Tuesday,December 9, 2014
W8349 DUMKE RD., PORTAGE, WI 53901

Citizens Present: Mary Walker, Jon Conway, David Conway, Ton Tennyson

Chairman Schroeder called the regular monthly board meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:31 pm.

Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to add the Adams Columbia Cooperative Road Access Agreement to the Agenda and approve the Agenda. Motion carried.

Roll Call:William Schroeder, Bruce Walker, Clark CuperyDelmont Molden, Kris Conway.

Open Meeting Law compliance check: Meeting agenda was posted in three locations in the township and Fort BP on December 3, 2014, and the meeting notice was published in the Portage Register Government Meeting Column pm December 4, 2014.

Clarkmoved, seconded byBruce, to approve the November 10, 2014Town Board Meeting Minutes as printed. Motion carried.

Brucemoved, seconded by Clark, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as prepared. Motion carried.

Old Business

a)Plan Commission

Bill received a call from John Bluemke regarding the Greg Kluge A4 overlay on the property on the Fox River that was zoned residential. Bill indicated if Kluge would like to reapply for rezoning he should contact the Plan Commission and fill out a new application form and pay the filing fee.

b)Fort Winnebago School Property. The Finance Committee notified the School Board that they approve selling the property. The School Board has approved beginning negotiations with CESA-5. Bill is to be invited to the negotiation meetings.

c)Bruce moved, seconded by Clark, Option F for the Town of Fort Winnebago’s Implements of Husbandry, requiring the Town to abide by Act 377, IOH and Ag CMVs must apply for permit to exceed 23K/92K/Wt Table. Motion carried. Roll Call Vote: Bill Yes, Bruce Yes, Clark Yes

d)Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to have the Town Chairperson be accountable for the issuance of the Town’s Implements of Husbandry Permits. Motion carried.

New Business

a)Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to approve the Town of Fort Winnebago 2014 Mill Rate of 0.016318827or $16.32 per $1,000 assessed value. Motion carried.

b)Assessor Contract was not received and postponed until contract is received.

c)No Annual Camping Permits were issued.

d)Clark moved, seconded by Bruce to accept the 2015 Columbia County Statewide Voters Registration (SVRS) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Motion carried.

e)Bruce moved, seconded by Clark to approve the 2015 Adams Columbia Cooperative Road Access Agreement. Motion carried.

f)2015 Caucus Meeting will be held on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm.

Citizen Input- None


a)Bill is working to have a water survey done for Red Bird Estate’simpact to water table with the new high capacity irrigation well on adjoining property. The analysis will compare the impact of the high capacity well to 80 residential wells (if the land was developed), or a single city high capacity well for 80 homes. Bill will receive a map of the area.

b)Clark Road Fox River Bridge is completed. Bill has contacted the State and County with concerns regarding the blacktop having pockets. The blacktop is guaranteed for two years. Will look at the bridge in the spring to determine if it may need to have the blacktop redone.

Page 2 Town of Fort Winnebago

December 9, 2014 Monthly Town Board Meeting

c)Clark spoke with Representative Keith Ripp regarding amending the state township statues regarding providing residents waters. Keith indicated he would look into it.

d)Columbia County will be contacting property owners who have Seasonal Camping Permits, and have not removed the campers by December 1st.

e)Bill reported the 4 townships are close to completing the Fire Protection Municipality Agreement with the City of Portage.

f)After the Fire Municipal Agreement is signed the four townships will need to get together to determine how to administer the Fire Equipment Fund.

g)November Election had various follow up questions from the County Clerk’s Office this year.

h)Received Bruce Walker’s Notification of Noncandidacy for Town Supervisor in the April 2015 Election.

i)Columbia County will be publishing Notice of Rabies Vaccinations and Dog License Requirements in the Portage Daily Register Newspaper in January and March 2015.

j)DAAR sent notification of completion of the Clark Road Fox River Bridge Project.

k)Rural Mutual Insurance Agent Rob Hahn will be retiring, and the new agent will be Brad Damon.

l)State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources provided the 2015 Managed Forest Law land listing, JohnWelke is putting in 27 closed acres.

m)Southern Housing Region Housing Program is offering 0% interest deferred payment loans to eligible households for home repairs.

n)Bill received Fort Winnebago’s January 1, 2014 Annual Assessment Report prepared by Gardiner Appraisal Service.

o)Clark will not be able to attend the February 2015 Monthly Board Meeting.

Brucemoved, seconded by Bill, to pay the monthly bills as listed. Motion carried.

Upcoming Meetings and Events:

  • Monthly Board Meeting, Monday January 5, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
  • Caucus Meeting, Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm.

Clark moved, seconded by Bruceto adjourn the Meeting at 7:18pm. Motion carried.

Kris Conway, Clerk