subject to changes

For registration and the triennial program, please see

CIDOC Call for Abstracts, regular deadline March 19, 2016

LINK To Call for Papers

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Full day meetings

  1. WG Meeting LIDO (Coburn, Stein)
  2. EXHIBITION DOC (Bevilacqua)
  3. CIDOC CRM (Ore)

Half day meetings

  1. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES (Stead) , morning
  2. DIGITAL PRESERVATION (Nickel), afternoon

Monday, July 4, 2016

14 – 15:30 OPENING of CIDOC 2016 (plenary)

Coffee break

16:00 - 18:00 Parallel sessions

  1. Presentation of all CIDOC WGs( Hagedorn-Saupe)
  2. A Workshop: Introduction to Documentation Standards (Whitson-Cloud)

The session will run in two parts. In the first hour we will hear (4 or 5) 10 minute papers on "What is Museum Documentation" or "The use of Standards in Museum Documentation - a case study". The second section will take the form of an active participation workshop exploring themes from these papers.

  1. Presentation for newcomers LIDO WG(Coburn, Stein)
  2. Presentation for newcomers Research Environments (Krause & al)
  3. Presentation for newcomers Intangible CH (Seth)
  4. Presentation for newcomers Digital Preservation (Nickel)
  5. Presentation for newcomers Exhibition Documentation (Bevilacqua)
  6. Presentation for newcomers CIDOC CRM (Ore)

Presenting applicationsand demo, discussing collaborations

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

11:00 - 13:00 Parallel sessions

  1. Workshop for Museum directors : Knowledge management in Museums (Crofts)

In collaboration with INTERCOM (Museum management)

  1. Session: WG Exhibition Documentation (Bevilacqua)
  2. Training session: Introduction to Museum Processes (Koch)
  3. Session CIDOC CRM SIG (Öre)

15:00-18:00 Parallel sessions

  1. Panel discussion (Crofts)

In collaboration with INTERCOM (Museum management)

  1. Panel discussion with Intangible Cultural Heritage(ICH) WG
  2. Workshop: An Encyclopaedia of Museum Practice, how to collaborate over language barriers. WG Documentation Standards (Whitson Cloud) In collaboration with ICOMON (Money and Banking)
  3. SessionCIDOC CRM SIG (Öre)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

11:30 – 13:00 Parallel sessions

  1. Panel: UNESCO / PERSIST Guidelines WG DIGItal Preservation (Nickel)
  2. WG ICH (Seth)
  3. WG MPI (Koch)
  4. WG ARCH (Stead)

14:00 – 16:00 Plenary session

CIDOC Annual General Meeting (Hagedorn-Saupe)

16:00 – 18:00

Board Meeting (for leaving and new CIDOC Board members)

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Special treat for CIDOC friends and members! The exact schedule will be given to those who are registered for the trip. Limited availability.

Busses depart from Milano in the morning

Arrival to Piazza Castello, 5 min walk to University of Torino ( map p.2 in this file

Short plenary session at University of Torino (UNITO), Via Verdi 8, Aula Magna of CavallerizzaReale. CIDOC members with local museum and documentation professionals from University of Torino, Città di Torino, Museums, Archives and Libraries

coffee break, transfer time

Parallel meetings/workshops at CavallerizzaReale and the State Archives.
Themes include but are not limited to Cooperation among museums / with museums, archives and libraries; Integrating metadata from different institutions; Different notions on Documentatio

Lunch atCavallerizzaReale

Parallel program continues: meetings/discussions with colleagues; visits behind the scenes (State Archives, Royal Palace collections, Egyptian museum)

Brief plenary session at University of Torino (UNITO), Via Verdi 8, Aula Magna of CavallerizzaReale, closing the CIDOC program in the triennial

Free time in Torino

Busses leave to Milan …. Return to Milan (MiCo, hotels). Back for late dinner.