Christopher J. Richmann
Curriculum Vitae
1721 S. 9th St. #103Waco, TX 76706
(254) 723-3554
Ph.D., Baylor University, Department of Religion, Waco, TX(ABD)
- Major: History of Christianity
- Minor: Theology (9 hours graduate coursework)
- Outside Minor: History (18 hours graduate coursework)
- Preliminary examinations in early Christianity, medieval Christianity, Reformations, modern European Christianity, and American Christianity
- Dissertation: “Living in Bible Times: F.F. Bosworth and the Pentecostal Pursuit of the Supernatural” (Dissertation director: C. Douglas Weaver)
M.A., Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN (2009)
- Major: History of Christianity
- Thesis: “Sanctification, Ecstasy and War: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology”
B.A., Bethel University, St. Paul, MN (2006); Magna Cum Laude
- Major: English (Writing)
- Minor: Film Studies
Academic Positions
Teacher of Record, Baylor University, Department of Religion (2014)
Adjunct Instructor, University of Mary Hardin Baylor, Department of History (2014)
“Blaspheming in Tongues: Demons, Glossolalia, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance,” Wesleyan Theological Journal 49, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 139-155.
“Prophecy and Politics: British-Israelism in American Pentecostalism,” Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research 22 (January 2013).
“Restoring Proclamation to the Center of Youth Ministry,” Lutheran Forum 44, no. 3 (Fall 2010): 20-25.
“Lutheran Charismatics and the ‘Chief Article’: A Historical-Theological Assessment,” Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference (forthcoming)
“William H. Durham and Early Pentecostalism: A Multifaceted Reassessment” (under review)
Contributions to Reference Works
“White Supremacy/Power” and “Anti-Semitism” in Ideas and Movements that Shaped America: From the Bill of Rights to “Occupy Wall Street,”eds., Scott L. Stabler and Michael S. Green(ABC-Clio, forthcoming, 2015)
“Is God Dead? Time 1966,” and “Southern Christian Leadership Conference,” in The Encyclopedia of the Sixties: A Decade of Culture and Counterculture, eds. James S. Baugess and Abbe Allen DeBolt(Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2011)
“Frederick K.C. Price,” “Daniel Sydney Warner,” and “Bible Church of Christ,” in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. Mark A. Lamport (under contract, forthcoming, 2015)
Book Reviews
Aimee Semple McPherson and the Making of Modern Pentecostalism, 1890-1926, by Chas. H. Barfoot, in Fides et Historia 45, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2013): 165-167.
Black Fire: One Hundred Years of African American Pentecostalism, by Estrelda Alexander; Miracles, Missions, and American Pentecostalism, by Gary B. McGee; andPentecostalism in America, by R.G. Robins, in Perspectives in Religious Studies 39, no. 4(Winter 2012): 408-413.
Power, Politics and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict that Changed American Christianity, by James C. Burkee,in Journal of Lutheran Ethics 12, no. 4(July/August 2012).
Divine Healing: The Holiness-Pentecostal Transition Years, 1890-1906: Theological Transposition in the Transatlantic World, by James Robinson; Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel,by Kate Bowler; and Spirit Cure: A History of Pentecostal Healing, by Joseph W. Williams (submitted to Perspectives in Religious Studies)
Academic Presentations
“Evangelical Unity in the Pentecostal Theology of Alexander A. Boddy,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting (March 8, 2014)
“Spirit or Satan?: The Christian and Missionary Alliance on Spiritual Manifestations and Sanctification after A.B. Simpson,” Wesleyan Theological Society Annual Meeting, March 22, 2013
“Lutheran Charismatics and the ‘Chief Article’: A Historical-Theological Assessment,” Lutheran Historical Conference Biennial Meeting, October 13, 2012
“Reclaiming William Arthur’s The Tongue of Fire for the Pentecostal Heritage,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, March 3, 2012
“Most Are Deceived: Richard Rogers and Assurance of Salvation in Early Puritanism,” Sixteenth Century Society Conference, October 29, 2011
“The Hidden God in Bernard of Clairvaux and Martin Luther,” Texas Medieval Association Annual Meeting, September 30, 2011
“Protecting the Pulpit: Rejection of Ministerial Candidates in Congregationalist New England, 1630-1722,” Southwestern Social Sciences Annual Meeting, March 17, 2011
“Denominations, Doctrine, and the End Times: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology, 1910-1950,” Society for Pentecostal Studies Annual Meeting, March 12, 2011
“Characters, Charisma, and the End of the Age: The Development of American Pentecostal Eschatology, 1898-1910,” American Academy of Religion Upper Midwest Region Meeting, April 9, 2010
Baylor University: Religion Department Tuition Scholarship and Stipend; preliminary exams Passed with Distinction
Luther Seminary: Full Tuition Presidential Scholarship; thesis recommended for online publication (available on WorldCat)
Teaching Experience and Training
Courses Taught
- REL 1310: Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Baylor University)
- HIST 1311: History of World Civilizations (University of Mary Hardin Baylor)
Graduate Colloquy in Teaching Religion (2014)
- Training in teaching religion, with weekly readings and discussion of teaching and learning methods, assignments in constructing syllabi, and general guidance in the teaching task
Graduate Assistant to Dr. Rosalie Beck (2012-2014)
- Courses: The Christian Heritage, Women in Christian History, History of Eastern Orthodoxy, History of Roman Catholicism, Baptist Life and Thought
- Guest Lectures: Women and the Gospels,Early Monasticism, Reformation and the Eastern Orthodox Church,English Reformation, Baptist Confessions,Women in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements
Graduate Assistant to Dr. C. Douglas Weaver (2010-2012)
- Course: The Christian Heritage
- Guest Lectures: Pentecostalism, Lutheran Reformation, Slavery and Religion
Professional Experience
Lay Minister, St. John Lutheran Church,Gatesville, TX (September 2010-Present)
- Weekly preaching and worship leading
- Weekly adult education
Library and Archives Intern, The Texas Collection, Baylor University, Waco, TX (June-August 2013)
Baptist Collection Archives Intern, Baylor University Baptist Collection, Waco, TX (June-August 2011)
Youth Ministry Director, Youth Music and Worship Director, PeaceEvangelicalLutheranChurch, Bloomington, MN (October 2003-May 2010)
Metro Lutheran (newspaper serving Minnesota Twin Cities area) writing intern and freelance writer (December 2005-June 2006)
Editor, Arts and Entertainment section, the Clarion,Bethel University student newspaper (2005-2006 academic year)
Research Language Skills
German (reading proficiency; 6 hours graduate coursework)
Latin (reading proficiency; 6 hours graduate coursework)
Professional Organizations
Society for Pentecostal Studies
Lutheran Historical Conference
Wesleyan Theological Society
American Academy of Religion
Doug Weaver, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion Baylor University
One Bear Place #97284 Waco, TX 76798
(254) 710-7283
Bill Pitts, Ph.D.
Professor of Religion Baylor University
One Bear Place #97284 Waco, TX 76798
(254) 710-6321
Mark Granquist, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History Luther Seminary
2481 Como Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108
(651) 641-3489
Phyllis Alsdurf, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English Bethel University
3900 Bethel Dr. St. Paul, MN 55112
(651) 638-6149