SCE-6828Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2012


City of HOBOKEN, HUDSON county, State of New Jersey


Public Information Meeting held on May 17, 2012

Thank you for attending the Public Information Meeting pertaining to the planning of urban park improvements at Church Square Park in the City of Hoboken! The purpose of the meeting and this questionnaire is to obtain public input and gather ideas from the park users and project stakeholders so that our design team can proceed with the development of the Urban Parks Master Plan for improvements to the park. Please respond to the following questions and return this questionnaire to the City representatives at the meeting.

  1. How often do you visit Church Square Park? (Check one)

Daily __ Weekly__ Monthly ___ Never visited ___

  1. How long is the average duration of your visit to the park? (Check one)

Less than 30 minutes ___ 30 minutes to 1 hour___ 1 to 2 hours ___ 2 to 3 hours ___ 3 or more hours _____

  1. What are your favorite things to do at Church Square Park?


  1. What elements of the facility do you think are positive characteristics and attract people to the park?


  1. What areas of the park do you think should be improved? Please list in order of priority.



  1. What other parks do you use in the City of Hoboken, and how would you rate them compared to Church Square Park? ______
  1. What parks do you visit in other Cities and what characteristics of those parks would you like to see at this park?



  1. If you utilize the playgrounds at the park, how old are the children you bring with you? (Check all that apply)

2 to 5 years old___ 5 to 9 years old_____ 10 to 12 years old ____ 13 years old + ______

  1. Put a check mark next to the 5 most important areas of the park that need to be improved.

Playgrounds___ Basketball Courts___ Water Spray Pad___ Dog Park___Gazebo___ Lawn Areas___ Signage____

Sitting Areas/Benches___ Lighting___ Restrooms___ Security____ Fencing____ Trees & Landscape____ Sidewalks____ Monuments____ Water Fountains____ Trash Receptacles____ Maintenance Procedures____

  1. How do you travel to and from the park most of the time? (Check one)

Walk ___ Bike___ Public Transportation ___ Drive/Taxi ___

  1. How long have you been a resident in Hoboken? (Check one)

1 to 2 years ___ 3 to5 years _____ 6 to 10 years ____ 11 years or longer ______Not a resident ______

  1. What areas of the City of Hoboken do you like to show out-of-town guests when visiting?


Please use the back of this page to provide any additional comments, thoughts or information you would like considered during the master planning process for Church Square Park Improvements. Thank you for your input!