Church of the Holy Cross E-newsletter
(May 2008)
This is the same material as the “hardcopy” newsletter now in the mail—but reformattted as “printer friendly”! It is our first such venture; all feedback is welcomed. Thank you!
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Auction (Sat. May 10th)
Please mark your calendars and keep collecting those items. May 10th is the day before Mother’s Day, so you can buy a gift for Mom!
To donate items please contact Ron Knight or Ben Vaughan, or any brotherhood member. Quality items are needed and welcome, as well as quality patrons.
Ron Knight: ; 903.783.0029
Ben Vaughan : ; 903.785.2759
Supported Charities: The Children’s Advocacy Center • Lamar County Human Resource Council • Big Brothers/Big Sisters • Christians in Action
Heritage Hall West Kaufman Street, Paris, TX, USA Food– 6:30
Live Auction begins at 7:30
Dress & Food:
•Black Tie optional •Cocktail attire appropriate •
• Heavy Hors d'O oeuvres • Beverages
* * * * *
From the Rector’s Desk
(In lieu of a usual column , please accept the following collection of miscellaneous but timely bits…tbc)
Someone told me of this bumper sticker: “I’m not from Texas but got here as fast as I could!” If you see one, please buy it for the Rector to reimburse you. It perfectly conveys the Cherry family’s continuing gratitude for your Call—or better yet, your assistance with God’s Call of us-- here.
Thank you for your patience in receiving this newsletter. With our recent office transition now farther along, we will get better in the coming months. We also are moving toward a quarterly servers’ schedule that can be posted both in the Parish Hall and on our website… making everyone’s planning a little bit easier.
Are you interested in a Bible Study series? If so, inform the office or sign the sheet on the parish hall bulletin board. The Rector will introduce the first segment and gauge interest in follow-on pieces as appropriate.
Expect a “Foundations” course (a review of Christian basics for adults, whether new to our tradition or not) to be scheduled for the Fall semester. More details to follow…
Read the Sunday lessons before Sunday! Find them using the “Lectionary Page” link from our website… Click on the “BCP” version.
Just like me, more than a few new people have shown up at Holy Cross in the last year! When you see new faces, please greet them and invite them to join us for coffee. (Take an extra moment to introduce them to me if they have not been.) Sometimes long-time Episcopalians show up and “know the drill.” Other times, we offer hospitality to strangers who may be unfamiliar to us and enter amid great trauma or trepidation. Just use blessed common sense and simple kindness… both of which are in ample supply here!
While Sunday attendance is up about 20%, Wednesday evening has declined. Please let me know if you would be interested in Wednesday noon Eucharist on a trial basis.
At the Vestry level, each Vestry member is being asked to pray for each other every day. In addition to our public weekly prayer list, we also have quiet intercessors among us who pray for the most sensitive requests. Please add your own prayers for Holy Cross (its clergy and people), our own denomination, and our worldwide Anglican Communion.
Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 23-26 (Monday through Thursday) evening… please mark the dates!
After missing only one Sunday with you so far (due to illness), I probably will be absent a few weeks (and Sundays) later this month or next as family events unfold. Sheila and your Wardens will have the most up-to-date information!
Our infant, children, and teen contingents are ALL growing—that’s good news! It also requires regular review of how we support ministries for each age group… which we are doing in preparation for next academic semester (September) and next budget year (2009). All input is welcomed.
Countless visitors have remarked about our stunningly beautiful church home. Of course, upkeep remains a constant ongoing operation… we’re aware of a growing list of jobs and trying to fund and prioritize the same. Keep us aware of your concerns and ideas!
Pray. Give. Serve. Confess Jesus as Lord with your lips and in your life. Thank you for all your varied support of Holy Cross.
We’re all in this together! God bless you.
Fr. Tim
* * * * *
Food Offering is any Sunday !
Shop for extra food items when you are buying your own groceries, then bring them to church and place them in the basket provided at the back of the church. Mr. Norton will take the food to Christians in Action on the fourth Monday of the month for distribution.
Parents, please encourage your child to bring a can of something for the food basket.
May Events
May 10 Brotherhood of St. Andrew Auction
Heritage Hall on West Kaufman
May 11 Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Reception
(Immediately following 10:30 AM Service)
May 18 Vestry Meeting
May 24 6:30 PM Supper Club
Home of Linda & Reeves Hayter
4120 Shannon Dr. PH 903-785-1564
May 26/27 YWCA in Parish Hall 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Flower List for May
Main Altar Mary Altar
4th G.R Fasken
11th Sonja Campbell & Virginia Pitts Karol Lyn Moore
18th Jewell Springer
25th Pris Lewis
+ + +
The Malley Building is currently off-limits while interior damage is evaluated and corrected. Please contact the office should you require access.
Here are your coffee hour schedules for the coming weeks. Please remember if you cannot serve on your “Sunday”, please call someone else in the group to exchange with you. If your name is not on one of these list and you would like host Coffee Hour, please call the church office.
Coffee Hour Hosts
8:00 AM
Lorrie & Lynn Rhodes May 4th
Marilyn & Robert Thornburrow May 11th
Ruth & Jack Ashmore May 18th
Margie & Janet Bell May 25th
10:30 AM
Hutchings, Laura May 4th
McMillan, Ann & Lucy Stokes
May 11th
Miesch, Jo & David May 18th
Moore, Karol Lyn & Hunter May 25th
10:30 AM
4th Margaret Dwiggins (L)
David Denney P & P)
11th Laura Hutchings (L)
Steve Graves (P & P)
18th Mike Dougherty (L)
Pike Burkhart (P & P)
25th Rainer Hunt (L)
Thomas Price (L)
Mary Clark (P & P)
Chalice Bearers
10:30 AM
4th David Denney
Curtis Fendley
11th Steve Graves
David Denney
18th Pike Burkhart-Toni Clem
25th Mary Clark
Steve Graves
Reader / Chalice Bearer
8:00 AM
4th Ron Knight
11th Craig Dickey
18th Jim Bell
25th Mark Hudson
Usher List
Date 8:00 AM 10:30 AM
May 4 Ralph & Marilyn Wardle Carl Covert & Clifton Fendley
May 11 Jerry Akers & Bill Reese Mike Dougherty & Hunter Moore
May 18 Jack Ashmore & Ron Knight Greg Wilson & Richard Hunt
May 25 Robt & Marilyn Thornburrow Reeves Hayter & Keith Green
If you are one of our servers—please take a moment and highlight your name each time you are scheduled. This is our way of communicating the schedule to you. If you cannot serve on your scheduled day, please call a member of your group to fill in for you, trade with you, etc.
+ + +
Altar Guild
help wanted:
The Altar Guild is in need of able volunteers to help with prep for services and clean-up / put away after services. These folks work on rotation, so you would not have to be “on duty” every Sunday—about once a month.
Many churches in our Diocese have both men and women on the Altar Guild. Guys—we really could use your help!
Call Kay Burkhart 903-784-3460
Altar Guild Schedule
Day Team #
4th 4
11th 1
18th 2
25th 3
Team 1
Beth Seay 903-785-7430
Margaret Skidmore 903-784-5334
Shelly McDowell 903-785-2880
Team 2
Jesse Reese 903-886-6957
Anne McMillan 903-784-2474
Dorothy Docken 903-785-0509
Team 3
Jewell Springer 903-754-6227
G.R. Fasken 903-784-0722
Linda Broyles 903-739-8213
Team 4
Kay Burkhart 903-395-4227
Mellissa Fendley 903-783-9765
8:00 AM
Nancy Hudson 903-784-1564
Nancy West 903-785-4403
10:30 AM
Virginia Pitts 903-784-4992
Elizabeth Lankford 903-517-6812
Acolyte Schedule
Date Team
4th 5
11th 6
18th 1
25th 2
Team 1
Harper & August Hunt
Keirstan Ward
Team 2
Kate & Ellen Green
BethAnn Doughtery
Team 5
Rainer Hunt
Shelby & Garrett Wilson
Team 6
Ashton & Kendall Vogt
Thomas Price
Mother’s Day Reception
Immediately Following 10:30 AM Service
Mother’s Day May 11th
* Hors d'O oeuvres * Mimosa’s * Lemonade *
Lovely Settings * Lots of Laughter
Will be held in the Courtyard
This will be a Donation Event
to raise funds for EYC Mission
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Linda Hayter 1
Kristen & Randall Lewis 1
Laura Jean Day 3
Mark Vogt 4
John Adams 5
Jolie Savas & James Slaton 6
Wayne Clement 9
Patrick Roland 13
Craig Dickey 15
A.W. (Pug) Clem 16
Mike & Wendy Dougherty 19
Joe & Shelly Deupree 20
Judy Gibbons 20
Tammy & Kent Klinkerman 22
Lindsey Harper 25
Reeves Hayter 25
Dr. Carlos Baeza 26
Anne Harper 26
Chip & Suzy Harper 26
Mary Clark 27
Lydia Klinkerman 29
Claudia Hunt 29
Ava Cherry 31
Ed & Mary Clark 31
Coming soon– stay tuned:
Congratulations to new High School & College graduates
Sunday School Teacher Recognition
Choir Appreciation Day
Children’s Communion Instruction
Bible Study and adult “Foundations” class
Vacation Bible School
May 2008