#include <stdio.h> // printf() etc

#include <malloc.h> // for malloc()

#include <ctype.h> // for tolower()

#define FALSE 0

#define TRUE 1

#define VERIFY( cond, msg ) \

if ( ! cond ) { \

printf( " <><> Error. %s\n", msg );\


// node has 1 of these class states: literal, identifier, or operator.

// Parenthesized expressions have been reduced; no need to store ().

typedef enum { Literal, Identifier, Operator } NodeClass;

typedef struct NodeType * NodePtr; // forward announcement

// now comes the actual node structure; using the forward declared pointers.

typedef struct NodeType


NodeClass Class; // 1 of the 3 classes.

char Symbol; // stores ident or literal

int LitVal; // if Class == Literal, this is its value

NodePtr Left; // subtrees

NodePtr Right; // subtrees

} s_node_tp;

char NextChar;

s_node_tp OneNode = { Literal, '1', 1, NULL, NULL };

s_node_tp NullNode = { Literal, '0', 0, NULL, NULL };

void GetNextChar( )

{ // GetNextChar

if ( NextChar != '$' ) {

NextChar = getchar( );

if ( NextChar == ' ' )


//end if

} //end if*/

} //end GetNextChar

unsigned IsDigit( char c )

{ // IsDigit

return ( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' );

} //end IsDigit

unsigned IsLetter( char c )

{ // IsLetter

return ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' ) || ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' );

} //end IsLetter

// malloc a new node off the heap. All fields passed in

// and pass the pointer to the node to caller

NodePtr Make( NodeClass Class, char Symbol, int value, NodePtr Left, NodePtr Right )

{ // Make

NodePtr Node = (NodePtr) malloc (sizeof( struct NodeType ) );

Node->Class = Class;

Node->Symbol = Symbol;

Node->LitVal = value;

Node->Left = Left;

Node->Right = Right;

return Node;

} //end Make

NodePtr Expression( ); // forward

NodePtr Factor( )

{ // Factor

char Symbol;

NodePtr Temp;

Symbol = NextChar;


if ( IsDigit( Symbol ) )

return Make( Literal, Symbol, (int)( Symbol - '0' ), NULL, NULL );

else if ( IsLetter( Symbol ) )

return Make( Identifier, tolower( Symbol ), 0, NULL, NULL );

else if ( Symbol == '(' ) {

Temp = Expression();

if ( NextChar != ')' )

printf( ") expected.\n" );

//end if


return Temp;

}else if ( Symbol == '&' ) {

return Make( Operator, '&', 0, NULL, Factor() );


printf( "Illegal character '%c'.\n", Symbol );

} //end if

} //end Factor

NodePtr Primary( )

{ // Primary

NodePtr Left = Factor();

if ( NextChar == '^' ) {


Left = Make( Operator, '^', 0, Left, Factor() );

} //end if

return Left;

} //end Primary

NodePtr Term( )

{ // Term

NodePtr Left;

char Op;

Left = Primary();

while ( NextChar == '*' || NextChar == '/' ) {

Op = NextChar;


Left = Make( Operator, Op, 0, Left, Primary() );

} //end while

return Left;

} //end Term

NodePtr Expression( )

{ // Expression */

NodePtr Left;

char Op;

Left = Term();

while ( NextChar == '-' || NextChar == '+' ) {

Op = NextChar;


Left = Make( Operator, Op, 0, Left, Term() );

} //end while*/

return Left;

} //end Expression*/

/******* T r e e P r i n t i n g M o d u l e ******/

void PrintTree( NodePtr Root )

{ // PrintTree

if ( Root != NULL ) {

if ( Root->Class == Operator ) {

printf( "(" );

} //end if

PrintTree( Root->Left );

if ( Root->Class == Literal ) {

printf( "%d", Root->LitVal );


printf( "%c", Root->Symbol );

} //end if

PrintTree( Root->Right );

if ( Root->Class == Operator ) {

printf( ")" );

} //end if

} //end if*/

} //end PrintTree

int main ()

{ // main: Differentiation

NodePtr root = NULL;

NextChar = ' ';

printf( " Enter f(x), ended with '$':\t" );


// after initialization, this is key: call Expression()

root = Expression();

VERIFY( ( NextChar == '$' ), "$ expected, not found\n" );

printf( " Tree with explicit ( ) added:\t" );

PrintTree( root );

printf( "\n" );

// all done

return 0;

} //end main