Going for Growth

School of Leadership 2009

SoL – 20th January to 31stMarch 2009

(Retreat 3rd–5thFebruary)

Church Growth and Ecumenism TeamGeneral Information

Going for Growth began in 2003 as a 3-year process of support and training led by the Church Growth team to encourage church growth and vitality within the Liverpool Diocese. It was designed to provide churches with individualised, specialist consultation, support and training so as to enable them to grow numerically, as well as in quality and maturity. Since 2003 over 50 clergy representing 60+ churches have completed the School of Leadership. The overwhelming feedback about SOL has been that it is the best experience of training these leaders have participated in.

Going for Growth starts with an eleven or twelve week School of Leadership for the vicar / priest in charge of participating churches. This provides them with training by top leaders from around the country, plus the opportunity to relate in depth with colleagues in similar circumstances to their own within the diocese. The School involves them one day per week as a group, plus time set aside weekly for required reading, reflection and journaling. Early in the School a two-day retreat provides opportunity for renewal and refreshment, and further bonding as a group. The School is an intensive period of training that requires participants to clear their diary of all non-essential tasks. It presupposes a 100% availability, commitment and full attendance by participating clergy.

The overarching vision of Going for Growth is to enable each church to grow more healthy and numerically, and to sustain that growth. To enable measurement of the process, a simple but effective evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the church is carried out early on in the process as a benchmark and is repeated half way through the 3 years and again at the conclusion. This not only enables qualitative and quantitative development to be tracked, but also provides a framework for specialised and individualised training and support for the church. The primary tool used is known as NCD (Natural Church Development), and is made available in the United Kingdom through the British Church Growth Association. Other similar tools are available if required.

Part of the leadership training is to help clergy identify and develop leadership within their church, and to work with their leaders to create an appropriate action plan. Because NCD allows each church to identify itsown areas of strength and weakness, such planning can and should be very intentional. By utilising their strengths, and drawing on outside resources, churches can work at their weaknesses, thus improving the overall quality of church life and mission. Growth is therefore seen as a natural result of health rather than an end in itself. The Church Growth Team is available to facilitate away days and training events, and to link each church with appropriate resources to enable them to develop in the particular aspect of church life they are addressing.

School of Leadership (SoL)

11 weeks intensive training

The SoL is normally 11 weeks of intensive training for clergy at the start of the 3-year process. This includes 1 day per week (Tuesdays 9.30am – 4.00pm) but also requires participating clergy to set aside adequate time for reading and book reviews, journaling and reflection (suggested minimum of ½ day per week).

The SoL is based on small group principles; open relationships, inspiring worship, shared learning, review and accountability, and ministry to one another.

48 hour Retreat

A 48 hour retreat early in school provides opportunity for spiritual & physical refreshment, group bonding, time for reading and reflection and lectures.

Visiting Speakers

Visiting speakers are normally men and women who are practitioners and experts, with a proven track record in their field. They provide the SoL with excellent quality teaching and insights, discussion and encouragement, and an emphasis on practical application. The small group dynamic allows a high level of interaction and for specific issues in the life of each church to be discussed in depth.

Book Reviews

There are several books that are required reading, each of which will require a book reviews. The first of these should be read and reviewed prior to the beginning of the School.


Each leader is expected to implement the things learned during the SoL. These may be seen as projects such as:

-Parish leadership team identification and development

-12 – 18 month church plan ( based on NCD results)

-3 year personal plan

-Preparation for a 3 year strategic plan (to be done with PCC and parish leaders)

Mentoring and Accountability

Each leader is expected to have or identify a suitable mentor and meet regularly with them outside of the SOL context. Within the context of SoL leaders are divided into smaller groupsto meet from time to time to enable mutual accountability, prayer and personal ministry.

Progressive Review and follow up over next 3 years

The Church Growth Team provides participating leaders with the following:

-telephone availability and personal meetings

-group meetings over lunch once SoL is completed (normally monthly for the first year and then reviewed to suit the group)

-quantitative and qualitative evaluation mid term and at the end of three years (NCD of similar)

-support and resources as required

In Preparation for SoL

Prepare the church

The congregation should be prepared through discussion, preaching and teaching on the need for growth in quality and quantity.

-Organise a PCC visit by SoL coordinator prior to SoL to share the vision of Going for Growth, and to introduce NCD to them

-Gain the agreement and support of the PCC and church leadership to release the incumbent at least 1½ days a week for the duration of SoL (11 weeks), and for church to embrace the 3 year process of Going for Growth

-A letter from the Bishop may be sent to the PCC affirming their decision and commending the process

-Have 30 core church members fill out the NCD profile questionnaire and return these to the Team for analysis prior to SoL

The leader must clear their diary

Due to the high level of commitment during the 11 weeks of SoL, it is essential that incumbents set aside a minimum of 1½ days per week. They need to arrange emergency cover for funerals and pastoral emergencies (discuss with Area Dean / Archdeacon)

Spend time in prayer, preparing for the SoL. This will not only be a learning experience but a spiritual journey. Prayerful preparation is essential.

Parallel Process in church

Twin Track

There are two tracks available to churches involved in Going for Growth. One focuses onchurch growth and uses NCD (Natural Church Development) or Growing Healthy Churches as a starting point. The other focuses on fresh expressions of church and uses the Mission Shaped Introduction course as a starting point. There is no reason why churches can not use both tracks if they wish but at least one needs to be embraced as a parallel process to the School of Leadership.

In Preparation (Track One)

Conduct the NCD (Natural Church Development) profile. This will inform discussions between the SoL coordinator andthe church leader. Theresults will then be made available to the church in due course through a PCC half day away or evening meeting. The purpose for doing NCD early on is to help:

-identify church strengths and weaknesses

-enable a benchmark to monitor progress (start, middle and end of 3 year GfG process)

-provide a framework for parish development

In Preparation (Track Two)

Prepare the church to do the six week MSI course. Consider what fresh expressions of church are likely and how the church might prepare for these. This will inform discussions between the SoL coordinator and the church leader and enable some forward planning. The incumbent, PCC and other church leaders all share the task of envisioning the rest of the church to engage in Going for Growth. They explain the value of focusing attention on particular areas of church life to strengthen them, describe the resources potentially available to the church through participation in the process and encourage a positive attitude towards constructive change.

In Progress…

Explore the core values of the participating church through PCC discussion, preaching at services, small groups so as to lay a shared foundation of understanding upon which to build for the future. Values are one of the key topics covered early on in SOL.Plan a PCC & Leaders’ Day Away to develop Plan of Action based on the NCD results / MSI training. Identify the training / equipping needs of the church and plan accordingly for specific training. The Church Growth Team provides an obvious pathway to diocesan resources that can address specific needs affecting the potential of the church.

Topics covered during SoL:(this is a selection; not all are covered in every SOL)

  • Characteristics of Leadership
  • The Leader’s character
  • Vision and Values: sowing the vision/ changing the church
  • Managing Risk / exercising faith
  • Building Team Leadership / Belbin
  • Empowering leadership: setting priorities / leadership styles / managing change / leading leaders
  • Developing and retaining personal spiritual passion
  • Self Leadership, Personal disciplines & Personal accountability
  • The gospel and culture
  • Inspiring worship services / Developing the spirituality of the church: music, preaching, inspiration, welcome / family church
  • Engaging with wider community & working within UPA areas: mission audit / working with authorities / partnership with other churches
  • Personal and corporate evangelism
  • Church planting / EmergingChurch / Fresh Expressions of Church
  • Spiritual Gifts / identifying gifts and developing gift oriented ministry
  • Reaching and retaining children / meeting the challenge of youth
  • Holistic Small groups

30 October 2008

© 2008Diocese of Liverpool

  • Loving relationships
  • Prayer, Ministry and the Battle

Speakers on this or previous SOLs:

Martyn AtkinsPrincipal Cliff College and Methodist president

Pete AtkinsFresh Expressions MSM coordinator (& pioneer church planter)

Paul BayesNational Mission and Evangelism Advisor (Archbishops Council)

Martin CavendarDirector of ReSource (and formerly leader or Springboard)

Steven CroftArchbishops’ officer for Fresh Expressions

Mike EastwoodLiverpool Diocesan Secretary

Nic HardingPastor of Frontline Church, Liverpool and TFH steering group mermber

Tim HollingdaleWorship Consultant

Sue HopeMissioner (formerly Springboard)

Bob and Mary Hopkins Directors of Anglican Church Planting Initiatives

Bishop James JonesBishop of Liverpool

Linda JonesDiocesan CG&E Team leader

James LawrenceCPAS consultant & Arrow Leadership director

Chris NealCMS Missions Director

Bruce and Colleen MounseyAnglican Church Planting Initiatives

Ann MorisyAuthor and mission consultant

Stephen Mayers European Director, Youth with a Mission (YWAM)

Tani OmideyiLeader of Love and JoyMinistries and Liverpool Lighthouse

Phil PawleyDiocesan Missioner

Phil Potter Director Pioneer Ministries (formerly vicar St Marks Church, Haydock)

Beverley ShepherdArrow Leadership Consultant

Neil ShortPioneer Minister (formerly vicar St Johns Burscough)

Mark WhitePassionist Priest and community leader, London

Richard WhitePastor of Dream Network

School Leaders

Phil PawleyDiocesan Missioner

Linda JonesSenior Officer, Church Growth and Ecumenism

Daily Schedule

9.15am / Arrive & Coffee
9.30am / Icebreaker / Review
10.00am / Worship
10.30am / Session / Topic 1
11.30am / Discussion & Application
12.30pm / Lunch
1.30pm / Session / Topic 2
2.30pm / Discussion & Application
3.30pm / Review / Prayer
4.00pm / Finish promptly

Times are indicative – each day varies depending on the needs of the day but start and finish times are fixed.

Check List prior to starting SoL:

Discuss and agree Going for Growth with PCC

Organise a visit to PCC by SOL coordinator

Explain Going for Growth to your church/es

Clear diary of all but necessities for three months from January

Discuss implications with Area Dean and make provision for pastoral emergencies, funerals etc

Mark out every Tuesday until Easter

Mark out the Retreat dates

Mark out time for reflection, reviews and journaling (at least half a day per week)

Identify 30 people to give NCD profile to, then collect and submit finished profiles to SoL leader

Read and review and set pre-course reading

30 October 2008

© 2008Diocese of Liverpool