Teaching and Learning Cooperative
Title of Proposal: Technology for the Classroom
TLC points requested: 10 points
(A 10 point TLC is a minimum of 40 hours with at least half of the hours outside the contract day. A 20 point TLC is a minimum of 80 hours with at least half of the hours
outside the contract day.)
Proposal Submission Date: September 20, 2007
Proposal Description (2-3 sentences for publishing to prospective participants):
Participants will acquire and develop skills with various forms of technology which will be used in the classroom setting.
Intended Audience or Participant list: Teachers at Rolling Hills
Implementation Timeframe (Beginning and Ending Dates): November 1-May 2008
(No hours may be counted for any TLC until the proposal has been approved by the Professional Development Advisory Board.)
Proposal Facilitator: Eunice Cupples & Chiara Lawless
Work Location: Rolling Hills Phone: 672-3400
District Goals to be Addressed: X PreK-12 Literacy (support for PreK-12 reading, writing, or mathematics)
X Proficiency for all students across all grade levels and content areas, as measured by standardized state measures (CAHSEE, CST)
Increased access to rigorous curriculum
Intended Learning Outcomes:
■ Participants will acquire the knowledge to use e-mail, word, united streaming and webpage to improve communication and facilitation with parents and students
■ Participants will create presentations for their students utilizing united streaming and web page to expand learning time and to address all learning styles
■ Participants will create links to activities and interactive pages for their classrooms on their web pages to provide instructional support materials and increase learning experiences for students
Professional Growth Activities – Acquisition of New Learning
As evidence of implementation, each participant is required to maintain a portfolio of documentation regarding completion of her/his new learning, impact on student learning and reflection activities. This portfolio will be reviewed by the facilitator at the end of the TLC. Examples of documentation: time logs, meeting notes, discussion group notes, lesson plans, student work samples, journals, etc.
State what new learning participant(s) will acquire through this proposal, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Four 90 minute meetings will be held from November-May for participants to acquire the skills needed to utilize email, Word, United Streaming and Webpage. One topic will be addressed at each meeting, with skills presented and practiced for each topic. Participants will then practice/investigate usage of skills. Four hour long follow up meetings will be collaborative in nature and in which teachers will share activities that they have developed and implemented in their classrooms and student work resulting from these activities.
Topics (some classes may be present more than one topic) covered will be:
Meeting 1: Nov, 2007 (Date: TBA) - 3:00 to 4:30 Email: Organize folders and sort email,
create distribution list, send group email
Meeting 2: Dec, 2007 (Date: TBA) - 3:00 to 4:00 Present evidence of work, share ideas,
challenges, and solutions
Meeting 3: Jan, 2008 (Date: TBA) - 3:00 to 4:30 Word: Create tables, data entry sheets and
worksheets, insert clipart, wordart, format and
edit pictures, customize toolbars
Meeting 4: Feb, 2008 (Date: TBA) - 3:00 to 4:00 Present evidence of work, share ideas,
challenges, and solutions
Meeting 5: Mar, 2008 (Date: TBA) - 3:00 to 4:30 United Streaming: Locate video clips, integrate into lessons, customize lessons, create playlists and assignments.
Meeting 6; Apr, 2008 (Date: TBA) 3:00 to 4:00 Present evidence of work, share ideas,
challenges, and solutions
Meeting 7; May, 2008 (Date: TBA) 3:00 to 4:30 Webpages: Design website, create
announcements, links, and assignments
Meeting 8: May, 2008 (Date: TBA) 3:00 to 4:00 Present evidence of work, share ideas,
challenges, and solutions
Revised May 4, 2007
Meeting 1: Email:
Organization of folders, creating new folders to save emails, creating distributions lists (group mail), etc.
Meeting 2: Share How Email Worked for Participants
Participants will share and collaborate the success of email and communication with parents and students.
Meeting 3: Word:
Creating worksheets, working with tables (tracking student assessments), clipart, word art, file management.
Meeting 4: Share How Word Worked
Participants will share and collaborate utilized skills to show improvement on student lessons.
Meeting 5: United Streaming:
How to locate videos clips, create playlists and assignments, integrate into lessons, customize and personalize lessons to different subjects, grades, and learning styles
Meeting 6: Share playlists and assignments
Participants will share lessons, video collections, assignments and playlists
Meeting 7: Webpages:
Updating scholastic webpage, creating announcements, links, etc
Customize and personalize lessons to different subjects, grades, and learning styles
Meeting 8: Final Presentation and Reflection
Participants will share webpage they’ve created and how it affects student learning
Participant will have a one-page summary reflection on the impact of this TLC
Teachers will spend another 10 hours outside the contract day to create various Word documents such as data entry sheets, worksheets with tables, clipart, and wordart; prepare United Streaming lessons; design class websites; create email distribution lists, organize emails; and improve file management.
Revised May 4, 2007
Meeting Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 10 HOURS
Additional time outside the contract day 10 HOURS:
Classroom Implementation Activities
The impact of the newly acquired learning of TLC participants on student learning is critical to this section
State how participant(s) will implement new learning in the classroom, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Teachers will develop and deliver 4 lessons/presentations which utilize skills/collaboration acquired from their meetings. Lessons will be linked to grade level curriculum standards. Teachers will monitor student success and participation and evaluate and modify future instruction based on analyzing the student work. A portfolio of student work and teacher lessons will be kept by each participant to be used in the collaborative meetings and to be the documentation for implementation of the new learning.
Teachers will spend at least 6 hours in the classroom utilizing technology they have learned from this TLC to enhance student learning. They will facilitate students in creating a report or project. Students can design a United Streaming lesson, create test questions or worksheets for the purpose of peer review or study notes. Students will also use links from teachers’ website to enrich and reinforce learning.
Teachers will spend 12 or more hours meeting with grade level and cross grade level teams to collaborate and share best practices. These meetings will take place outside the contract hours. Then teachers will bring their ideas, observations, and work samples to share at each TLC meeting.
Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 12 HOURS
Hours INSIDE the contract day: 6 HOURS
Reflection Activities
State how participant(s) will reflect on their new learning, including the timeline and/or hours anticipated:
Participants will write a one page summary reflection on the impact of this TLC on their learning and on the learning of their students. Notes from meetings will be kept as well as any hand outs for teacher to refer to in their reflection.
Hours OUTSIDE the contract day: 3 HOURS
Budget Request
If you anticipate needing fiscal support for the implementation of your proposal, please list prospective needs and estimated costs. TLC will fund up to 50% of site based TLC’s, not to exceed $500. TLC will fund 100% of district wide proposals, not to exceed $500.
· No budget needed
If you are the facilitator, will you need “facilitator hourly”? NO
Yes If so, for whom? No
Yes If so, for whom? No
We would like the 10 points instead of the hourly rate. We will be the facilitators and participants.
For a 10 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 30 hours.
For a 20 point TLC, the paid facilitator hours cannot exceed 60 hours.
If you wish to receive points as a facilitator, in lieu of hourly compensation, you must write a separate facilitator proposal using the facilitator form.
Revised May 4, 2007