An Independent Public School



ATTENDEES: John Gillon (Chair and Community Member), Neil Hunt (Principal), Adrian O’Brien (Parent Member), Tracey Gralton (Alumni Representative), Chris Porteous (P & C Representative), Jane Hegarty (Staff Member), Kim Hudson (Staff Member), Kirrilie Schluter (Parent Observer) and Kylie Hearle (Minutes). Meeting commenced at 5.30 pm.

1. / Welcome / John Gillon / Welcome to the first meeting for 2017. Welcome back to Jane Hegarty and Kim Hudson as elected staff representatives for a further two year term. Special welcome to Liam Birch and Pinithi Siriwardana (Head Boy and Head Girl) as student representatives.
2. / Apologies / Grant Brinklow and Janet Pettigrew.
3. / Acceptance of the Minutes / Resolution: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 24 November 2016 be accepted as distributed.
Moved: John Gillon, seconded Adrian O’Brien. Carried unanimously.
4. / Business arising from Minutes / John Gillon
Neil Hunt
John Gillon
Chris Porteous
Kim Hudson
Adrian O’Brien
Neil Hunt
Tracey Gralton / School Board Effectiveness Survey:
The results of the 2016 survey was presented to the Board.
Neil advised that The Self Assessment Tool discussed at the 25 August 2016 meeting was used by the Government schools applying to become an Independent Public School. It was decided to undertake this survey later in 2017.
The members went through the survey and discussed points that were of concern, however results were similar to past years. Number 11 covered that the Board was actively involved in the Delivery Performance including the Business Plan. Board members were given opportunity to be involved however it was more School based and therefore could have little input, however were most welcome to be part of the process. John reiterated that it was important for members to bring up any items for discussion at any meeting.
Adrian enquired if policies could be discussed and was this something that the Board could be involved in? Neil advised that there aremany policies, and they are reviewed and adjusted when and as required.
John reminded members that the Board does not have any say on educational issues and it is important that the Board members are aware of this. In this situation the Board can provide guidance, and can only make comment. Neil feels that bringing policies to the Board for endorsement gives more strength to the policy.
Discussion took place around Safe Schools and Kim advised that bullying is covered under the Behaviour Management Policy. Information was presented to the School Board members and discussed at meetings, and after exploration took place, no further action was to be taken.
Jane made mention that possibly Heads of Learning Areas could be invited to give information about their involvement in the Business Plan. Neil will again be inviting Paul Housley, Associate Principal for Senior School and other Associate Principals to present information from their particular sub schools. Heads of Learning areas will also be asked to present information on their faculty.
All students are given the same opportunities and parents can communicate with the school at any time by ringing reception and they will be directed to the correct person/area.
The matter of school resources was raised by Kirrilee Schluter including the numbers of students at the school and the issues arising from this.
The P & C have almost tripled their contribution towards Chaplaincy up to $20,000.
Kim advised of the structures that have been put in place for 2017 which is the same model that has always been in place, however now with greater numbers and in particular this year includes:
  • A third Chaplain has commenced part time and with additional time planned.
  • A third Psychologist has commenced part time and a plan has been put in place for additional time to this.
  • Three new Program Coordinators have commenced this year so there is a Head of Year for every year group.
  • There are four House Coordinators for every year, along with a Form Teacher and a Secretary for every year group. There continues to be a meeting for every year group each week.
Adrian asked if staff have access to the Chaplains? Kim advised that the Chaplains do make themselves available to staff and there is an outside organisation which is also available to any staff member.
Kirrilie asked how the school was structured with staff and in particular additional chaplains?
Neil advised that this is an educational matter, and the school is very well structured and the needs of the school is being well met. There may be slight changes in the future which will also support the expected additional 450 students.
Tracey advised that she had attended the AGM of the P & C where the matter was raised about additional funds being made available to the school for additional chaplains and it was voted upon.
5. / Finance Report / Neil Hunt / The Finance Report including Income and Expenditure and Bank Statement information was tabled along with a Full Analysis. The 2016 Voluntary Contributions Collection Rate/2016 Subject Charges Collection Rate/2016 Extra Cost Optional Charges Collection Rate were also tabled. These collection rates compared to like schools would be very similar.
Neil gave an overview of the budget and answered questions about IT and overseas fee paying students. Kim asked about the P & C Suspense Account and Other Suspense Account in the Full Analysis Listing and will be answered by Arlene and emailed to Board members.
6. / Correspondence In / Nil.
7. / Correspondence Out / John sent letters on behalf of the Board to Hon Liza Harvey MLA, Hon Peter Collier MLC and Hon Sean L’Estrange MLA in relation to funding being cancelled for essential additional facilities.
8. / Principal’s Report / Neil Hunt / Attached as an addendum.
Enrolments were very slightly down from the projected figure and Year 12 figures were down considerably compared to previous years’ figures.
Uniform Shop:
The new Sports Hall and in particular the Uniform Shop was discussed. The Uniform Shop had now relocated to their new space on the south side of the Sports Hall and concern had been raised about the lack of storage. There is considerable amount of stock that needs to be held and in close proximity for easy access. Possibility of using an area in the Sports Hall or a sea container. A meeting will be held shortly with the concerned parties.
Funding for Additional Facilities:
The school was disappointed that approximately $4.5 million was now not available for some additional extensions and refurbishment. As mentioned in the Correspondence Out, John had written to three politicians about how this would affect the school community.
Swimming Pool:
A number of concerns had been raised about the life expectancy of the existing pool after exploratory work had been undertaken. Further investigation needs to take place before any further decisions can be made, and the outcome of this will determine whether there will be two pools or one.
New Churchlands website:
Nawal has done a terrific job with the website and the school had received some excellent comments. This is now a great marketing tool for parents and visitors.
School Business Plan 2017-2019:
The Business Plan is put together by a group of voluntary staff members who form a Committee to assist with the Business Plan. Neil provides the headings and strategic directions recommended by the Department. Staff on the Committee survey students, staff and parents and receive feedback on the areas of interest and from there they put forward their recommendations to the relevant Associate Principals and their reference groups. Targets, strategies and milestones are then developed and then circulated to ensure that everything is covered. The procedure takes approximately eight months to complete. This is a three-year plan and is reviewed and reported on annually. Data is constantly being looked at throughout the year.
Resolution: That the Business Plan 2017-2019 tabled be approved and endorsed by the School Board.
Moved: John Gillon, seconded Tracey Gralton. Carried unanimously.
9. / General Business / John Gillon
Tracey Gralton
John Gillon
John Gillon / Churchlands Foundation:
Anne Paton unfortunately has had to retire from the Board and the Foundation are now looking for a replacement.
The fundraising for the solar project has now raised approximately $200,000 on top of the initial $300,000. The estimate of the cost of the project is between $475,000 to $500,000. There is a possibility the P & C may support the project, and the Foundation will develop a proposal and forward it to the P & C for consideration.
John gave an overview of the solar project and the discussions between the different consultants. The next stage will be that the consultant will advise on the technical specifications of the panels. A tender proposal will then be put together with the specifications the Foundation and school would like.
John is hoping the tender process will be completed in three months and hopeful that the installation will be fully finished before the commencement of the 2018 year.
Another fundraising strategy is to be organised with the aim to target new Year 7 parents as their students will most benefit from this project.
P & C Report:
Chris advised that the Music Parents had their AGM this week. The P & C AGM meeting minutes had been tabled and Chris advised that there were a number of new office bearers.
When the new Committee has settled the P & C will look at constructive options for expenditure and are looking at areas which will benefit all year levels.
The Uniform Shop requires some expenditure to get it up to speed especially with IT which the staff will greatly benefit from this.
Alumni Report:
Tracey advised they will have a meeting later this term and report to the following meeting.
John advised that this year is the 50th year of the first Year 12 group to graduate. Possibly the Alumni could look at this, and identify someone in this group to assist and Nawal may be able to assist.
2017 Open Meeting:
After discussion it was decided that the 31 August meeting be the 2017 Open Meeting.
10. / Meeting closed / Meeting closed at 7.05 pm
11. / Next Meeting / Thursday, 30 March 2017