Filmmaking 1A - Movie Reviews (50 points each)
Every other week during the semester you will have a movie review due. They will be collected on Monday.
It must be a film you haven’t seen before. The films can be rented, picked up at the library or streamed. You can also watch them as a group but each person should have their own opinion. The movie review consists of 4 parts:
1. Go to and read a review-THE ENTIRE REVIEW! from a “Top Critic.”DO THIS BEFORE YOU WATCH THE MOVIE. I want to know if you agree or disagree with the review and why? Don’t just tell me what they thought of the film, I want to know what you think about their opinion. Tell me the name of the reviewer and publication they write for. (Example: Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times)
NOTE: Nobody writes reviews for RottenTomatoes, they write for other publications. (20 Points)
2. A brief synopsis of the movie. No more than 1 or 2, at most, paragraphs. I want to know a basic plot, the protagonist, antagonist and the conflict of the story. Do not reveal the ending, please. (5 points)
3. Your opinion of the movie. What did you like? What didn’t you like? Write about more than just your enjoyment of the movie, write about the acting, the story, the music, shots, lighting, etc. A good film critique provides the reader with a basic idea of what the film is about. It provides the writer’s critical assessment of the success/failure or effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the film supported by the evidence the writer gathers from the film, give specific examples. (20 points)
4. Finally, would you or would you not recommend this film. Explain your answer. (5 points)
In all you should at least 2 pages of type-written material. Please do not answer with one or two sentences. Please use specific examples from the film to back up your opinion. This should be in essay format and should flow. Due dates are listed. Film may not be watched on commercial television. Pay channels; HBO, Showtime, Turner Classic Movies(TCM),Fox Movie Channel, etc. are acceptable as long as films are uninterrupted and unedited.
Aug 29th: A film from the 1990’s.
Sept 12th: A movie that is on the American Film Institutes Top 100 list of all time. or see list posted
Sept 26th: A foreign film. This doesn’t necessarily mean another language.
Oct 10th: A film that is in black and white. This doesn’t necessarily mean old.
Oct 24th: A feature-length documentary on any subject.
Nov 7th: A film from the 1950’s
Nov 21st : A film from the 1960’s
Dec 5th: A film from the 1970’s
Final Class Mtg - TBD: A film from 1980’s
No late papers accepted – no exceptions don’t even ask!!
- emailed papers accepted