CincinnatiState Technical & Community College
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
OTA 4653 Level I Fieldwork - Adult Physical
Tentative Course Syllabus 2008-2009
Cindy Kief, ND, COTA/L
Phone: 569-1691
Office Hours: TBA
Course Description:
Provides the opportunity for direct observation and participation in community Occupational Therapy setting. The ratio of fieldwork educators to students will be 1:1 - 1:2 to enable proper supervision and frequent assessment of progress.
“Level 1 Fieldwork, which initially provides the student with exposure to clinical practice through observation, progresses with increasing expectations of the student to demonstrate skills in the use of selected evaluation or treatment procedures; gather and organize data; and examine reactions to client and patients, self, personnel, and the profession” (Guide to Fieldwork Education, Commission of Education of the American Occupational Therapy Association, AOTA, Inc., 1994, Pg.3).
OTA 4651
OTA 4613, OTA 4623, OTA 4633
Credits: 2
Class meets eight hours in the field and one hour seminar on campus.
Evaluation MethodWeight
Client Plan 115%
Client Plan 215%
Progress Note5%
Correlation Study20%
Level 1 Fieldwork Evaluation35%
Standardized Evaluation5%
Student Evaluation of Fieldwork & Record of Experience are due at assigned Seminar dates to avoid points deducted from final grade and to receive a grade for the course.
Policies: Please refer to student handbook
Course objectives in terms of student learning: Will be progressive, requiring the student to make a transition from more simple to complex learning experiences.
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss the orientation process as provided at the clinical site and pertinent information which applies to the clinical fieldwork experience.
- Demonstrate skill in data gathering by obtaining pertinent information through:
- Observation
- Client interview
- Chart review
- Other available resources
- Demonstrate communication skills by:
- Accurately recording observations of therapist/client interaction communicating effectively with clients, families, supervisor, and other health
- Establishing therapeutic relationships with clients
- Completing a progress note which relates to a particular client
- Monitor and/or assist with the implementation of the OT process under the direction of and/or through collaboration with supervisor for the following:
- Development of therapeutic goals
- Development of plan of treatment
- Planning of individual treatment sessions
- Implementation of one-to-one or group treatment sessions
- Progress of treatment
- Demonstrate professional characteristics by:
- Demonstrating reliable work habits
- Establishing positive working relationships with staff
- Maintaining a safe environment
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Asking appropriate questions
- Respecting and maintaining patient, facility, and peer confidentiality
- Conducting self ethically (according to the profession’s and student’s Code of Ethics) and with appropriate courtesy and attitudes in client and staff relationships
- Evaluating experience in terms of personal and professional growth and development
- Perform a standardized assessment at the fieldwork site
- Standardized assessment on a selected client as directed by the supervisor
- Provide documentation on a the results of the assessment
- Apply physical dysfunction theory to practice
- Complete a correlation study which compares classical ad clinical information as it relates to the client
- Discuss applications of ADA law and other legislation as it effects the practice of physical dysfunction
- Discuss cultural diversity issues as they relate to physical dysfunction OT treatment in reference to the patient and family
- Participation in seminar experience to accomplish the following:
- Therapeutic use of self through role playing
- Reflective journaling
- Critical thinking and problem solving around clinical issues
- Sharing of current trends in clinical practice
- Discuss role delineating as demonstrated at the clinical site
* Any student with a disability necessitating accommodations prescribed by the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act must meet with Mr. Dave Cover, Special Needs Counselor, prior to participating in classroom or laboratory activities. He will be the primary resource to determine what accommodations are necessary to provide the appropriate learning opportunity for the student. Mr. Cover may be contacted at (513) 569-1613.
*Health Excel Services
Health Excel Services is a “free” student support services available to all students enrolled in Health and Public Safety Division programs. The purpose of this service is to help students achieve their goals! Caring advisors work with students to help them identify the issues (personal, academic, financial, etc.) that are getting the way of their success, and develop a plan to overcome these obstacles and complete their coursework. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with a Health Excel Advisor as soon as difficulties arise ……. Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late !!!!!
* Instructors of this course reserve the right to refer students to Health Excel should the need present.
CincinnatiState - OTA Program Level I Fieldwork Clinicals
Student Information - Addendum to Syllabus
Specific Assignments:
- Midterm/Final Student Evaluation
You will receive a written evaluation at midterm and at the end of the 10 week rotation. The evaluation consists of two parts. (Refer to handout in student handbook for scoring guidelines.) Please review this form regularly so that you are familiar with the criteria upon which you will be evaluated. You are to sign the completed evaluation after it is reviewed with you. You are to sign the completed evaluation after it is reviewed with you. Your signature designates that the information on the evaluation has been reviewed with you and not necessarily that you agree with it. The completed and signed evaluation will be mailed to Cindy Kief by the facility or may be given to you in a sealed envelope to deliver to CincinnatiState.
- Student Evaluation of the Fieldwork Experience
This is an evaluation of your clinical educational experience. You are to have TWO copies completed and ready to discuss at the beginning of your final evaluation session. They are to be signed by you and your clinical supervisor. One copy will be kept by the facility and one will be mailed/delivered to CincinnatiState with your final evaluation. Your evaluation of the fieldwork site will be filed in Lab 267 for use by future students. These feedback forms will be maintained in the fieldwork file cabinet.
- Journal
You are to keep an on-going Journal for this clinical experience. There should be an entry for each day you attend the clinical experience. Information that should be included in each entry is: date, interventions observed, unfamiliar words, questions that you have, and other activities/events you have observed, things you’re enjoying, or your frustrations. This journal should help you complete your final evaluation of the experience. Please realize that the journals are very carefully ready by CincinnatiState instructors and may be used as a means for identification of problems which you may be experiencing. They are confidential and designed to provide an additional means of support for you throughout your clinical. The journals are due electronically by midnight the day of clinical.
- Progress Note
Complete a progress note on a selected client with the note format utilized at your site. A grading criteria is provided with the assignment. You are to gain an awareness of different types/forms of progress notes being utilized in our community. This information will be shared as a class in seminar. The assignment is designed to assist you in integrating information learned in lettuce and lab with the being practiced at clinical sites.
5. Client Plans
There will be 2 client plans due for this term. They are used to give the student experience
observing and then reporting that information.
6. Standardized Assessment
Complete the designated assessment on a selected client following the protocol established for administration. During the psychosocial clinical you will receive an evaluation sheet to assist with the administration of the ACLS. During the physical dysfunction clinical you will receive grading criteria for the assignment. These assignments are designed to assist you in integrating information learned in lecture and lab with that being practiced at clinical sites.
7. Correlation Study & Draft
Select one client upon which to complete a Correlation Study and structure the assignment based on the grading criteria provided. This project is designed to help you to study an individual’s classic medical picture as it correlates with the clinical picture.
NOTE: Journals will be turned in electronically. Client plans must be submitted with clinical supervisors signature and comments.
The role of your supervisor is to provide you with learning experiences and to provide you with feedback regarding your abilities as well as area that you need to strengthen. They will “teach” you information about clients, diagnoses, the O.T. processes, “professionalism”, and the implementation of occupation based interventions.
As a student, your role is to learn and grow towards becoming an O.T. Assistant. This is often a challenging and difficult process. The areas that are important for you to develop are noted in objectives: gathering data, communication, O.T. process, and professional characteristics use of occupation based interventions. All are equally important. It is your role to ensure that your learning needs are met. You should show initiative, ask questions. If you are having a problem, you should first discuss it with your supervisor. If this does not resolve the problem, you should discuss it with Cindy Kiefor during the psychosocial clinical Cindy Kief or Claudia Miller. Your journals are a very important form of communication. Please use the effectively.
The role of the coordinator is to ensure that the students are receiving an appropriate learning experience. It is also to ensure that the students follow through with assigned procedures. Cindy Kief will call the supervisor after 3 weeks to discuss student progress. I will if asked visit the student and supervisor at the facility at mid-term to discuss progress. I will also keep abreast o fieldwork experiences through occasional classroom contact (theory and lab). Your supervisors will be sent a very complete student packet prior to your clinicals. You will receive a letter informing you of the packet’s contents. Finally, I will always be available to both students and fieldwork supervisors to discuss matters of importance to either.
Meticulous planning has taken place among CincinnatiState faculty to assure that the learning experiences promoted and provided in all of your class work ultimately related to your fieldwork experience. Please be aware of this correction as you engage in fieldwork.
The Cincinnati State Health and Public Safety Division Handbook should be reviewed carefully. The standards for clinical practice must be strictly adhered to. A violation in one of the standards will result in a meeting between the student and the Clinical Practice Standards Committee.
Attendance: (Per Health and Public Safety Division Handbook & OTA Program Handbook)
Attendance during assigned hours is required.
Unavoidable absence must be reported to the coordinator AND to the clinical supervisor at the soonest possible time.
Tardiness: you are required to notify the clinical supervisor as well as the coordinator; any time lost from being tardy must be made up.
Seminar: This course also requires attendance to a 50-minute seminar each week. Adjustments may be made to the in class portion of their class. Parts of seminar may be online.
You are permitted one absence from seminar for personal illness, death in the family, or some other type of extreme circumstance which must be discussed with the coordinator.
After one class session is missed, 5 points will be deducted from your final grade for each absence.
The assignments must be neat, thorough, and concise. They are to be completed on the computers in the OTA Lab or on your own personal computer.
Before you hand in an assignment, your fieldwork supervisor must read it, comment on THE ACCURACY (ONLY) of the data presented in your assignment. It is not their role to GRADE the assignments. AN ASSIGNMENT THAT IS NOT SIGNED AND DATED BY THE FIELDWORK SUPERVISOR WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
It is very important that you plan ahead so that you have enough time to complete the assignment, allow the clinical supervisor to read it and hand it in to CincinnatiState on the due date.
The clinical supervisor is not responsible for reminding you about the assignments. They will provide assistance by answering questions that you ask. It is ultimately your responsibility to determine how and when you will complete the assignment.
All assignments are due at the beginning of the specified due date. Late assignments must be approved by the instructor, prior to due date. Late assignments will be approved in extreme circumstances only A late assignment that does not have prior approval will be given a “0”. All assignments must be completed in order to receive credit for the course. Grading criteria will be provided prior to the due date.
If an assignment is going to be late, the instructor is to be notified no later than 3 p.m., on the day before the assignment is due. The assignment is expected at the beginning of the next regular class day unless otherwise agreed upon with the instructor. Twenty points will automatically be deducted for late assignments. Assignments not turned in on the agreed upon extended due date will receive a score of “0”.
Occupational Therapy Assistance Program
OTA 4653: Level I Fieldwork Adult Physical Dysfunction/Gerontology
Late Fall Term 2008-2009
Time line guideline for learning experiences
On-going:Student asks questions
Student fills out daily journal
Student keeps chart of clients observed (Intervention Logs)
NOTE:Things to plan ahead for:
This fieldwork requires that you interview a family member. Ask your supervisor to help you select a client with family that with whom you can talk.
You will be performing a standardized assessment this term, and doing a correlation study. It will be helpful for you if you begin thinking about this early in the term. Notice what conditions/diagnoses are particularly interesting to you. Your supervisor may be able to help you select a client with a condition/diagnoses that in which you are interested.
Journals are due every evening upon completion of your clinical day.
Week 1:
Orientation: Facility
Types of Clientele
Emergency Plan
Expectations (assignments, dress code, absences, etc.)
Review HIPPA requirements
Becomes acquainted with safety/security polices
Meet Team Members
Observe therapist intervention with clients
Supervisor follows normal routine; student observes interventions
Meet team members; observe in client intervention, if possible
Student interact (social level) with all clients observed.
Week 2
Supervisor follows normal routine, student observes interventions
Meet team members; observe client intervention, if possible
Student interact (social level) with all clients observed
Supervisor assigns student one client: observe treatment. At end of day have student verbalize observations. Give student feedback on accuracy/what was missed.
Student observes supervisor’s interventions
Student becomes familiar with client records
These are just suggested topics. The rest of the clinical feel free to engage the student as your facility allows, as the clients’ conditions allow and as the student progresses in skills. You may also consider the following learning experiences.
Additional Learning Experience
Become aware of ADA accommodations present at site
Attend team conferences
Plan and implement group activity
Instruct a client in an activity unfamiliar to client
Perform an initial interview
Plan and implement activity with client that is new to facility
Interview a team member
Explain OT to a client/family
Attend interventions of other disciplines
Splinting/fit sling
Adapt equipment
Transfer client (under supervision)
Instruct client (energy conservation, joint protection, use of adapted equipment)
Plan and implement group activities
What else?
DUE TO CINCINNATISTATE January 26 , 2009. Students may deliver this paperwork to Cindy Kief in a sealed envelope
Level 1 Fieldwork Evaluation
Student Evaluation of Fieldwork Experience
Intervention Log (initialed and dated by supervisor)
The following calendar can be used to plan time together. There are 2 groups of students, some meet in seminar on Mondays and some meet in seminar on Wednesdays. This can be clarified by asking the student which group they are in.
Week / M / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday1 / Nov 12
Term begins
Seminar for everyone
At 3:00 / Nov 13
2 / Nov 17
Seminar / Nov 18 / Nov 19
Seminar / Nov 20
3 / Nov 24
Seminar / Nov 25 / Nov 26
Seminar / Thanksgiving no
4 / Dec 1
Client plan 1 is due / Dec 2 / Dec 3
Client plan 1 due / Dec 4
5 / Dec 8
Standardized test due / Dec 9 / Dec 10
Standardized test due / Dec 11
6 / Dec 15
Client plan 2 due / Dec 16 / Dec 17
Client plan 2 due / Dec 18
7 / Dec 22
Progress notes due all groups / 23 / Dec 24
No class / Dec 25
No Clinical
8 / Dec 30
No Class / Dec 30
No Clinical / Dec 31
No Class / Jan 1
No Clinical
9 / Jan 5
Seminar / Jan 6 / Jan 7
Seminar / Jan 8
10 / Jan 12
Correlation Study Due / Jan 13 / Jan 14
Correlation Study Due / Jan 15
11 / Jan 19
No Class / Jan 20 / Jan 21
No seminar / Jan 22
Last Day of Clinical
12 / Jan 26
All paperwork due