City of Bloomfield Council Meeting

Regular Session

July 9, 2012 at 6:30 P.M.

Mayor Scott Staggs called the meeting to order. Those present were: Randy Supancic, Donna Deardorff, and Donna Medlin. The meeting was

opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence.

Kari Standley, City Clerk swore in the newly appointed alderman for the north ward, Jamie Schatz.

Public Comments: Marilyn Gill expressed her appreciation for those who cleaned up Cape Rd.

Zach Graham at 402 W. Center questioned his spike in water usage. After some discussion and the fact that this is a new account with no history to access, Mayor Staggs recommended calculating his bill with average daily use. A work order will be issued to have the meter checked.

Beth Bischof expressed her appreciation to all board members for the work, and thanks Steve Larsen for his leadership and time while on the council. Ms. Bischof voiced her opinions on zoning and how she felt that Bloomfield needs to move forward into the 21st century.

Dallas Peters complained that section 70.390 in the city’s code book states a 10% penalty be applied to delinquent water bills after the 10th, and yet he was charged a flat $5.00 penalty. Penny Walker, Water Collector, was present and stated that the ordinance had been amended to a flat $5.00 penalty and just had not been codified by Sullivan Publishing yet. Mr. Peters also stated his concern about the water plant not being locked at night.

Pat Wilson commented that she is still in contact with JoAnn Emerson’s office trying to get the elevation levels changed for the feed mill so it would not be considered in a flood zone.

Approve minutes: Ald. Medlin moved to approve June 18 & July 3 minutes. Ald. Deardorff seconded the motion. All in favor.

Merchant License(s): Ald. Medlin made a motion to approve merchant licenses on Tim’s A/C & Heating, and Vangennip & Son LLC. Ald. Supancic seconded. All in favor.

Building Permit(s): Ald. Supancic made a motion to approve building permit for Scott & Ruth Ann McGee. Ald. Deardorff seconded. All in favor.


Dept. Heads: Penny Walker with Transit stated that the city had received two MoSCAP grants for new radios, one for the police department and one for the fire department. Ms. Walker also stated that she had been in contact with Battles Communications, and that the city was in compliance and ready for the switch to narrow band. Ms. Walker submitted in writing her report along with a request to give all transit drivers a $.50 increase after their six month probationary period and to give Daron Williamson an increase of $1.00 for maintenance work he does. Ald. Deardorff made a motion to approve these requests with the understanding these increases will take effect after the new budget has been approved. Ald. Medlin seconded. All in favor.

Police Chief Tim Zych stated that he ran an ad in the paper for officers and has received seven applications. He stated that the interview process will begin on Thursday and wishes to have at least two city employees present during this process. The department is out of sleeve patches for the uniforms and Chief Zych submitted a quote for new patches to be considered with the new budget. Chief Zych also distributed to the board members a paper “Identified Issues with Proposed Resolutions”.

Linda Myers from the Library was not present but submitted a report in writing.

Tax/Court reports were submitted in writing. The mayor noted that the interest rates on the CD were unchanged.

Ald. Supancic made a motion to accept the reports as given. Ald. Deardorff seconded. All in favor.

The city clerk was instructed by the board to have the city attorney change the wording in Ord. 3254 Vacating Front Street.

The mayor read Ord. 3256 vacating an alley beginning on Court Street. Ald. Deardorff moved to dispense with the second reading. Ald. Supancic seconded. All in favor. Ald. Deardorff made a motion to approve Ord. 3256, Ald. Medlin seconded. All in favor.

Ord. 3257 in reference to seatbelts was read and recommended further research be done before voting.

Ord. 3258 amending section 210.030 still needs corrections made.

Old Bus: The city clerk stated she needs clarification from the board on salary and hourly employees and comp time. After a brief discussion, the board stated that this will be addressed with the new budget.

The water department has again requested that they be allowed to start using their summer schedule. This means they will start each day at 6:00am and end at 3:00pm. No decision made at this time.

It has been noted that the gate at the water department is not being closed and locked at night. The wheels don’t touch the ground and therefore the gate is unable to close. It was recommended that taller wheels be put on. Ald. Deardorff stated she will contact Jason Williamson about this.


Ald Supancic recommended the city sell the old feedmill property. He stated there is still lumber left that didn’t completely burn that needs removing. Dumpster rental and other options were discussed. Mayor Staggs recommended placing a cap on the expenses needed to finish clearing the property. Ald. Supancic will contact Greg Bell with Smith & Co.

Ald. Schatz was contacted by the local scouting organization in reference to Eagle Scout projects. Ald. Schatz was informed by them that the scouts are covered under their own insurance and would not be a liability to the city.

Ald. Supancic made a motion to allow for an Eagle Scout project at the dog pound. Ald. Medlin seconded. All in favor.

New Bus: Steve Larsen wanted to know if the city would pay for the damages to Corey Noles’ camera. This happened when Corey was using the walking track at the park and fell in a hole on the track. A brief discussion was had especially when it was brought up that Corey was not working on an assignment when the incident happened. The city will contact MHJ with further questions.

Mayor Staggs read a letter from Jim Tweedy giving permission for the city to use part of his property for the sand volleyball court. It was noted the document has been notarized and recorded.

On 5/17/12 a fire hydrant located at Elderland Restaurant was hit by an eighteen-wheeler. Supposedly the truck belongs to Woody Gensler of Woody’s Trucking, but since there wasn’t a police report done, there is no proof. A discussion on whether or not to replace the hydrant was had, but nothing decided.

Ald. Schatz submitted his verbal resignation as Part-time Animal Control Officer for the city. Ald. Supancic moved to accept this resignation. Ald. Deardorff seconded. All in favor.

The mayor asked if there was any more new business, if not, for a motion to adjourn to executive session. Ald. Supancic moved a motion, Ald. Deardorff seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Minutes recorded by: ______

Kari Standley, City Clerk