Leadership Education and Training Syllabus (LET-4)

SY 2015-2016

I.INSTRUCTOR –Lieutenant Colonel Eric Hollister

II. COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE-RO101 Introduction to Leadership Development (LET 4)

III.PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION– Leadership Education and Training (LET 4), Program of Instruction. JROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. This curriculum is the capstone of this education, and teaches high school students advanced leadership and management skills; also prepares them for life after high school. The primary mission of JROTC is "To motivate young people to be better citizens."


V. INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH -JROTC is taught through a combination of lecture, group discussions, practical exercises, demonstrations, hands-on/performance oriented training, and drill. For physical activities such as PT and Cadet Challenge, cadets are graded on effort rather than actual performance. Mondays are usually reserved for drill and ceremonies, Tuesdays for uniform wear and inspection, Wednesdays and Thursdays are classroom instruction days, and most Fridays are sports/physical activity days.


A. DISCIPLINE – Standard School rules, JROTC published regulations, and classroom rules apply. Students are expected to act like adults—period. As seniors, LET 4 students should set the example in all things. Seniors not in leadership positions should set the example of a good follower. If students are unable to meet these expectations, they will lose rank and their LET 4 status. If behavior problems continue, they may be removed from the program.

B. ATTENDANCE – Students are expected to be in class. It is the student’s responsibility to determine what work was missed if a LET 4 classroom day is missed, and to make up that work. Any assignments must be turned in the first day back to school. See missed uniform day information below.

C. COURSE EXPECTATIONS -Cadets should be:

- Prepared for all classes and events. This includes bringing a dedicated notebook and pen/pencil to class.

- Respectful to all teachers and peers.

- On time to for all JROTC activities and events.

- Willing toexcel both mentally and physically.

- Involved in school and community activities.

- Aware of current local and world events.

- Able todemonstrate acceptable level of curriculum knowledge.

- Able todemonstrategood "followership", teamwork, and self-discipline.

- Have an LHS Gmail account and the ability to access it.

D. HOMEWORK – The bulk of JROTC work will be done in class. There will be some instances of homework, but it is minimal.


Academics: 25%,

Uniform: 25%,

Participation: 20% = 100 points to start than take off the following points

Tardy – 2 point

Failure to Participate example: PT/DRILL = minus 10 points

Evaluation: 10% this is your cadre advisor’s evaluation of you. We look at how you behave in class, if you wear the uniform, and do the required community service.

Community Service: 20%

10 hours needed by end of 1st quarter (mid-Oct) for 100%

10 additional hours needed by end of semester (mid-Dec) for 100%

10 additional hours needed by end of third quarter (mid-March) for 100%

10 additional hours needed by end of the year (mid-May) for 100%

NOTE:If you sign up for a community service and do not show, the hours you would have completed will be added to your total requirement for that quarter.


Cadets will be next to their seats when the tardy bell rings. On uniform days they will be within the JROTC area, in one of the rooms designated for changing, at the time of the bell. Exception: First-hour students will be in uniform and next to their seats at the time of the bell. On physical training days, students will be in one of three places at the time of the bell: Next to their seats, in a designated changing area (except 1st hour), or in the designated gymnasium for the day.

Any cadet not in one of these locations when the bell rings is considered tardy.

1st and 2ndtardies (in a semester) will result in counseling from the cadet chain of command and the cadre. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5thtardies, the cadet will be referred to the office for detention. The 6th, 7th, and 8thtardies will result in In School Suspension (ISS). 9 or more tardies will result in Out of School Suspension (OSS).


Must be passing all classes, and have a C or higher in JROTC.

Must have made up any missed uniform days within the first day back to school. If not for an excused absence, the highest grade you can get on a uniform makeup is 70 points. (see Uniform Wear below)

Must have completed all required community service hours before the promotion dates:

1st promotion cycle mid-Oct

NOTE: This cycle is for promotion from Cadet to Cadet Private only

2nd promotion cycle mid-Dec

3rd promotion cycle end of Apr

NOTE: Ten 3rd quarter and at least four 4th quarter community service hours must be completed to be considered for this promotion.

LET 1s can be promoted up to the rank of CPL – Cadet of the Year can earn an additional rank.

LET 2s can be promoted to the rank of SSG – Cadet of the Year can earn additional rank. Promotions to SGT must appear in front of a promotion board (unless promotion is due to winning a cadet of the month/year board).

LET 3s can be promoted to the rank of 2LT- must attain rank of CDT/SSG and pass a written test. In order to be promoted to officer rank, cadets must hold an officer position. (For more information see the Officer Rank Structure section of this SOP).

LET 4s can achieve all ranks.

Cadets must be boarded and achieve the rank of SSG before they can be eligible for promotion to officer ranks.


Cadets can lose rank based on poor scholastic performance or improper behavior. Cadet Command Regulation 145-2, paragraph 3-15 states that cadets must maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement and conduct. It further states that those in leadership positions are expected to demonstrate high personal standards to set the example. It goes on to say that

All Cadets should be honest and self-reliant; they should have a sense of personal and social responsibility in performing unit and other academic assignments. They must exhibit self-discipline and respect for constituted authority, through observance of laws, rules, and regulations; by prompt and regular attendance at instruction and in their general demeanor.

If a cadet is found to be in violation of CCR 145-2, their case will be reviewed by the Cadre and the Cadet Battalion commander to determine if reduction in rank, probation, and/or removal from the program is warranted. Cadets may face a disciplinary hearing. The SAI will make the final determination.


Uniforms will normally be worn on Tuesdays. Company points towards Honor Company will be earned on uniform days only. The number of cadets present and in uniform on uniform day will be divided by the number of cadets present who have been issued a uniform in order to obtain the company’s percentage. Any uniforms left in unauthorized locations in the JROTC area (or in the building) after the end of the day following uniform day (i.e. Wednesday evening for a Tuesday uniform day) will be subtracted from the company total and the uniform’s owner will get a 70 (minus any inspection deductions) for that uniform day. NOTE: The only authorized uniform locations are team rooms for team members only.

During uniform days, uniforms may be stored in the range on the uniform racks provided for the purpose. Uniforms must be removed by the end of uniform day.

Individuals who are absent on uniform days will wear their uniform either the day prior or their first day back following the uniform day. This will be for individual points only, and will not impact the company totals. Absent cadets can earn up to 100 points on their first day back, and 70 the day after that. Cadets who were present but failed to wear their assigned uniform can earn up to 70 (individual) points if they wear the uniform the next day. If they do not make up the wear of the uniform, they will receive zero points.

Leaders at all levels will wear their uniforms all day. They are allowed to coordinate with their advisor to not wear the uniform during hours in which it can be damaged (i.e gym class, auto tech, cooking, etc.). Battalion Staff members will coordinate with the SAI. Cadets should put the uniform back on when the exception class is complete. Wearing of the uniform is NEVER an excuse to not dress-out for gym class. Leaders include Company leadership, squad leader and above, team commanders, and battalion staff cadets.



1st Semester – Power Bases and Leadership Styles, Management, Teaching

2nd Semester – Communication, Motivation, Service Learning, Personal Finances, Department of Defense, Department of the Army

Assignments:(Part of the Academic Grade)Points

1st Semester—Gmail Confirmation 5

Leadership Paragraph100

Lesson Prep in class100

Lesson Plan100

Class Delivery100

Other as assignedTBD


2nd SemesterCommunication assignment50

Motivation assignment50

Service Learning Log100

Other as assignedTBD


VIII.ADDITIONAL CREDIT –JROTC can substitute for PE requirement Soph, Jr, and Sr years.

IX. CONTACTS - Questions may be addressed to the JROTC Department at or Email at . Numerous emails will be sent home with the student to keep the parents informed of JROTC activities. Visit LTC Hollister’s website at