Fahrenheit 451 - Interpretive Response to Literature Essay

Fahrenheit 451 - Interpretive Response to Literature Essay

Fahrenheit 451 - Interpretive Response to Literature Essay

interpretation [ɪnˌtɜːprɪˈteɪʃən] n

1. the act or process of interpreting or explaining; elucidation

2. the result of interpreting; an explanation

3. a particular view of an artistic work, esp as expressed by stylistic individuality in its performance

4. explanation, as of the environment, a historical site, etc., provided by the use of original objects, personal experience, visual display material, etc.

5. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic an allocation of significance to the terms of a purely formal system, by specifying ranges for the variables, denotations for the individual constants, etc.; a function from the formal language to such elements of a possible world (HarperCollins 2003).


Write an interpretive essay in which you argue your viewpoint on some aspect of Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451. You will take notes, dialectically journal, research, outline, and draft this essay. Your essay should include

a)  Clear and original thesis;

b)  Interpretive claims that are thought provoking;

c)  text based evidence (quotes and specific texts references);

d)  outside research related to your topic (cited / quoted when appropriate); and

e)  connections to real world events / other texts /or your own personal experiences.

During the final stages, you will share in the editing process as well as revise significantly. Your final version of the paper will be assessed using the rubric on the back of this page.

Topics for your consideration:

1)  “Are you happy?”(10) Interpret Bradbury’s examination of happiness.

i.  How does Bradbury use the concept of happiness as a theme in his novel?

ii.  What does he drive his readers to consider about happiness?

2)  “Great python spitting…pigeon-winged books died”(3). Interpret Bradbury’s use of symbol.

i.  How does Bradbury layer his novel with meaning through symbol?

ii.  What does he drive his readers recognize through well-established motifs?

3)  “The jet-bombers did all the screaming for him”(14). Interpret Bradbury’s dystopian society.

i.  How does Bradbury suggest that all is not well in this futuristic world?

ii.  What does he drive his readers to examine about their own societies?

4)  “”You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and turn the switch. It’s like washing clothes”(14). Interpret Bradbury’s view of technology.

i.  How does Bradbury suggest that too much technology can ruin a nation?

ii.  What does he drive his readers to examine about their use of technology?

5)  Your own topic (must be pre-approved by Ms. Byrne/Maxson) Choose a specific quote and respond / react OR Choose ONE character or stylistic element and explain the significance / contribution / deeper meaning of the character in the novel.