Council Meeting – November 20, 2014

Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty called the regular meeting to orderat 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present:Bobby Andriot, Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton,Shane Suttor,Jon Swindler, and Frank Page.

City Employees Present: Inez Harris, Fred Rogers, and Frank Willoughby.

City Attorney: Steven Gregory

Invocation: Rev. Charles Ashby

All present pledged allegiance to the flag.

Minutes/November 6, 2014

Councilmember Pagemoved to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2014 meetingas read by council members prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Swindler.

All voted “aye” and motion carried.

Presentation – Republic Services – Implementation of the Trash/Recycling Franchise – Greg Butler, Municipal Services.

Greg Butler gave an overview of implementation of services for the next 7 weeks with service to officially start by January 5, 2015. Everyone will receive 1 free cart. Recycling will be collected every other week and bulky items will be picked up on the last week of the month. Residents may opt out or opt in at any time. Republic will advertise locally and with the Chamber of Commerce. They will try to hold a community event on Sunday, December 14th. (The place has not been determined). Jerry Tipton will be the local driver. They will begin delivering 4,000 carts to residents. The amount of billing will be $11.40 with a 10% discount for Seniors 60 years old and older paying $10.26 per month. Extra carts will be $2.50. Residents will be billed on December 21st in advance for 3 months.

Current customers will do nothing; however, your current pick-up could change. There is a charge of $35.00 for back door service. All residents will receive a letter explaining the services offered and it will be in English and Spanish. This billing will be separate from your water bill. Republic Services toll free number is 1-800-262-6565.

Tim McNally – Waste Management

Tim McNally with Waste Management reported Waste Management will automatically cancel the service of all city residents on December 31, 2014. They will automatically pick-up their 1100 carts city wide. It could take them up to 3 months.

If city residents have paid in advance, his company will automatically send refunds. It could take up to 60 days. Residents do not have to call requesting refunds. It slows down the process. Waste Management’s number is 502-966-0117.

Laurie Probus – Rumpke

Ms. Probus reported Rumpke has 3 different bill cycles. They will automatically send out refunds. Residents need to do nothing. They will stop the January billing. Their customer service number is 800-678-6753.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Hardesty sent a letter to Matt Bullock, Chief Engineer, District 5, KY Transportation Cabinet, regarding a noise barrier on Interstate 64. Light up Shelbyville was very successful. The crowd seemed bigger this year. The Leadership Shelby Turkey Trot will be this Saturday at 8:00 a.m. It will start at the VFW. Farm/City Banquet is November 26th. The park received a $100,000 Trails Grant. It’s a matching fund grant from the State. Demolition has started on the Chatham House. Remember Janet Reynolds in the passing of her husband.

Council Reports

Councilmember Eaton reported lights are out on Bridlewood. Mayor Hardesty reminded everyone present if you see street lights out, please call Kentucky Utilities or Shelby Energy to report them. The city has to pay for the lights even if they’re out. You may also call Peggy in the Mayor’s office and she’ll notify the proper company.

Councilmember Zoeller thanked everyone who worked on the trash ordinance. It was time well spent.

Councilmember Zoeller moved to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Suttor.

All voted “aye” and meeting adjourned.


MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty



Inez Harris, City Clerk/Treasurer