CEN 6016 – Engineering of Software 1
Selection of Team Members - Fall 2004
Please answer the following questions carefully and honestly. Due second class period.
Name: ______
The prerequisites to CEN 60166 are several including database processing, Java, data structures using OOSE and much more. I expect you to be familiar with all of these concepts.
In addition, your answering the following questions will help me create the development teams for these next two semesters.
1… Where are you in the graduate program? First semester?
______yes ______no
2… Would you like to lead the team (schedule meetings, do minutes, submit periodic reports to the instructor, etc.)?
______yes ______no
3. Which of the following courses (or their equivalent) have you taken are you enrolled in? (answer yes or no, please)
____ 1. Intro to OOP with Java (COP 2551)
____ 2. Data Structures using OOP (with Java)
____ 2. The second database course (following COP 4720, Database Processing)
(COP 4722)
____ 3. Networks and Distributed Processing (CEN 4516)
____ 4. Multimedia Systems (CAP 4020)
4. Do you have a working knowledge of (that is, have you had a course in or have you studied on your own:
____ 1. Visio 6. MySQL
____ 2. Visual Basic 7. Rational Rose or XDE
____ 3. Microsoft Access 8. Java Server Page (jsp)
____ 4. Oracle
____ 5. System Architect
5. Plans for CEN 6017 in the Spring
_____ I do not plan to take CEN 6017
____ I do plan to take CEN 6017 next semester
6. Is your command of the English language sufficient to construct professional documentation?
_____ yes _____ no ____ if no, explain ______
Is there anything special that I should know about you?
Do you have any special needs?
You may indicate ONE colleague with whom you wish to be paired in the formation of teams.
Name that person: ______-
If there is anyone with whom you definitely DO NOT want to be paired, so indicate. (Clearly, these records are only for my eyes.) Name(s) is/are ______