CIC Faculty Confirmation Letter

Society of Certified Insurance Counselors

P.O. Box 27027, Austin, TX78755-2027

Phone: 512-345-7932 / Fax: 512-349-6194

, 2003


From: Name

Program Director

Dear :

Thank you for agreeing to serve as faculty at the following CIC program:

Institute City, StateDate, Year

  • The honorarium to be paid after your presentation is $.
  • The hotel information, along with your scheduled topic(s), is outlined in the attached agenda.
  • Attached is the biography that we currently have on file for you. Please review it and let me know if there are any changes.
  • Also attached is the Faculty Confirmation Form. Please fill out this form and return it to me via fax or email by 3 weeks prior, Year.
  • I have made the following room reservation in your name. (Please let me know ASAP if there are changes):

room with king-size bed

Arriving: , , Year

Departing: , , Year

  • If you will be flying to the institute, Teresa Paschall, our travel coordinator, can assist you. Tickets should be purchased at least 21 days in advance. Tickets costing over $600.00 require prior approval by Society of CIC. The following would also require prior approval for reimbursement: rental cars, extended stays outside of speaking dates, or any miscellaneous expenses not on our standard expense form. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding an expense.
  • Special discounted airfares have been arranged with Delta Airlines. To receive the discount, whether you arrange the travel yourself or through an agent, you will need the following information: Delta Airlines at 800/241-6760 (Reference Number 200612A).
  • We will provide the following audiovisual materials: overhead projector with screen, transparencies, and markers. The Society has LCD projectors available for use. Please note that we will no longer reimburse speakers who use their own LCD projector. If you need an LCD projector, please notify the coordinator at least 3 weeks prior to the program.

Thank you again for your support and leadership in the CIC Program. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Faculty Confirmation Form

The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research

P.O. Box 27027, Austin, TX78755-2027

512-345-7932 / Fax: 512-349-6194

Please return to:by:


2003. The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. All Rights Reserved.


Faculty Member:



Hotel Information:


() -


I have booked my own travel. By Car By Plane

Arrival at Program:

Airline: Flight Number:

Day: Date: Time:

Departure from Program:

Airline: Flight Number:

Day: Date: Time:

If arriving after 5:00 pm, would you like us to wait for you for dinner?

Yes No

Air fare can be reimbursed before the course. Please send proof of payment to TNA at address above. If TNA is responsible for only a portion of this air fare, please complete pro rata form.

I will contact Teresa in travel at 512-349-6191 (800-531-5197 Ext. 191) or by e-mail at .


Please book my hotel accommodations as follows:

Single Double Smoking Non-smoking

For evening(s) of: Day(s)



Overhead projector

LCD projector (speaker must provide own laptop)

Other ______

Please check only those items required. A wireless microphone will be available except at CISR courses. Due to the size of our classes, blackboards are not used.


The following items should be completed/included when you return this form (if not sent previously).

Travel requirements section of this form

Hotel requirements section of this form

A/V requirements section of this form

An up-do-date biography (if you are unsure whether your bio is up-to-date, we will send you a copy)

An outline of each presentation, if applicable. Please send to

An expense reimbursement form will be provided to you at the program. Please complete it as soon as possible, and return it along with your receipts to The National Alliance. If you have any questions concerning travel, hotel accommodations, or A/V requirements, please contact your program coordinator/director (see top of form).

If you have questions concerning your outline or presentation, please contact .

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form for us. It will help us make your trip much more enjoyable.

2003. The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. All Rights Reserved.

Faculty Bio

Society of Certified Insurance Counselors

P.O. Box 27027, Austin, TX78755-2027

Phone: 512-345-7932 / Fax: 512-349-6194

Paste Faculty Bio Here