Church of the Holy Spirit - Christian Service Commission

Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2014


Meeting opened in prayer at 7:05 by Gayle Greene


Gayle Greene, Collette Lintol, Barb Kozlowski, Maurena Muldoon, Maureen Boyd


Barbara Papuga


February 11, 2014 Minutes

Christian Service Commission Mission Statement

The following discussions were made:

Maureen Boyd was introduced to the other commission members and the commission members shared the roles set forth in the first meeting that she was not able to attend. Maureen has many plans to attain the goals of foster care outreach and placement. Catholic Charities of S.E. Michigan has a shared interest along with the AOD for the Catholic church to provide awareness to it's parishioners. The mission is grand and Christian Service will help focus on introduction step by step.

Maurena Muldoon accomplished tasks of service outreach to a few Christian Service clients who had no support from family/friends for themselves to become more self sufficient, with health and monetary concerns. Maurena voiced interest in Chairperson/Christian Service Commission in place of Secretary. Others members believe this calling would suit her and the church well. Did you knows should be submitted and Maureen focus on one for Foster Care. This column was first printed in the March 30, 2014 bulletin.

Collette Lintol attempted contact with many organizations and company/corporations to provide Christian Service in additional funding for Christian Service outreach, emergency financial crisis and food/staples for the pantry. It was discussed to involve the children in the Mass "children's liturgy" by the children bringing forward a donation of food, staple or personal care product. Gayle will discuss at the next staff meeting how we can make that possible.

Barb Kozlowski stated she did not receive any answers, email or phone, from CRS for the Rice Bowls. Many attempts were made along with attempts from Gayle Greene. It was found that the order was in but never shipped and Jacklyn Ireland of CRS could not offer any reason. She stated they have had much difficulty in this department. The Rice Bowls were finally received on 3/31/14, too late for the distribution to the children. In a previous staff meeting there was an offer to Religious Ed for the children to pass out crafted CRS cans and boxes, before the receipt of the Rice Bowls from CRS, but the schedule was to full to introduce to the children at this time during Lent. We will save the boxes for Lent, 2015.

Hope Warming Center was a great success, although it was brought to Gayle's attention at the Christian Service Vicariate meeting that many sandwiches for lunch were not distributed. This will be considered next year. The volunteers at the Hope Warming Center were Claudia & Amy, The Eve Comos family, Maurena Muldoon, Barb Kozlowski, Gayle Greene and famous Chef of Dukes, Mike Thrasher. Ashes were distributed on this day, Ash Wednesday, to residents and employees of the Center. Mike prepared sliders and his famous tortilla soup. There was salad and ice cream cookies with fudge. A resident was so hopeful for this dessert that she danced when we told her this is what it would be. Many returned for seconds and with smiles.

Gayle Greene celebrated the grant that was approved from EFSP (emergency funding spending program) for $9925.00. Also she is providing an Ice Cream Social for the Spring Mills students when they visit to present Christian Service with a donation from their penny drive. She has met with JOM parishioners and will set appointment with Maureen/Foster Care to define outline of outreach events/goals.

The store has barely been mentioned as not to interfere with Christmas programs already in place such as the Women's Club Christmas baskets, etc. With artisans commitments to Christmas art fairs their inventory was needed until January. Along with the pipes bursting in Christian Service, the attempts for new products had been delayed and will proceed now. With only one mention in the bulletin in 2013 of the store, there is not much awareness of the store. With that said, barely open, Christian Service profited $133.00. Gayle also introduced the store to the Vicariate when the meeting was held at Church of the Holy Spirit on March 11, 2014. Gayle will publicize more fervently now. The news is being well received.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Gayle Greene