HFA 399: Independent Study in Humanities and Fine ArtsPage 1
HFA 399: Independent Study in Humanities and Fine Arts
Dr. Holley Tankersley
Edwards 201B, 843-349-2949
Office Hours: by appointment
Class time and location
TBD by mutual agreement and written contract
Catalog Description
HFA 399 – Independent Study in Humanities and Fine Arts. (1-3) (Prereq: written contract between student and instructor, approved by advisor and associate dean of the Edwards College). This course may be repeated for credit under different topics, with repeatability limited to 6 credits. F, S, Su
Course Objectives
- Engage in deep exploration of a particular topic of study within your discipline and/or subfield.
- Gain a better understanding of your chosen topic of study with respect to arts and humanities theory, methodology, and/or practice.
- Develop and refine oral and written communication skills.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
- Clearly analyze and explain key concepts in the chosen topic area.
- Evaluate the relevance of theory, methodology, and/or practice to your discipline.
- Analyze disciplinary concepts via oral and written communication.
textbooks, readings, and course tools
TBD by mutual agreement and written contract
policies and procedures
Final Grades will be based on total points accumulated throughout the semester. Students earning between 93 and 100 percent will receive an “A”. A grade of “B+” requires that you earn between 88 and 92, “B” between 82 and 87, “C+” between 78 and 81, “C” between 72 and 77, “D+” between 68 and 71, “D” between 60 and 67. Grades lower than 60 will result in an “F” for the course.
Because an independent study is governed by a contract between me and you, we will meet on a schedule that should be convenient for us both, minimizing the need for you to miss our meetings. If you do need to miss a scheduled meeting, you should make every effort to reschedule our session as soon as possible. A missed appointment (without a rescheduled/make-up date) will be excused ONLY if you provide appropriate documentation (signed medical excuse, legal documents, etc.) that indicate you were incapacitated on a meeting day. Other excused absences include NCAA athletic competition, representing the University at events or competitions, and missing class for religious observances. In the first two instances, you must provide me with documentation from a coach, faculty advisor/sponsor, etc. In all three cases, you must notify me of the absence ahead of time.
While not technically included in the calculation of your grade, attendance is essential for a number of reasons. You will likely earn a poor grade if you do not regularly attend class. Part of the purpose of independent study is to allow you in-depth exploration of a topic that is interesting to you; without the opportunity to discuss what you are learning and ask questions about what you are reading you are diminishing the probability that you will perform well on your assignments for the class. Additionally, I do enforce University policy on attendance; CCU policy states that students who miss 25% of class periods will receive an “F” for the course. To reiterate: I will enforce this policy.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with appropriately verified disabilities. For students who require accommodations, please see the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services (106 Kearns Hall, 349-2503) to register and obtain proper documentation.
Academic Integrity
The Informal Policy: If I catch you cheating (including committing plagiarism), I flunk you. FX. For the whole course. Period. The Formal Policy: Coastal Carolina University operates under a Code of Student Conduct, which governs both academic and social conduct.You can find the Code of Conduct on the CCU website.
If I catch you cheating (including committing plagiarism), I will follow the appropriate Academic Integrity process as delineated by the University. This process includes a series of forms and appeals designed to protect your rights.
One of the most common forms of academic dishonesty in colleges and universities is plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as “presenting the ideas or words of another as one’s own.” If you are discussing the ideas, theories, or opinions of another person, you must give that person credit via an in-text citation and a reference, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT USING A DIRECT QUOTATION! If you have any questions about whether to cite something or how to cite it, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Classroom Expectations
This is pretty simple: Show up and interact with me! Ask questions, tell me what you are learning, engage in debate, and keep me posted on progress on your assignments.
assignments and grading
First and Foremost, Acquire and Read the Assigned Material!!
We will agree upon required reading during the first week of the independent study.
Formal Assignments
- Assignments appropriate to topic, context. May include papers, essays, digital projects, etc. TBD by mutual agreement and written contract. (75%)
- Attending class meetings, discussing readings and work, asking questions, etc. (25%)
Miscellaneous Assignment Details
I do not accept late work. Assignments submitted after the published deadline will not be graded. If you are going out-of-town or think that the black death is upon you, you should turn in your assignment before you leave. If you are sick (with medical documentation) and unable to turn in a completed assignment, you should turn in what you do have completed and I will consider allowing you extra time to finish.
I do not give extra credit on an individual basis. If I give an extra credit assignment, it will be for the whole class.
All assignments should be typed, double-spaced, in 11 – 12 point font with 1-inch margins. All written assignments should conform to disciplinary-appropriate formatting guidelines. All written assignments should include a cover page and a reference page/bibliography; neither of those pages count in the assignment’s required page total.
All written assignments should be submitted both in hard copy and via TurnItIn in Moodle.
disclaimerI reserve the right to alter this syllabus during the course of the semester. Any changes will be announced with plenty of forewarning.