City Of Arlington

Regular Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2016

Roll Call:

Mayor: Jeff Fountain

Council MemberLola Barclay

Richard Loder

Kay Sipe

Russell Day

Tricia Fowler

Employees:Debbie Fountain

Al Cressler

Attorney:Stanley Juhnke

Audience in Attendance Curtis Croisant, Ashley Hand, Richard Sipe.

Mayor Fountaincalled the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Moment of Silence

Additions to the Agenda

Street Sweeper, Disposition of old copier and Kelli Powers.

Public Forum

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Day, seconded by Sipe to change that Kay Sipe was absent on Jan11th, should be our street sweeper instead of out on January 4th and on Jan 18th should be 14-402 instead of 14-420 and approve. Motion passed.

Approval of the Disbursements

Motion by Barclay, seconded by Day to approve the disbursements. Motion passed.

Unfinished Business

Street Sweeper

Mayor Fountain updated council on the street sweeper. The brakes have been replaced and the broom that they had talked about for $100.00 isn’t going to work, but Cressler found a broom for $560.00 plus freight that will work and he is looking for rubber slats also. Motion by Day, seconded by Loder to spend up to $650.00. Motion passed.

New Business

Appointment to Library

Motion by Loder, seconded by Fowler to appoint Megan Smyth to the Library Board. Motion passed.

Sewer Machine

Cressler has been cleaning sewer lines and has gone thru a lot of rod. Would like to respool 1100 feet of 3/8 for $1.21 a ft. Motion by Loder, seconded Barclay to purchase rod for $1331.00. Motion passed

Day would like to purchase a Plumbers Torch and Right Angle Grinder. Mayor Fountain will have Cressler check into purchasing these items and get it approve thru the mayor.

Sewer Lines

Mayor Fountain reported there are some problems with sewer lines and need to be camera’ d Cressler feels approximately 2000 ft. The city has a bid from Critchfield for $1150.00 for 2000 ft. Motion by Day, seconded by Barclay to have 2000 ft. of Sewer line camera’ d. Motion passed.

Planning Committee Report

Ashley Hand approached council in regards to renting a room for her Photography. It was the consensus of the council to have her return to the planning committee and work out the details.

Pitney Bowes

The city could lease a postage meter for $35.00 per month and get a 1% discount on postage. Motion by Fowler, seconded by Sipe to sign with Pitney Bowes and get postage. Motion passed.

Tractor Trailer Parking

Council will get a list of people that drive tractor trailers in town and invite them to a meeting to get input on parking.

Disposition of Old Copier

The Library would like to use the cities old copier. Motion by Day, seconded by Sipe to donate the copier to the library. Motion passed.

Kelli Powers

Powers would like to use a room in the Community Center for her accounting clients from February 4th to April 14th. Motion by Loder, seconded by Day to allow her to use a room for $150.00 per month.

Motion by Loder, seconded by Fowler to adjourn at 8:01p.m.Motion passed.