JUNE 1, 2010

Members Present: Alderperson Balcerzak, Warner, Steckbauer (arriving at 6:03 pm), Brinkmeier, Cornelius, Rice, and Mayor Brandt

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Jerry Wilhelm, Inspector/Assessor; Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services; Norm Cejka, Town of Rolling; and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical.

This meeting of the City Plan Commission was called to order on the above date at 6:00 p.m. in the Administrative Conference Room, City Hall. Mayor Brandt served as Chairperson and Jaime Brown, Administrative Clerical, recorded the minutes thereof.

1.  Approval of May 4, 2010 Minutes

Balcerzak moved, Warner seconded, to approve the minutes as previously distributed. Carried 7-0.


2.  Public Hearing to Amend Ordinance No. 1095B to Reclassify Property at 702 and 712 Dorr Street from I-1 to B-2

Dale Soumis, Director of Administrative Services, advised that this property is on the northwest corner of Dorr Street and Fourth Avenue (the old Jansen building). It is an island and should have been zoned commercial instead of industrial. The current business at this location is being operated as a commercial business. The industrial type businesses should be in the industrial park. By changing the classification of this property from industrial to commercial, it will be in compliance with both the comprehensive and revitalization plans.

Balcerzak moved, Warner seconded, to close the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Carried 7-0.

Balcerzak moved, Cornelius seconded, to Reclassify Property at 702 and 712 Dorr Street from I-1 to B-2. Carried 7-0.


3.  Public Hearing to Amend Ordinance No. 1095B to Reclassify Property at 634, 630 and 620 Edison Street from I-2 to B-2

Mr. Soumis advised that this property was the Rasmussen property (old John Deere). This property should be zoned commercial and not industrial. The property is currently held by the County and there are no objections from them to reclassify it. Nick’s Bar would like to buy or rent the property and use it temporarily for a volleyball court. By changing classification of this property from industrial to commercial, it will be in compliance with both the comprehensive and revitalization plans.

Jerry Wilhelm, Inspector/Assessor, noted that it was originally rezoned for Bob Stimac’s grinding business.

Warner moved, Steckbauer seconded, to close the public hearing at 6:08 p.m. Carried 7-0.

Steckbauer moved, Brinkmeier seconded, to reclassify property at 634, 630, and 620 Edison Street from I-2 to B-2. Carried 7-0.


4.  McDonald’s Preliminary Site Plan Review

Mayor Brandt noted that the Seventh Avenue exit is not residential properties, the map had a mistake on it. The homeowner on Seventh Avenue, next to the alley does not wish to sell.

Mr. Soumis noted he would like to see a snow removal plan from McDonalds. Right now the plan shows no storage for snow removal, and is unsure if McDonald’s understand the potential problem with snow removal. Historically they have pushed the snow into the southwest corner of their property until it could be hauled away. And as they currently have it designed, it does not appear that there is enough room to store snow. They have done a good job thus far, but would like to address any potential problems. Mr. Wilhelm suggested the trash reciprocal area could also be utilized.

Mayor Brandt questioned if Seventh Avenue was going to be an exit only to which Mr. Wilhelm said no, the arrow is incorrect on the map. It will be for ingress and egress.

Mr. Soumis questioned the 20 feet for two lanes of traffic going around on the southside. This could be a problem with people trying to get out. To which Mr. Wilhelm suggested that there is room to the south up to the property line to widen this out if they wanted to.

Mr. Wilhelm noted the only other problem he can see with the plan is that the parking stalls are not sized accurately. Most of them are 18 feet deep and the code is 20, however, there is room to manipulate this.

Charley Brinkmeier, Civil Technologist/Surveyor, inquired as to where they were going to park trucks and busses. According to this plan, they are eliminating the north entrance.

Mr. Wilhelm noted that this is a very preliminary plan and upon inquiry by Mayor Brandt he would feel comfortable expressing the committees concerns to them. Mr. Wilhelm further noted he has his e-mail address and will contact him.

Jerry Rice, inquired visual problems with the fence to the south when exiting onto Superior Street.

Mr. Wilhelm further noted that the Playland area will not be included in the plans.


5.  Langlade Hospital Preliminary Site Plan Review

Mayor Brandt indicated that the hospital will remove the existing facility, however the clinic will stay and the new hospital will be built to the north.

Jerry Rice questioned if this plan will change the elevation for the flood plain, to which Mr. Soumis indicated it would not. The majority of the building is on the same level as the existing structure and the flood plain is by the pool property, which will be the helicopter landing. They will be in the fringe, and the rules indicate that they cannot cause the floodplain to rise more than one-tenth of one-hundredth of a foot. They have run their models all ready and it is not going to have an effect.

Mr. Wilhelm noted concerns with how they are going to get their patients up and down the hill to and from the helicopter pad. To which Mayor Brandt noted he thought there was talk about having some type of entrance at that level.

Mr. Wilhelm noted that the 75 foot setback that was included on the plan is not applicable. That rule does not apply in the City. If this were on a rural lake, it would be applicable. Mayor Brandt requested that Mr. Wilhelm let them know this information.

Mr. Wilhelm further questioned how people were going to get from the elevated walkway to the hospital. There are two plans floating around, either an enclosed walkway along the sidewalk or a tunnel.

Larry Steckbauer inquired as to the old hospital becoming parking to which Mr. Soumis indicated that it would be. The hospital believes parking may be an issue in the future because of the types of services they are going to be offering.

Mayor Brandt indicated that the rehab portion of the project will not be constructed immediately.

Larry Steckbauer questioned if the Little League Park will remain to which Mayor Brandt indicated it would.

Jerry Rice questioned the snow removal and parking issues to which Mr. Soumis noted it should not be a problem. Mr. Brinkmeier noted they currently stockpile the snow and remove it as needed.

Larry Steckbauer asked about the nun’s house, to which Mr. Soumis noted it was being moved across the street on Langlade Road next to Mike Winter’s home. There is currently a little blue building at that location that is going to be removed.

Mr. Wilhelm suggested that at one point there was conversation about acquiring properties around the hospital such as Wade Neufeldt’s home and McKenna’s back yard. Mayor Brandt noted that the hospital does not need to purchase more property but offered the sale as a courtesy.


6.  Discussion Regarding Zoning Classification for Langlade Hospital Complex

Mr. Wilhelm noted that the gentleman doing the site plan work for the new Langlade Hospital complex was “nickel and diming” the zoning code because he is looking at hospital, clinic, laboratory (within the hospital), and a recreational facility (rehabilitation center). He is looking at four different zoning classifications, parking requirements, and set backs, therefore Mr. Wilhelm suggests zoning that area R-2 which is what the hospital is right now.

Upon inquiry by Mayor Brandt, Mr. Wilhelm noted that the area across the street is R-3, which is compatible with R-2.

Another public hearing will need to occur. Mr. Wilhelm noted that he is able to get everything done such as the notices, to have this item ready for public hearing next month.


7.  Approval of Certified Survey Map for Langlade Hospital

Mayor Brandt indicated that on the previous Certified Survey Map the lot line was twenty five feet further north and has since been corrected. Lot One is the lot that would be exchanged with Langlade Hospital. The committee approved the previous map before the line was moved twenty five feet.

Robert Cornelius questioned if there would be any access on Langlade Road, to which Mr. Soumis noted not at this time.

Balcerzak moved, Warner seconded, to approve the Certified Survey Map as presented for City of Antigo (Pool property). Carried 7-0.


8. Any Other Matters Authorized by Law to be Discussed


9. Adjournment

Cornelius moved, Warner seconded, to adjourn at 6:42 p.m. Carried 7-0.

Mayor Bill Brandt, Chairperson Date

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