A Bi-Weekly Publication – Issue Date: August 5, 2013
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
Michael Fletcher-Taylor, Pastor
Our Vision Statement: To enable our family of believers to lead our community to Jesus Christ
Through love and the sharing of God’s Word and to be an inviting refuge of comfort.
A Word From the Pastor
Dear St. Matthew’s Family,
Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to go outside the walls of the church to share with people the Good News of God’s grace and love? In other words, why are we so afraid to step out of the small boats that we are so comfortable in as we float around in the safety of the still waters within the church?
Sometimes I think it has to do with the select groups of people we surround ourselves with at church. You’ve seen them walk by. They are the “cooler than thou” group. The group that everyone in the church wants to be a part of and everyone outside of the church blames as the reason why they don’t come.
Most of us became aware of cliques in high school: the preps, the jocks, the high-achievers, and the rockers, to name a few. Ancient cliques included groups like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Hellenists, who condemned everyone and only enjoyed the company of each other.
We know how cruel kids can be, but we forget that church members and leaders can be just as cold-hearted and narrow-minded. When our mindset is not one of multiplying people who disciple others and mentors, then we miss out on one of the most fundamental assets of the church: an individual’s capacity to minister to another individual. We know that not everyone is called to be a teacher or a leader, but every member is called to minister. 1 Peter 2:9 tells us “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
This is what I have observed; select groups within any church have the tendency to keep themselves from turning “inside out” because they are afraid to reach out to new people that might be different from them. However, as a church, we have a community; we have a safe, secure, and friendly lifeboat. But this lifeboat isn’t just for us. It’s for everyone else who needs a lifeboat. This people outside are searching for hope and they are reaching out with interests, wants, and needs. Yet, so often we are not willing to open up the boat because it may interfere with our select community.
It all starts with a better plan, different from sitting around in a boat waiting for the desperate to come to us. Remember the disciples had to abandon years of friendship with each other to split up and reach the farthest corners of the world for Christ. It may be risky and at times lonely, but it is our calling.
One key is to seek people who are hungry for hope that is found in the gospel. I encourage you to bring friends and invite occasional strangers God may drop in our paths. This will keep our faith community fresh in ministry. Ultimately, though, we must believe that God will empower us to speak out and invite others to come and experience our faith community and include people that weren’t included before. That is the model Jesus gives us.
Grace and Peace, Pastor Michael
“Come and See” what is happening in worship at St Matthew’s
Used To Make A Difference
Pastor Michael teaches this series on discovering God's will for our lives by discovering how God
has shaped us. During the six weeks we will learn how God wants to use our spiritual gifts, heart,
abilities, personality, and experiences for a life of significance!
Aug 4, 2013
Sermon: “WHY GOD SHAPED YOU THE WAY HE DID - Used To Make A Difference”
Scripture: “God shaped man from the soil of the ground and blew the breath of life into his nostrils,
and man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 (NJB)
“You made my whole being; You formed me in my mother’s body. I praise You because
You made me in an amazing and wonderful way. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape
in my mother's body. When I was put together there, You saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in Your book before I was one day old.” Ps. 139:13-16 (NCV)
“Your hands formed and shaped me...” Job 10:8a (GN)
Aug 11, 2013
Guest Speaker – Debbie Gant
Aug 18, 2013
Sermon: “Unwrapping Your Spritiual Gifts-- Used To Make A Difference
Scripture: “There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, and yet the Lord is served. There are different types of work to do, but the same God produces every gift in every person.” 1 Cor. 12:4-6 (GW)
Aug 25, 2013
Sermon: “FOLLOWING YOUR HEART—Used To Make A Difference”
Scripture: “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person.” Prov. 27:19 (NLT)
“It is God who produces in you the desires and actions that please Him.” Phil 2:13
Sep 1, 2013
Sermon: “USING YOUR ABILITIES—Used To Make A Difference”
Scripture: “God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well…” Rom. 12:6 (NLT)
“God … will equip you with all you need for doing His will.” Heb. 13:21 (LB)
The Ascend and spot 31
4:00—4:45pm / Free Time in the youth room
4:45—5:15pm / Kids Lesson
5:15—5:45pm / Kids games in Fellowship Hall
5:30—5:45pm / Youth in Fellowship Hall (games)
5:45—6:30pm / Community Dinner and Fellowship (Donations are welcomed)
6:30—7:15pm / Movie/crafts/youth room (6th Grade & under can pick one)
6:30—7:15pm / Worship/Small Groups
7:30—8:30pm / Choir
8:30—9:30pm / Praise Band
Average Worship Attendance – 2013
January / 163 / April / 172 / July / October / Annual 2011 / 155
February / 179 / May / 166 / August / November / Annual 2012 / 162
March / 185 / June / September / December / Annual 2013
If at all possible, please don’t mow earlier than Thursday of each week
August 8th / Team IV / Paul & Barbara Youngblood, Chuck Wise, Harry Arnold
August 15th / Team I / Del Gatzke, Elson Hargrove, Mike Rutledge
Our pantry is a little like our kitchen at home. It seems to always need to be replenished. Please consider bringing some of these items to refill our supply so that we have food to give to those who ask our church for help.
For Breakfast: Cereals, Oatmeal, Pancake mix (add water only), Syrup, Biscuit Mix, Peanut Butter, Jelly, canned or dry milk. Other meals: Canned meat (Spam, meat, ham, tuna, salmon) , beef a roni, chili mac, Velveeta cheese (2lb size) spaghetti in sauce, macaroni & cheese mix, rice mixes, also bags of rice, and beans, macaroni, noodles, soups (dried or canned) canned fruit. Extra items nice to have, dish detergent in small to medium size. Bars of soap. You may think of other items not listed. All will be welcomed. Thanks for helping!
July 28, 2013 August 4, 2013
Virgie and Richard Bachelder are asking for prayers for a friend of Richard’s who is on dialysis –for another friend who needs our prayers as he is suffering with lung cancer.
Barbara McDowell would like prayers fora son of a friend who has been diagnosed with AMYLOIDOSIS and referred to Mayo Clinic.
Shewould also appreciate prayers forher recovery from the Sciatica which has been a problem for a couple of weeks.
Judi Olsen would appreciate continuedprayers for her son-in-law who is having throat problems.
Continued prayers for Larry Boyce and his family during their time of bereavement.
Terri Kennedy's friend. Nina Frazier's grandson and granddaughter; B.J. Moore;Cynthia Hobbs; Rusty Colvin and Jan's neighbor's son, Sharon and Del Gatzke; Marie Loveless and her cousin; Bud Loveless' brother; Frances Martin; Janie Hurst's recovery; Judy Tipton's friend newborn grandson; Deanna Peterson and her great, great niece and her sister; Barbara Patterson and her son and his family; Barbara Roderick's friend; Elinor Bartleson's daughter; Judi Olsen's mother and a co-worker's husband; Ron & Phyllis Maggard; Rita Robison's mother-in-law; Paul Youngblood's grandmother and his two cousins; Pastors Michael and Sharon; Alon Soderfelt, her motherand herfriends; Bob Staebler; Dave Gatzke, his wife and parents, Polliard's friend & family in the loss of his wife.
Bob Staebler and Gert McKinzey and family.
Continue to pray for the military and their families, our country, the Clergy, the President and his government leaders, the homeless and the jobless. / SAMUEL 16:7 - "THE LORD DOES NOT LOOK AT THE THINGS MAN LOOKS AT. MAN LOOKS AT THE OUTWARD APPEARANCE, BUT THE LORD LOOKS AT THE HEART."
Sharon Gatzke needs our prayers - she is going to have hip surgery tomorrow morning. Please pray for a successful surgery and a great recovery.
Alon Soderfelt would appreciate prayers for her friends - Kay needs a kidney transplant and Tim is disabled - blind in one eye w/macular degeneration in the other one.
Continue to pray for my neighbor and her family in their time of bereavement.
Continue to pray for Dale and Jody Lane -Dale had a stroke last week. Pray for healing and doctor's wisdom.
Freda Heath would appreciate prayers for her cousin who is in the hospital with some health issues.
Virgie and Richard Bachelder are asking for prayers for a friend who is on dialysis - he is a friend of Richard's and a co-worker also needs our prayers as he is suffering with lung cancer.
Barbara McDowell would like continued prayers fora son of a friend who has been diagnosed with AMYLOIDOSIS and referred to Mayo Clinic.
Shewould also appreciate prayers forher recovery from the Sciatica which has been a problem for a few weeks.
Judi Olsen would appreciate continuedprayers for her son-in-law who is having throat problems. He has been diagnosed with "Mono." She is also needing prayers for her mother who is suffering from depression.
Pastors Michael and Sharon; Terri Kennedy's friend ; Nina Frazier's grandson; B.J. Moore;Cynthia Hobbs; Rusty Colvin and Jan's neighbor's son; Sharon and Del Gatzke; Marie Loveless and her cousin; Bud Loveless' brother; Frances Martin; Janie Hurst's recovery; Judy Tipton's friend newborn grandson; Deanna Peterson and her great, great niece and her sister; Barbara Patterson and her son and family; Barbara Roderick's friends, Elinor Bartleson's daughter; Judi Olsen's co-worker's husband; Ron & Phyllis Maggard; Rita Robison's mother-in-law; Paul Youngblood's grandmother and his two cousins; Alon Soderfelt'sfriends ; Bob Staebler; Dave Gatzke, his wife and parents, Polliard's friend & family in the loss of his wife.
Ronald McDonald House
Our cooks for Aug 22, 2013 are: Main Dishes. Judy Tipton and Sharon Pollard and Desserts, Freda Heath and Suzanne Pfeifer.
Thank you, ladies.
5 Arnold McDowell 16 Fernando Rodriquez
6 Tom Vannoy 17 Richard Bachelder
8 Viviana Rodriquez 18 Tom Robison
8 Linda Johnson 24 Jasmine Person
8 Robert Stage 25 Brittany Stilwell 16 Bri Parker Clary 29 Jan Colvin
16 Rita Wilson 30 Rusty Colvin
16 Summer Litsey Rice
Sarah Circle
Everyone is invited to join us for Bible study and refreshments Tuesday
mornings at 9:30 in the Parlor. Our study continues with the book, When
the World Takes the Wind Out of Your Sails by James W. Moore.
Jeanine Keller
The deadline to submit articles for the August 19, 2013, newsletter is August 16.
Please send articles to the church at and be sure to copy
The VIM Team will be serving your favorites – pancakes, biscuits ‘n gravy, French toast, scrambled eggs & more! – on Sunday, September 8th, for your dining pleasure. Come enjoy the camaraderie and support the VIM Team. Your breakfast will be served fresh and hot from 7:30am until 9:00am. Thanks for your loyal support.
The VIM Team
UMW calendar
All local meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30
Saturday, August 10th - join your sisters at New Haven UMC, 5603 South New Haven, Tulsa @ 9:30-3:30 for Living Sacramentally, Walking Justly, offered by Tulsa district United Methodist Women. Yvette Richards, president of United Methodist Women says
you will hear “words that encourage and challenge us to push out of our comfort zones and assumptions and into a world of faith, hope and love in action.” Bring a friend, sack lunch and your Bible.
August 15th-Pharmacist Kathy Campbell answers your questions about your prescriptions.
If you have ever had questions about the medicine you take, advertisements about pharmaceuticals you’ve heard on TV or read about in magazines, then this UMW meeting is for you. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Kathy Campbell, PharmD, has an advanced degree in Pharmaceutical Science and owns the Medicap Pharmacy in Owasso. She will be our guest speaker, informing us of the latest research and trends in the work of medicine. There will be time for questions when she will answer your questions in a clear and easy – to – understand manner. Questions can be submitted in writing if you wish to remain anonymous. All women are invited and encouraged to bring their friends. Call Jan at 918-252-2919 or Alon at 918-622-7006 for a ride or child care.