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California Department of EducationExecutive Office
SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011)
ilsb-cctd-mar16item01 / ITEM #05
Approval of the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant: Grantee List. / ActionInformation
Public Hearing
Per California Education Code (EC) Section 53074 CDE submits the attached list of recommended new and renewal Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) recipients to the State Board of Education (SBE) for review and approval. Grant applicants were given the option of two grant submittal deadlines based upon the SBE meeting calendar. Local educational agencies (LEAs) wishing to receive funds in March 2016 had the option to submit the application in December 2015. LEAs wishing to receive funds in April 2016 had to submit applications in February 2016. The California Department of Education (CDE) presented and the SBE approved a list of awardees from round one of the CTEIG at the January SBE meeting. The CDE is providing and asking that SBE to approve the list of round two grantees for the CTEIG. It is important to note all grant awards, from both rounds, are calculated as preliminary allocations. Final allocations cannot be determined until this final list of grant awards is approved by the SBE, the end of the appeal process, and the outcome of a proposed trailer bill related to the CTEIG.
The CDE recommends that the SBE approve the list of 265 grantees and the preliminary allocations for the grant term of July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2017, as provided in Attachment 1.
The CTEIG program was established as part of the 2015–16 California State Budget.
The CTEIG was created as a state education, economic, and workforce development initiative with the goal of providing pupils in kindergarten through grade twelve, inclusive, with the knowledge and skills necessary to transition to employment and postsecondary education. The purpose of the CTEIG is to encourage the development of new career technical education (CTE) programs and enhance and maintain current CTE programs during implementation of the school district and charter school local control funding formula (LCFF).
A grant recipient under EC Section 53072 may consist of one or more, or any combination, of the following:
a. School Districts
b. County Offices of Education (COEs)
c. Charter Schools with an active charter number
d. Regional Occupational Centers or Programs (ROCPs) operated by joint powers authorities, provided that the application has the written consent of each participating local educational agency (LEA).
The focus of the grant program is the delivery and sustainability of high-quality CTE programs. Grantees are expected to implement and maintain a CTE program meeting the elements of a high-quality CTE program pursuant to EC Section 53071(c):
(1) Offers high-quality curriculum and instruction aligned with the California CTE Model Curriculum Standards, including, but not limited to, providing a coherent sequence of CTE courses that enable pupils to transition to postsecondary education programs that lead to a career pathway or attain employment upon graduation from high school.
(2) Provides pupils with quality career exploration and guidance.
(3) Provides pupil support services, including counseling and leadership development.
(4) Provides for system alignment, coherence, and articulation, including ongoing and structural regional or local partnerships with postsecondary educational institutions, with documented formal written agreements.
(5) Forms ongoing and structural industry and labor partnerships, documented through formal written agreements and through participation on advisory committees.
(6) Provides opportunities for pupils to participate in after school; extended day; and out-of-school internships, competitions, and other work-based learning opportunities.
(7) Reflects regional or local labor market demands and focuses on current or emerging high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations.
(8) Leads to an industry-recognized credential, certificate, or appropriate postsecondary training/employment.
(9) Is staffed by skilled teachers or faculty and provides professional development opportunities for those teachers or faculty members.
(10) Reports data, as a program participation requirement, to allow for an evaluation of the program.
In addition to meeting the minimum requirements as outlined, the CTEIG requires a proportional dollar-for-dollar match as follows:
a. For the first funding term, $1.00 for every $1.00 received from this program. For the 2015–16 application, matching funds may be based on local match expenditures starting July 2015 through June 2017.
b. For the second funding term, July 2017 through June 2018, $1.50 for every $1.00 received from this program.
c. For the third funding term, July 2018 through June 2019, $2.00 for every $1.00 received from this program.
The local match may include funding from school district/charter school LCFF apportionments pursuant to EC Section 42238.02, the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006, the California Partnership Academies, the Agricultural Incentive Grant, or from any other source except the California Career Pathways Trust.
Per EC Section 53070, the grant amounts are to be appropriated to LEAs in the following subdivisions:
a) For applicants with average daily attendance (ADA) of less than or equal to 140, 4 percent is designated
b) For applicants with ADA of more than 140 and less than or equal to 550,
8 percent is designated
c) For applicants with ADA of more than 550, 88 percent is designated
LEA allocations are determined using the following formula:
· A base amount calculated on an LEA’s proportional share of the total 2014–15 ADA in grades seven through twelve
· A supplemental allocation formula calculated on each of the following:
o New CTE programs
o English-learner, low-income, and foster youth students
o Higher than average dropout rates
o Higher than average unemployment rates
o Existing student participation in CTE programs
o Regional collaboration
o Operation within a rural area
Grant applicants were also required to validate how the applicant met, or will over the course of the first grant period meet, the minimum eligibility criteria which includes:
· the demonstration of high-quality CTE programs,
· how the applicant would match the dollars received from the CTEIG, and
· the sustainability of CTE programs for three years past the cessation of the grant.
Four applicants were that were unable to demonstrate high-quality programs and/or sustainability were are not being recommended for funding.
Grant recipients will receive 50 percent of the awarded funds upon receipt of the LEA’s signed grant award notification. If the awardee is the lead agency in a consortium, a memorandum of understanding is also required. The remaining funds will follow in two distributions. LEAs will receive 40 percent upon the submission and approval of an annual plan, due March 2017. The final 10 percent will be released upon the submission and approval of closed financial activity reports in October 2017.
CDE was allowed to set aside 1 percent of CTEIG funds for technical assistance, professional development, and monitoring of grantees. The CDE will contract and collaborated with selected COEs for these purposes. The CDE identified seven mega regions throughout the state and solicited applications from interested COEs. These seven regions are based on the California Workforce Development Board state regions and the California Community College regions. The selected COEs will work with the CDE and local grantees to ensure adherence to grant requirements, provide statewide coordinated professional development, and technical assistance. The COEs which will be providing this assistance are Butte, Fresno, Los Angeles, Napa, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and Santa Barbara.
The SBE received information regarding the CTEIG in December 2015 and approved 100 grantees at the January 2016 SBE meeting.
Funds from the CTEIG are appropriated to the CDE from the General Fund in the following amounts:
(1)For the 2015–16 fiscal year, $400 million
(2)For the 2016–17 fiscal year, $300 million.
(3)For the 2017–18 fiscal year, $200 million.
The attached recommended list of grantees is comprised of 265 total applicants. This includes 13 ROCPs, 36 Charter schools, and 52 consortia with a total of 230 member LEAs, for a combined total of 495 LEAs impacted with the CTEIG funds.
Within the subdivisions defined in legislation by grades seven through twelve ADA, 25 LEAs fell into the 0–140 ADA range, 42 in the 141–550 ADA range, and 198 in the above 550 ADA band.
The first round of grantees approved at the January 2016 SBE meeting was comprised of a total of 100 LEAs. Applicants included 80 individual district applications, 3 ROCPs, 10 Charter schools, and 20 consortia with 73 participating members, for a combined total of 173 LEAs.
Within the legislated ADA subdivisions, 9 LEAs were in the 0–140 ADA range, 17 in the 141–550 ADA range, and 74 in the above 550 ADA subdivision.
Across the state, the CTEIG is providing a total of $396,000,000 to 669 LEAs, including 23 LEAs new to providing CTE. The CDE believes this grant will improve and provide the necessary funds to ensure high quality CTE programs in the future.
Attachment 1: March 2016 Recommended Grantee List for the Career Technical
Education Incentive Grant (7 pages)
2/24/2016 1:57 PM
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March 2016 Recommended Grantee List for the
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant
Grantees designated with a (C) are the lead applicants for a consortium.
CDS Code / LEA Name / Preliminary Allocation /19-64212-0000000 / ABC Unified / $ 1,451,488
19-76968-0109926 / Academia Avance Charter / $ 125,000
44-69799-4430245 / Academic/Vocational Charter Institute / $ 42,284
19-64246-0126003 / Academies of the Antelope Valley / $ 85,046
36-67736-0116723 / Academy of Careers and Exploration / $ 80,464
01-61119-0000000 / Alameda Unified / $ 360,000
01-61119-0130625 / Alternatives in Action / $ 101,391
33-66977-0000000 / Alvord Unified / $ 1,354,474
30-66431-0000000 / Anaheim Union High / $ 4,735,912
45-69856-0000000 / Anderson Union High / $ 267,810
23-65540-0000000 / Anderson Valley Unified / $ 99,274
19-64246-0000000 / Antelope Valley Union High / $ 3,112,024
01-61259-0115238 / ARISE High / $ 96,146
36-40048-0000000 / Baldy View ROP JPA (C) / $ 6,840,632
33-66985-0000000 / Banning Unified / $ 287,437
19-64303-0000000 / Bellflower Unified / $ 938,253
48-70524-0000000 / Benicia Unified / $ 200,000
01-61143-0000000 / Berkeley Unified / $ 508,000
55-75184-0000000 / Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified / $ 30,000
04-61408-0000000 / Biggs Unified / $ 86,474
19-647331931047 / Birmingham Community Charter High / $ 150,000
14-76687-0000000 / Bishop Unified / $ 150,366
13-63081-0000000 / Brawley Union High / $ 327,066
05-61556-0000000 / Bret Harte Union High / $ 115,728
04-10041-0000000 / Butte County Office of Education / $ 118,672
41-68890-0000000 / Cabrillo Unified / $ 70,662
37-67991-0000000 / Cajon Valley Union / $ 200,000
05-61564-0000000 / Calaveras Unified / $ 248,068
13-63099-0000000 / Calexico Unified / $ 100,000
26-10264-0125633 / California Heritage Youthbuild Academy / $ 46,896
13-63107-0000000 / Calipatria Unified / $ 201,651
58-72728-6115935 / Camptonville Academy / $ 82,245
42-69146-0000000 / Carpinteria Unified / $ 132,966
10-62166-1030840 / Carter G. Woodson Public Charter (C) / $ 196,888
34-73973-0000000 / Center Joint Unified / $ 304,472
50-71043-0000000 / Ceres Unified / $ 400,000
04-61424-0000000 / Chico Unified / $ 818,673
20-65201-0000000 / Chowchilla Union High / $ 176,813
49-70656-0000000 / Cloverdale Unified / $ 101,948
10-62117-0000000 / Clovis Unified / $ 2,467,786
40-75465-0000000 / Coast Unified / $ 118,541
30-74120-0000000 / Coastline ROP (C) / $ 953,014
06-10066-0000000 / Colusa County Office of Education (C) / $ 50,000
06-61598-0000000 / Colusa Unified / $ 210,366
16-63891-0000000 / Corcoran Joint Unified / $ 240,493
37-68031-0000000 / Coronado Unified / $ 231,485
33-67033-0000000 / Corona-Norco Unified / $ 3,731,379
49-73882-0000000 / Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified / $ 100,000
42-75010-0000000 / Cuyama Joint Unified / $ 91,321
19-76869-0119636 / Da Vinci Design (C) / $ 241,587
37-68049-6119564 / Dehesa Charter / $ 50,000
08-74351-0000000 / Del Norte County ROP (C) / $ 121,179
08-61820-0000000 / Del Norte County Unified / $ 235,165
15-63412-0000000 / Delano Joint Union High (C) / $ 1,004,999
33-67058-0000000 / Desert Sands Unified (C) / $ 1,889,945
24-75317-0000000 / Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified / $ 150,000
47-70250-0000000 / Dunsmuir Joint Union High / $ 48,172
04-61432-0000000 / Durham Unified / $ 149,189
51-71373-0000000 / East Nicolaus Joint Union High / $ 108,266
43-69427-0000000 / East Side Union High (C) / $ 3,329,540
01-40428-0000000 / Eden Area ROP JPA (C) / $ 3,086,385
09-10090-0000000 / El Dorado County Office of Education (C) / $ 1,948,407
15-75168-0000000 / El Tejon Unified / $ 137,826
34-67314-0000000 / Elk Grove Unified (C) / $ 4,273,522
37-68106-0000000 / Escondido Union High / $ 1,149,523
57-72686-0000000 / Esparto Unified / $ 158,346
12-75515-0000000 / Eureka City Schools / $ 298,211
54-76836-0000000 / Exeter Unified / $ 230,029
48-70540-0000000 / Fairfield-Suisun Unified / $ 1,000,000
45-69989-0000000 / Fall River Joint Unified / $ 173,510
37-68122-0000000 / Fallbrook Union High (C) / $ 128,000
54-75325-0000000 / Farmersville Unified / $ 180,440
34-67330-0000000 / Folsom-Cordova Unified / $ 1,240,632
12-62810-0000000 / Fortuna Union High / $ 174,096
43-69468-0000000 / Fremont Union High / $ 1,447,599
10-10108-0000000 / Fresno County Office of Education (C) / $ 3,613,362
10-62166-0000000 / Fresno Unified / $ 4,378,609
30-66514-0000000 / Fullerton Joint Union High / $ 2,162,260
30-66522-0000000 / Garden Grove Unified / $ 2,618,408
45-75267-0000000 / Gateway Unified / $ 168,117
19-64568-0000000 / Glendale Unified / $ 1,828,267
11-10116-0000000 / Glenn County Office of Education (C) / $ 64,756
47-10470-0117168 / Golden Eagle Charter / $ 45,000
37- 683380119610 / Gompers Preparatory Academy / $ 120,188
37-68130-0000000 / Grossmont Union High / $ 2,486,823
24-73619-0000000 / Gustine Unified / $ 143,818
16-63925-0000000 / Hanford Joint Union High / $ 580,114
49-75390-0000000 / Healdsburg Unified / $ 125,000
37-683380128066 / Health Sciences High / $ 113,791
37-68130-3732732 / Helix High / $ 90,000
33-67082-0000000 / Hemet Unified / $ 1,000,000
37-68338-3731247 / High Tech High (C) / $ 533,438
24-65698-0000000 / Hilmar Unified / $ 168,157
13-63149-0000000 / Holtville Unified / $ 140,265
50-75549-0000000 / Hughson Unified / $ 155,545