August 1, 2016 ~ 7:00 PM
Council Present: Nathan Hall, Darrell Nissen, Brent Pavelko, Bruce Bakalyar,
Council Absent: Andrea Monson
Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Clerk, Andrew Konechne-Police Chief, Lance Frerichs-Street Foreman, Justin Lessman-Media, Brian Rossow, Kristie Frerichs-Liquor Manager, Corey Will-Utility Superintendent
Minutes Approval – Motion to approve the minutes of July 18, 2016 meeting, made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.
Accounts payable –Motion to approve the payments as presented, in the amount of $$131,501.00 made by Pavelko/Hall, all yes, motion carried.
Motion to approve partial payment to Schmidt Construction for Street Project in the amount of $34,819.59, made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.
1. Annexation Resolution 16-24 -- Motion to approve Resolution 16-24 made by Bakalyar/Hall, voice vote, all yes, motion carried.
2. Street Department Requests
a. Request to purchase replacement snow plow truck – Motion to approve the bid of J-Craft in the amount of $161,088 made by Hall/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried. Staff will work to find documentation of repairs of the truck we are replacing, if documentation is found there is a $21,000 trade in value, potentially.
b. Request to purchase asphalt roller for street department – Motion to approve the purchase of the asphalt roller from Fuller Paving, at a cost of $2,500.00, and declare the current roller as excess property for sale or scrap, made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried.
3. Street Project Change Order – Additional Storm Sewer Work – Motion to approve the change order made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.
4. Replace Tank on Jetter Truck – Motion to replace the water tank of the jetter truck at a cost of $6,500 made by Pavelko/Bakalyar, all yes, motion carried. Fund will come from waste water cip.
5. Point Source Implementation Grant Resolutions
a. 16-25 Salty Discharge @ Water Plant – Motion to approve Resolution 16-25 made by Hall/Bakalyar, voice vote, all yes, Monson absent, motion carried.
b. 16-26 Phosphorous @ Waste Water Plant -- Motion to approve Resolution 16-26 made by Hall/Pavelko, voice vote, all yes, Monson absent, motion carried.
6. Liquor Store Lighting – Manager Frerichs shared information on replacement of lights behind the cash register and above the liquor shelves, as well as the lights in the store room turn on if you “jiggle” the on/off switch. Motion to table until the 2nd price is received made by Bakalyar/Hall, all yes, motion carried.
1. Recycling – Mayor Nissen reported on the concerns we have about the collection of recycling in Lakefield. Several collection weeks have not been collected on the day of scheduled collection, making residents leave cans out the entire weekend, or not have their recycling collected for the week. Several “reasons” have been reported as to the reasons for collection issues. Discussions with the county will be ongoing.
1. Administrative Clerk –
a. Judicial Ditch 19 Public Hearing Report – On July 19, 2016, Street Foremen Frerichs and Admin Clerk Rasche attended a public hearing of the Heron Lake Water Shed District board. The topic was improvements to JD 19. Three options were presented to the board at this hearing. The board selected to move forward with engineering of option 3. This option includes a holding pond to be located on the property on the east side of Lakefield, owned by the City. No action is needed by the council at this time. Staff will continue to attend meetings and hearings concerning this project, and brief the council as information is provided.
b. Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) Applications have been submitted for both the Water Plant and the Waste Water Plant to Public Facilities Authority (PFA). The resolutions passed tonight will be submitted on August 2, 2016, to PFA to be added to the application.
c. Affidavit of Candidacy for City of Lakefield Council seats and Mayor Seat opens August 2, 2016, and closes at 5:00 p.m. on August 16, 2016. 2 At-Large council positions are open, currently held by Councilman Pavelko and Councilman Hall.
d. Primary Election is Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church for all voters. Polls are open 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1. Department Head Report
2. Police Department Report
1. Next council meeting Monday, August 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. made by Bakalyar/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried.
Kelly R. Rasche, Clerk Darrell Nissen, Mayor
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