on downsizing the project. FEMA would still approve the project if it’s downsized and the city does not have to reapply.

Colman Shooting Range was discussed. Week after mailing in the app, the state called and wanting to clarify on a couple of questions. We would hear within the next couple of months.

Financials for March were presented. Motion was made by Schroeder and seconded byUhing to approve the financials as presented. Motion carried.

Bills were presented. Motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Preheim to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried.

34 Stop-$363.11, AmeriPride -$159.16, AT&T -$134.33, Beal Distributing -$234.20, Big Sioux Community Water -$3,004.60, Booster -$30.00, BSN Sports -$155.00, Bunkers Oil -$2,187.08, Busser Electric -$1,052.91, Carquest -$191.43, Chesterman-$269.00, City of Colman/utilities-$4,364.31, City of Sioux Falls-$43.50, Colman Building Center -$546.13, Dakota Custom Turf -$218.98, Dept of Revenue (Sales Tax)-$5,875.85, Diesel Docs Mobile Repair -$475.80, East River Electric -$5,499.78, Eng Services -$3,283.00, Eric Groos -$24.00, F&M Coop-$540.00, Fastenal-$185.66, First District -$1,500.00, Garbage N More -$340.00, Gloria Van Duyn -$21.00, Greg's Place -$1,297.30, Heartland -$59,955.05, MARC-$1,023.75, McLeod's Printing & Office Supply-$78.68, Menards -$398.35, Moody County Enterprise -$349.06, Moody County Sheriff -$2,626.00, NB Golf -$50.00, OASI-$1,100.22, One Office Supplies-$264.97, Payroll-$13,934.57, Pheasantland Industries -$46.31, Power Promotions -$154.50, Power System Engineering -$412.69, Rainbow Play Systems -$96.00, Sam's Club -$588.51, SD Department of Revenue -$38.15, SD Housing-$4,275.48, SD One Call -$1.12, SD Workers Compensation Fund-$51.00, SDRS-$1,245.00, SDRS Supplemental-$800.00, Shoenrock Plumbing-$301.63, Sioux Valley Energy-$2,635.59, Steve's Tire & Repair-$46.58, Sunshine Foods -$230.70, Tim's Repair -$463.64, U.S. Postal Service -$103.60, Univar-$7,650.50, Vanco Payment Solutions -$16.50, Vast Broadband -$452.67, Western Area Power Admin -$7,783.20, Zimco -$254.15

Nuisance properties were discussed.

  • Colman Auto Sales at 100 SW 1st was discussed. With the continuous weather conditions, they will get more time to clean up the cars.

The city will be going out for bids for the garbage contract. Bids will be opened at the May council meeting.

Ballfield concessions were discussed. Pat Entringer has agreed to run the concessions stand again.

Malt beverage licenses for Greg’s Place, the Norseman and 34 Stop were discussed. Motion was made by Schroeder and seconded by Uhing to approve the licenses. Motion carried.

Employee Reports

  • Golf course involved with the Keloland Spotlight
  • Clubhouse is open on weekend nights
  • Hoping to have the course open by May 1st pending weather and turf conditions
  • Clean Up day will be moved Wednesday, May 2nd
  • The swimming pool liner install being delayed due to the weather
  • House at 206 NE 4th Street having sewer issues where the contractor hooked on causing a bend in the sewer service line. Due to it being a service line, the city is not liable as the property owner is responsible up to where the line hooks into the city main.
  • Payloader needing to be repaired
  • The parking lot at the golf course having standing water
  • City applying for a West Nile Grant through the SD Department of Health
  • $23,000 has been added to the funding from DENR to cover the waterline project overage
  • DOT meeting for the proposed HWY 34 project set to take place June 18th at 5:30 pm at the community center
  • Getting the culvert done under HWY 34 through the proposed HWY 34 project

Committee Reports

  • Snow removal
  • Money market fund with Great Western Bank
  • Colman Economic Development Meeting
  • Mowing the empty lots on main street
  • Certified Site Ready program requested a couple more documents
  • Lots are being advertised online
  • February bank reconciliation was fine
  • Ballgames this summer interfering with council meetings

Motion was made by Uhing and seconded by Preheim to go into executive session for employee reviews at 7:08 pm. Motion carried.

Regular session resumed at 7:35 pm.

The following are the payroll rates for summer employees:

City: Samantha Lebert – $11.00/hr, Mike Gengler - $10.00/hr

Golf: Robin Gengler- $12.00/hr, Cathy Schultz – $9.00/hr, Cheryl Angle – $9.00/hr, Amy Blissmer–$9.00 /hr, Loren Zimmer - $12.50/hr, Samantha Lebert – $11.00/hr, Chandler Gullickson–$9.50/hr, Jeff Larson –$9.50

Pool: Burgin Groos, Pool Manager, $12.00/hr Lifeguards - $9.00 for first yea employees, $9.50 on second year employees.

When the contractors come back for the one year inspection on the waterline project, they will meet with Mike Solum to discuss issues at the golf course.

Motion was made by Broghammer and seconded by Elhoff to adjourn at 7:41 pm. Motion carried.


Mayor Gloria Van Duyn

Finance Officer Michael Hauglid