- Why did you want to become a. Ag? Teacher.
- How do you want your students to view you?
- Do you know a person who is a good listener?
If yes, please describe this person as a listener.
- Of the following four, from which do you think you would get the greatest satisfaction.
- Leading a research team that discovered a new technique for teaching
- Working with a student who wrote a winning essay
- Winning a trip to Hawaii to work on a curriculum team
- Being chosen teacher of the year by your peers
- Are you constantly searching for things you can show, tell or demonstrate to other people?
If yes, tell me about some recent discovery –something you have found
- How important is success in learning
How do you help students experience success?
- Have you developed any new ideas in the last two months
- If yes – Describe one or two of them to me.
- How well organized are you?
How important is organization for a teacher?
- When students say they want their teacher to be fair, what do you think they mean?
10. Tell me who you would like to be like - Why?
- A teacher once told us, “I hate to leave teaching because I’ve always loved my subject matter, but I can’t make enough money to raise my family. – Comment
- Would you describe an outstanding teacher to me?
- A student is having trouble learning something from your curriculum, how would you help that student?
- How can you tell when you are doing a good job listening?
- One day in school, three things happen. Which one is most significant to you?
- The results of a standardized achievement test indicate that your class grew one and one-half years in one year’s time
- Your class gave more money than any other class to the United Fund.
- A student who has not talked in 3 months in school asked a good question in class.
Which one do you believe is most significant and why?
- What are your sources of ideas?
- Tell me about the approaches or techniques that work best of you in teaching?
- How do you feel when you do not meet a deadline?
What do you do when students do not meet their deadlines?
- What do you do when a supervisor or principal criticizes a teaching technique you are using?
- What has been the development of your interest in teaching? When did you first become interested in teaching?
- What is your mission – what are your beliefs about the significance of education?
- Do you want your students to like you? Please tell me why you believe as you do.
- Do students or other people regularly seek you out to talk over their problems? Example
- What do you enjoy most about teaching?
- Would you tell me what you have read in the last two months? Why have you chosen to read this?
- Is it sometimes justifiable to force students to learn
How do you get students to learn?
- Let’s say 3 students from your class design a field trip that is in line with the topic you’ve been studying. The field trip will take all day. You don’t think the principal will approve. What would you do?
27. Are you a perfectionist?
Do you expect perfection of students?
- A teacher tells you that a student said your class was boring. What would you do?
- What are your personal goals and aspirations?
- As a teacher, should you intentionally try to build rapport with your students? How would do this?
- What do you enjoy most about listening to people?
- As a person, what about teaching is rewarding to you?
- Should a teacher intentionally use humor in the classroom? If yes, how do you use humor in teaching?
- What new ideas would you like to initiate in your classroom?
- When work is started, do you feel an urgency to complete it? How do you transmit this urgency to students?
- You have a hunch that a student could do much better work than he is doing, but you are not sure. What would you do?
- What kind of person do you like to work for?
- Do you believe that teaching is more important than the other professions? Why
- Here is a situation I’d like you to analyze for me. A teacher does many things to gain the favor of her students. Students take advantage of her and do many negative things in her class that other teachers won’t permit. Please tell me how you analyze this situation.
- How do you feel when a student fail?
- How can you get a student to be excited about learning?
- Can a teacher give students too much recognition? How do you give recognition?
- In teaching a class, do you have an outline that you follow?
- You give an assignment. A student ridicules the assignment, saying it doesn’t make sense. What would you do?
- What do you want to be doing five years from now?
- This concludes our questions. Is there anything you would like to add that would help us know you better?
These are the types of questions that I would ask any type of teacher, whether it was math, English, or Ag.
I am looking for a few things I consider extremely important, there is no right or wrong answer.
I do not talk much during the interview, pretty much just ask the question and let them go from their.
By the way the one thing I am looking for – DO THEY LIKE KIDS.
I feel they can grow as a teacher and become an excellent teacher, but if they don’t put kids first, or like them, they will never be as successful as I would like.