Churchville PS – Parent Council Meeting (Informal)
Jan 19, 2017 (5.30 – 6.15 PM)
Participants: Jan, Tabinda, Rishi, Rishma, Ashish , Belinda (on phone)
1. Plan out dates & events
a. Upcoming Parent Council Meeting Dates: Feb 23, Apr 27, May 25
2. Grand Parent involvement / Family day session
a. Being planned in second half of Feb. (Tentative Feb 24?)
b. Jan will check with staff to confirm feasibility
c. Timings may be during school timings (after school start; or just before school completion)
d. Council members that can attend are requested to confirm their attendance
3. Fundraising Events
a. Move-a-thon: Tentatively planned for end of Feb.
i. Volunteer fitness activity for kids
ii. Group / Instructors will volunteer their time
iii. Previous year had raised $10,000
b. Items that will be purchased
i. Table Tennis tables 2 @$400 each: $800
ii. Drone
iii. Awards Board
iv. 4 Squares Painted – inexpensive (will be done after portable locations are known)
v. Water Filling Station – approx $ 5000 (will be done over summer break)
1. Jan informed that PDSB has refused to pay for this water station expense and school will need to cover it
vi. Water coolers for Portable classrooms - $200
vii. Approx. Total - $10,000
4. Reading programs & Evaluations
a. Prodigy – Optional packaged software program- not evaluated by teacher
b.Raz kids – school has 3 licenses ($99/ class) – primarily intended for struggling readers (Learn to Read software)
c. School has spent $12,000 on reading materials (books)- elementary level
d. School plans to purchase more reading materials (books) for higher grade students
5. PRO grant
a. $1000 grant was spent on Math Kits (100 kits @$10). Well received.
b.Balinda provided information on potential speaker/ session to engage parents / grandparents. However PRO grant was already spent as noted in earlier item
c. Council can potentially apply for new grant
6. Council Promotion Grant $500
i. Possible items to enable Council promotion
1. Banner – available from previous year?
2. T-shirts for Parent Council – available from previous year? Jan / Rishma to check for availability
3. Fridge Magnets / Calendars – Rishma to inform names of potential suppliers & prices
4. Refreshments for Meetings
5. Physical (Hardcopy) Newsletters?
7. Fundraising activities & options
a. Donor Boards
i. Levels (Gold, Silver and Bronze). Corporations may will be willing to support for potential recognition
ii. Tax Receipts will be provided for donations exceeding $25
iii. Movie Night (just before March break?)
8. Other items:
a. Software tool for Council members to communicate
Google Classroom can be potentially used (similar to what’s used for some of the classes).Jan will initiate setup and identify a student that can demonstrate its use
ii. Churchville website – Jan to forward login information
Thanks much