INSTRUCTOR: Jennifer Clemens E-MAIL:

Office Hours: Lunch Daily;After School by Appointment Phone: (916) 838-4972


Welcome to Medical Science!

In this introductory course, you will explore each of the human body systems. In addition, for each body system you will be studying a wide range of health care aspects that include the following categories:

  • Human Body System Pathologies
  • Medical Terminology
  • Health Care Careers
  • Public Health
  • Mental Health
  • Risky Behaviors



Medical Science Workbook

Folder OR section of a notebook

Writing instrument of your choice

Flash drive (optional)

Colored pencils or markers (optional)



There is NO EXTRA CREDIT. Students may re-take quizzes to improve their grades.Final grades are calculated based on average scores:

Average Score / Final Grade
90 – 100% / A
80 – 89% / B
70 – 79% / C
60 – 69% / D
Below 60% / F

Final grades are broken down into the following categories and percentages:

Category / Examples / Percentage
Knowledge / Weekly Quizzes / 30%
Skills / Lab Reports
Reading/Writing Skills
Communication/Presentation Skills / 25%
Homework and Classwork / Worksheets
In-Class Participation / 10%
Openers / Daily questions at the beginning of each class period / 5%
Personal Projects / PP #1 Topic: Health Issues
PP #2 Topic: Disease
PP #3 Topic: Mental Health
PP #4 Topic: TBD / 10%
Integrated Unit Project Presentations / 1st Semester: “Catch the Fever”
2nd Semester: “Risky Behaviors” / 10%
Final Exam / End-of-Semester Test / 10%


Homework Policy

Homework assignments are due at the START of class. All homework is expected to be complete before class starts. If you have an EXCUSED absence, see the Make-Up Work Policy.


Make-Up Work Policy

If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed.

If you miss the following: / Do the following: / *Note
Homework handout / Get the assignment on the day you return; due on the next class day / *Excused absences only
Homework due date / Turn the assignment in on the day you return to class / *Excused absences only
Project due date / Turn the project in on the day you return to class / *Excused absences only
Lab / Make up the lab at lunch or after school within one week of the lab date / *Excused absences only
Quiz / Make up the quiz at lunch or after school
Notes / Copy notes from a friend or classmate

Late Work Policy

You will NOT receive credit for any work that is not turned in on time unless you have an EXCUSED absence (see make-up work policy above).


Tardy Policy

You will be marked tardy if you are not IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings AND working on your opener. The opener is timed and is a part of your grade and cannot be made up if you are tardy. Tardiness will also lower your weekly attendance grade.


Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty (cheating) will NOT be tolerated! If you are suspected of cheating on ANY assignment (tests, quizzes, homework, class activities, etc.), you will receive a ZERO on that assignment. Academic dishonesty is defined as (but not limited to) giving and receiving answers during tests and quizzes, copying another student’s work, and/or plagiarizing copyrighted work.


9th grade students will…
P / Powerfully Prepared for College and Career /
  • Be exposed to the five career pathways and begin exploring their interests.
  • Begin a portfolio.
  • Complete twointegrated unit projects and present to family and community members.
  • Pass all classes with C’s or better.
  • Create a post-high school college and career plan.

R / Responsible Citizen /
  • Complete 10 hours of community service.
  • Participate in school activities and clubs.
  • Be a positive participant in the school culture, and will value each other’s backgrounds and beliefs.
  • Be strong self advocates who are able to find resources, ask for help, and make their own decisions about their education and personal well-being.
  • Be timely, organized, and accountable for their actions.

I / Independent Critical Thinker /
  • Find answers to complex questions that require multiple steps.
  • Be able to support ideas and answers using reliable information.
  • Make connections across all content areas.
  • Practice using guidelines to organize and accurately evaluate their own work.

D / Determined, Lifelong Learner /
  • Develop short-termgoals and apply them to school to stay motivated.
  • Seeks difficult tasks and does not give up.
  • Be involved in work-based learning and enrichment programs.
  • Take risks and challenge themselves.

E / Excellent Communicator /
  • Speak, act, and dress as a professional.
  • Demonstrate effective and appropriate communication, including verbal, written, and electronic forms.
  • Participate in freshmen orientation.
  • Establish roles and group expectations, and follow through with those commitments.
  • Organize content into a clear presentation.

Jaguar P.R.I.D.E.