CILIP South East Member Network, AGM, 12th May 2015
Chair’s Report for 2014
The South East Member Network (SEMN) came into being in 2014, after the South East Branch merged with the regional divisions of the Career Development Group (CDG) and the Personnel Training and Education Group (PTEG). The first year of operation went very smoothly with portfolioand mentor workshops organised in liaison with the sub-regions (as the sub-branches became!). Franko Kowalczuk took on the role of Member Support Co-ordinator as well as continuing to be a Candidate Support Officer. SEMN recruited two further Candidate Support Officers: Susan Renshaw (HIOW) and Nicola Beer (CiTV) who are now both running Registration Events throughout the region. The aim is to recruit and train Candidate Support Officers in all the sub-regions. Linda Jones (HIOW) took on the role of Mentor Support Co-ordinator and has developed a plan of action with the aim – similarly - of building up a mentor support network through the sub-regions. Heather Barker took on the role of New Professionals Support Officer and work is ongoing to define that role more clearly.
Throughout 2014, CILIP HQ held consultations and discussions on a new set of General Regulations. The revised rules applying to Regional Member Networks were adopted on 18 February 2015. They represent a significant step forward in the relationship between CILIP HQ and its member networks, acknowledging that the member networks are ‘fundamental in creating a vibrant sense of community within the profession’.
The new scheme of Professional Registration was launched in March/April 2014 and SEMN organised three events to promote this.
Professional Development Activities
SEMN has overseen a wide range of professional and networking activities over the last year, delivered through its sub-regional network. The following list provides a flavour of the range of activities:
- Workshops
Professional Registration – several events throughout the region; Mentor exchange workshop; How libraries can support victims of domestic abuse (the winner of the 2013 Libraries Change Lives Award)
- Talks
Changes in copyright law; 16th century libraries; web accessibility; Using Google professionally; Self-publishing
- Visits
The Keep in Sussex; Augustine House Library, Christ Church University; Mallinson Library, Wellington College; Hampshire Records Office
- Social events
Summer rambles, pub socials and Christmas quizzes.
In last year’s report I highlighted the revival of CILIP in Kent. CILIP in Kent went from strength to strength throughout 2014 and ended it with an impressive portfolio of CDP events. Thanks are due to the new committee and in particular – as last year – to Maria Centrone at the University of Kentfor her energy and enthusiasm.
Committee news
There have been several changes to the committee. I decided to stand down as Chair, having been in the role since 2011, and Vicky Bird took over in February 2015. Vicky has been the committee representative for Thames Valley since the end of 2013 and was also the SEMN web manager. I’d like to thank her for volunteering to take over as Chair and I’m sure she’ll do a great job. Margaret Wallis resigned as Vice-Chair and stepped down from the committee at the end of 2014. Margaret was the first Chair of the South East Branch when it began life in 2004 and she successfully created a firm foundation for the work that SEMN is now doing. John Hobson stood down as Secretary, a post he has held since 2007. I would like to record a special thanks to John for all his hard work over the years and particularly while I was Chair. He was always a solid guiding force and did an incredible amount behind the scenes – as well as being an efficient secretary. Jaimee McRoberts has taken over as Secretary and joined the committee via the Eclipse team. Helen Hart left the Eclipse team at the end of 2014 but Jaimee is continuing to steer this with a steady hand. With all this change afoot it’s a relief that Amanda Lackey is continuing as Treasurer – a bit of continuity! Amanda does this tricky job with great efficiency and good humour.
Looking ahead
I’d just like to wish the new committee members all the very best as they take on the challengesahead. In particular I’d like to thank Vicky for taking over the reins from me. I have every confidence in her and I’m sure she’ll do a great job.
Good luck, all!
Audrey Marshall
May 2015