CIS 4312 Senior Project
Term:Spring 2005Instructor: P. Pete Chong
Office:N1024, ; lifegetter
Hour: MW10:00-11:00am; 7:00-7:30pm
or by appointment
Use any Systems Analysis and Design book for reference.
This is a capstone course. The objectives are: (1) to provide exposure to “real world” hardware and software problems of clients, customers and users, (2) to utilize techniques and theory gained in the classroom to the solving of problems, and (3) to continue the development, from previous classes, of personal written and oral communication skills. Emphasis is placed on the development of a computer application through life cycle methodology. In addition, students acquire additional knowledge in the specific concepts and skills of project management. Use of project management methods, project scheduling and control techniques, formal presentations and group dynamics in the analysis of information systems.
A grade of C or better in CIS 3301; 21 hours of CIS courses; senior standing; and successful completion of Junior writing proficiency exam.
Stage Reports 4@1560
Client Meeting Record 30
Final Report 30
Regular attendance 20
Oral Presentation 50
Project Quality/client satisfaction 50
Presentation Evaluation 10
A: 225B: 200C: 175D: 150
All written reports must follow the guideline and must be on time.
Note: unworkable projects, including lost files at the deadline and/or presentation will receive a mandatory 100 points penalty. Backup, backup, backup, and have contingency plans.
Report Format
All reports must be typed and double-spaced. They must have cover pages and page numbers. The final report needs to have table of contents, and all tables and figures must be labeled (Table 1, Figure 1, etc.).
The Final Report (as well as Stage Reports) must adhere to the instructions given in class. You are to consider your project very carefully and plan your activities accordingly. All work is expected to be prepared professionally and on time. A penalty of 5 points will be levied for each day late, for all written reports.
Every week you will be advised to set a goal for yourself, record the activities of the previous week, including meetings with your clients and/or professor. Explain any deviation from the original plan the reason of doing so. State any modification on the overall plan and their impact. Finally, set the goal for the following week. All these materials should be part of your stage reports.
Keep an electronic copy as well as hardcopy for yourself.
Tentative Class Plan
(Week of)
Jan18Getting Started
25Overview (Pete’s Pet Rules and SDLC)First Meeting; choose one
Feb1Enterprise View and Requirements AnalysisProject Requirement due
8Walkthrough on EV and RA, Logical DesignPreliminary RA Report Due
15Walkthrough on Logical DesignRevised RA Report Due
22Appointments on Logical DesignIndividual Appointment
Preliminary LD Report Due
Note: Fail to make the meeting will result in one grade penalty (i.e., turn an “A” to “B”)
March1Walkthrough for Logical DesignRevised LD Report Due
8Physical Design
Logical Structure vs. Physical Structure
Process Specification, Data Dictionary
Users Manual, Training
14-19Spring Break
22Implementation/TestingPreliminary PD Report Due
24Last Day to Drop
29Walkthrough on Physical DesignRevised PD Report Due
Apr5Walkthrough on Implementation
12Appointment on PrototypeIndividual Appointment
Note: Fail to have a prototype ready at this week will result in one grade penalty (i.e., turn an “A” to “B”)
19Walkthrough on Testing; TrainingPreliminary I/T Report Due
26Presentation Tips
May1Presentations (Sunday)
3PresentationsSemester Project Report Due