A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: October 25th, 2016
St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church
Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor
Antonio Porter, Associate Pastor
Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.”
Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location”
Dear Friends:
Sunday I preached on a very familiar passage from the Bible, found in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Here’s a good paraphrase: “Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Give thanks in the midst of everything that happens to you. This was Jesus’ attitude, and if you have the same then you too will be doing God’s will.”
The only way Paul believed we could do these things is because he had his eyes pointed toward the future. He was waiting for the coming of Jesus, and in light of that promise, he could live a life of joy even when the things he was experiencing at the moment were quite terrible indeed.
While I was praying about these verses and looking ahead to Jesus’ coming, I glances around the future of St. Matt’s to see what it might look like. And here’s what I saw:
· I saw that our present-day kids had now grown into healthy adults. They were now starting their own families, and bringing them into the church.
· I saw lots of folks coming to our church campus for all kinds of reasons, receiving both material and spiritual help.
· I saw retired adults from all over town fellowshipping and supporting each other in so many ways.
· I saw that area schools like Disney had all the volunteers they needed, and the kids receiving academic honors.
And these were just a few of the scenes I saw. My “movie” went on and on. It seemed so real. And I suddenly realized that what we do today becomes the foundation—the giant shoulders—for future congregations to stand on. I know this future could really become our future, if we want it.
This is what our Ministry Campaign is all about: building this kind of a future. Please consider attending our Home Gathering this Sunday at the Hargrove’s, beginning at 3 PM, to hear more about this. And if you’ve already attended the Lenhart’s Home Gathering, please be prayerful about everything you’ve heard.
Making academy-award winning movies with you is just one more reason I am Blessed Beyond Belief.
Pastor Thomas
(And no follow-up unless you want it?)
Then you would be perfect for ALPHA. We start at 5:30 PM with a free community dinner in Fellowship Hall, and end promptly at 7:25 (so that some folks can make choir practice.) And bring the kids as we have programs and child care for them as well.
What happens at a Wednesday ALPHA evening? Just what it says above: we eat, we hear a short presentation about an important idea in Christianity, and then we talk about that—honestly, with lots of questions, and without having to agree with anything or anyone. And we never charge for any of this (although sometimes we’ll tell you about items you can donate to a non-profit to help kids become successful in school and life).
Contact me, Thomas Hoffmann, the Tulsa Eastside ALPHA Course organizer, at www.alpha.org/try. Just type in “Tulsa” in the Town section, choose “USA” from the pull-down Country menu, and enter. This will take you to a form where you can send me a message or tell me you want to sign up. (You also get to find out more by looking around the site).
Too much trouble? Then just email me at or text me at 918-346-9972. I’m looking forward to your questions
4:30-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth
5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner
6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15)
6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth
6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth
7:15-8:15 p.m. Choir
8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band
If you work and can’t make worship on Sunday mornings, if you desire an energetic worship service, or if you’re not a morning person – we now have a worshiping option for you. Check out our new Sunday evening worship service with Pastor Antonio at 5:00 pm. You won’t be disappointed
Ronald McDonald House –
We usually don't supply food for Ronald McDonald House in November and December. But this year they have ask that we do so in Novemberand that falls on Thanksgiving Day. Ann Marie Boyce and her daughter, Amanda have graciously offered to do so this year.
Thanks you ladies! / VIM BREAKFAST November 6th
The VIM team has decided to serve breakfast once a month on the first Sunday of each month. Our next breakfast will be November 6th. See you then for a delicious home cooked meal with all your favorites and fellowship with your church family.
We appreciate your support!!!!!!!!
October Birthdays
1 Barbara McDowell
1 Jan Polliard
2 Elizabeth Garcia
7 Monica Ayala
9 Pauline Grove
16 Joy Barkat
17 Catherine Peters
17 Dillon Horn
20 Barbara Roderick
22 Lyla Cervantes
31 Grace Duggan / November Birthdays
4 Andrea Laney
6 John McCammon
14 Judi Olsen
20 Andrea Ayala
22 Sharon Polliard
25 Gail Arnold
26 Hade Hernandez
29 Jenna Labelle
29 Tom Flanagan
Food Pantry
The pantry needs the following items: pancake mix, syrup, boxed cereal, pasta sauce, and dried beans.
Thanks for giving.
Larry / Ronald McDonald House –
Ronald McDonald sent a thank you letter to the church this last week thanking us for the pop tabs.
So keep bringing them to the church and putting them in the container in Fellowship Hall.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Judy Olsen asked for continued prayers for Martha Sabourin and her sister Mary. Mary's 12 year old great grandson in North Carolina passed away and the family is having a hard time. Judy also requested prayers for Wayne Hayes who suffered a heart attack. Suzanne Pfeifer asks for continued prayers for her co-worker Lindsay and her husband and family in the loss of their new born Molly. Please pray for Lindsay’s health as well. Marla Aster is asking for prayers that ALL her kids move to God. Michael Gross would like prayers to see what God wants him to do with his life. Cyndi McNutt requests prayers for Pat. Deanna Rocha would like prayers for the family of Barney Carson. Barney was of friend of Gina's boyfriend Cort. Barney passed away 2 weeks ago.
Bubby Williams requested prayers for his son and his whole family. Please continue your prayers for my niece Sandy in her recovery and for my friend with the back problems and young son. Also continue your prayers for Steve Hurst and Deborah Worman in their recoveries from back surgery. Sharon Polliard is asking for continued prayers for Hunter who had two brain surgeries and with serious rehab ahead but is showing signs of improvement. Deanna Rocha is asking for prayers for the family of John Bayliss who passed away. Michael Lenhart asked for prayers for Brandon who is 34 with a viral illness and can no longer see. Kielee requested prayers for Gordon and Judy Godfrey. Gordon is suffering with respiratory problems. Kielee also asked us to pray for all the unrest in our country. Please continue your prayers for Kielee and also for her mom.
Please continue your prayers for the Estrada family. Gail Arnold and her daughter are asking for prayers for their friend Sue who underwent heart surgery. Please continue prayers for Linda Johnson as she helps her cousin with health problems in Dallas. Please continue praying for Elinor’s daughter Shelia as she recovers from her surgery. She has swelling in her neck that is causing her pain.
Jan Colvin is asking for prayers for two ladies from the Glenwood apartments, one who is facing open heart surgery and one whose husband is in Hospice. Jan also is requesting prayer for her neighbor. Gloria Applebee needs prayers for health issues. Barbara Youngblood and Nancy Wilson are requesting our prayers for their sister-in-law’s step mom.
Please continue praying for Jeanine Keller’s daughter Lisa and for Jeanine’s brother. Please continue your prayers for the Worman’s friends, the Crawford’s, who both have cancer and have two young children. Also pray for John and his sister and their mom.
Bereavement: Jan Polliard & family, The family of Gloria Salsivar; Linda Cervantes family; Jason Foster & family in the loss of his step-dad; Mary Churchman & family in the loss of Joe; the family & friends of BJ Moore. Gordon & Judy Godfrey in the loss of their son, and Bonita Young in the loss of her dear husband, Bill. Christy Arnold & family in the loss of her grandmother. Joanna Ellis’ family
Continued Prayers:
Deborah Worman, Steve Hurst, Elinors daughter Shelia, Linda Johnsons cousin BJ, Alma Boyso, Jason Roderick, Pauline Grove; Morgan Bell, Arnold & Barbara McDowell; Gert McKenzie; Beth Hewitt & her brother; Gail Arnold; Lawrence Long’s friend, Gail; Pat Roderick; Jaxon Roberick & Atley Howe; Tawnya McCammon’s mom; Bubby & Judy Williams; Lovelle Lightner; Gail Carnes; Del Gatzke; the Hylla family; Brent Utterback’s niece, Lola Bolding; Deanna Rocha’s friends, Kay and Kenny Ratzlaff, especially Kenny’s sister, Margie Nantz; Laura; Irene; Tricia Tuepker; Joanna Ellis’ family; Jeanine Keller’s daughter, Lisa and nephew, Greg; Sherrie Schumacher; Mercedes Ellis’ family; Alderman family; Nancy Hoffman’s mother, Helen; Leona Robison and her family; Rusty Colvin; Phillip Laney; Brady family; Aunt Laurene; George and Share; Miss Cherry; Chuck Wise’s sister and his mother, Louise; Kendle Boyce’s friend, Kirsten Plum and children; Laura Wolfe; Hime’s son-in- law, Guy; Ann Marie Boyce’s brother, Eric; Gordon & Judy Godfrey; Bud Loveless’ daughter, Karen; Barbara Patterson and her son, Jerod and his family.
Yours in God’s love
Barbara Roderick
Nov. 11th-12th Toole Tyme at Cookson Hills-registrations on on the UMW bulletin board
Nov. 17th Women’s Fellowship6:30pm
Dec. 3rd Neighborhood Santa Operation at OKC
Dec. 8th Women’s Fellowship 6:30pm
UMW Reading Program
Ann Marie picked up 5 new books to add to our program.
1. Grace and Grit, my fight for equal pay and fairness at Goodyear and beyond.
2. Falling into Place, a Memoir of overcoming.
3. Sally Ride (large print) America's First Woman in space.
4. Called to the Fire, a witness for God in Mississippi.
5. Soul Repair, recovering from moral injury after war.
Books are on top of the bookcase in the Parlor along with a sign out/in sheet. List the name of the book, category (on the outside of each book) and after reading the book the date returned. There are many good books to choose from in our library. All of you are welcome to join the Reading program this year. If you have questions, call Jeanine Keller, 918-627-8590.
The next Piecemakers Circle meeting will be held at Jeannie Broussard's house, 3846 S. 121 East Ave, on November 10, at 9:30 a.m. This will be the last meeting of the year. We will follow up on our plans for next year, have show and tell, and work with triangles.
Many elements in the quilting process do not actually require stitching so even if you think you cannot sew your help will be welcome. Please join us for the fellowship and fun.
5th Sunday Worship
October 30th
10:00 am……..new, earlier time!
Come and join us!
The Trustees will meet Thursday October 27th at 6:30 p.m.
Trunk or Treat! October 31st-Monday
5:30pm – 7:00pm come park your car and pass out candy. This is an important out reach for our community. They count on us to provide a safe place for their children. You need to put this on your calendar and make a point to attend. We usually have about 200 children attend so bring lots of candy. Donations needed for Trunk-or-Treat: Hot Dogs, Individual bags of chips, & Hot Dog Buns. Please bring your own candy to hand out to the children.
Sunday November 20th - Thanksgiving Dinner
3:00-5:00pm - Please make plans to attend! We will be inviting everyone! Our Spot 31 families, the Indonesian Church, friends, and family from all three of our Sunday services - everyone is welcomed. What a wonderful time this will be to fellowship. There will be a sign-up sheet for food circulating during Sunday school the next several Sundays.
Metal Cans
Glenn Hime said he will no longer be taking cans to be Recycled. Please put the cans in your city recycle bins. Thanks!
Spot 31
The Spot 31 homework program is starting again and we could use snacks for our hungry children.
Snacks should be individually wrapped such as cheese sticks, individual applesauce, crackers, and bags of pretzels or chips. No excessively sugary snacks please such as cookies or snack cakes.
We always supplement snacks with something healthy such as veggie or fruit sticks that are purchased weekly.
Fourth Annual Chili Cook- off !!
When: Sunday November 6th
Time: Will start after second service
Cost: $5 to enter your chili into the cook-off
$5 for a taste kit, with the taste kit you will get taste cup and one