Mrs. Jennifer Potter

Grid Drawing



This project introduces students to the grid method of drawing. It trains their eyes to break down a large image into a series of small unrecognizable segments rather than looking at and drawing the image as a whole.



  • Find an image that is approximately 8.5x11”.
  • Use a ruler to measure inch segments.
  • Use a pencil and a ruler to create a 1x1” grid on top of a previously found 8.5x11” images.
  • Use a pencil and a ruler to create a lightly drawn 1x1” grid on an 8.5x11” piece of plan white paper.
  • Letter columns on previously drawn 1x1” grids.
  • Number rows on previously drawn 1x1”grids.
  • Draw a previously found image onto a piece of white 8.5x11” white piece of paper using the grid system.
  • Display a high level of craftsmanship in their drawings


9.1.12 A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and humanities.

9.1.12B: Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate arts elements and principles to produce, review and revise original works in the arts.

9.1.12D: Demonstrate specific styles in combination through the production or performance of a unique work of art

9.1.12E: Delineate a unifying theme through the production of a work of art that reflects skills in media processes and techniques.

9.1.12G: Analyze the effect of rehearsal and practice sessions.

9.1.12H: Incorporate the effective and safe use of materials, equipment and tools into the production of works in the arts at work and performance spaces.

9.1.12J:Analyze and evaluate the use of traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

9.1.12K:Analyze and evaluate the use of traditional and contemporary technologies in furthering knowledge and understanding in the humanities.

9.3.12A: Explain and apply the critical examination processes of works in the arts and humanities.


Day One:

-Introduce the idea of using a grid to draw a picture.

-Demonstrate how to measure a 1x1” grid over a found 8.5x11” image.

-Demonstrate how to measure a 1x1” grid over a white piece of 8.5x11” paper.

-Demonstrate how to letter the columns on the measured grids.

-Demonstrate how to number the rows on the measured grids.

-Demonstrate how to use the grid systems to draw an image box by box.

Day Two:

-allow students to find an 8.5x11” image, measure grids, letter and number the grids and begin drawing.

-circulate and help students as needed.

Day Three:

-allow students to work.

-circulate and help as needed.

Day Four:

-Have students discuss and formally critique their work.

-Discuss the process of using a grid to draw. Was it helpful?


See Rubric


-Computer with printer


-8.5x11” paper




Grid drawing rubric:

Found an 8.5x11” appropriate image ____/20

Proper set up of grid system ____/50

Craftsmanship ____/200

Attitude, behavior and proper use of class time ____/150

Total ____/420