22nd Annual Conference of the Midwest Jewish Studies Association
The Twenty-Second Annual Conference
of the
Midwest Jewish Studies Association
Sunday and Monday
October 10-11, 2010
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OhioPROGRAM
Sunday, October 10
9:30am – 10:00amRegistration [TBA ]
10:00am – 11:30amSession 1
IAHolocaust and Memory [TBA]
Chair: Miriam Dean-Otting, Kenyon University
“Appropriating the Holocaust in America: Recontextualizing Martin Niemöller,” Sharon Avni, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
“Postmemory of the Kindertransport: A Poetic Inquiry,” David I. Hanauer, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Transmission of Trauma Over Three Generations of Holocaust Poetry,” Lindsay Steuber, The College of New Jersey
IBFrom Fiction To Philosophy[TBA]
Chair: TBA
“From metaphor to visualization - two representations of Poles in the Holocaust context (Malamud's 'The Death of Me' and Spiegelman's Maus),”Lucyna Aleksandrowicz-Pedich, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities
“Czech Holocaust Novels in the style of Kafka,” Elana Thurston-Milgrom, University of Florida, Gainsville
“‘Versöhnung,’ in Cohen, Kant, and Hegel.” Yonatan Y. Brafman, Columbia University
11:30am – 12:30pmLunch (TBA)
12:30 – 2:00pmSession II
IIA Jewish Studies: Pedogogy and Publishing [TBA]
Chair: TBA
“The role of university presses in the publishing of Jewish Studies scholarship,” Amy F. Stempler, College of Staten Island, CUNY
“Jews and their Books, Again: Contemporary Autobiographers as Readers,” Steven Weiland, Michigan State University
IIB Jewish Music from Ohio to Germany [TBA]
Chair: TBA
“Aus Wien nach Cleveland: The Musical Legacy of Felix Kraus,” Carol Padgham Albrecht, University of Idaho
“‘Ich bestimme, wer Jude ist’: A Response to Nazi Musicology from the Early Specialists in the Music of Gustav Mahler,” Susan M. Filler, Independent Scholar
“Erich Leinsdorf (1912-1993): A Viennese Conductor Who Survived Cleveland and Returned in Triumph,” Theodore Albrecht, Kent State University
2:00 -- 2:15pmBreak [TBA]
2:15pm –3:30pmSession III [TBA]
IIIA Yiddish Studies: Fact and Fiction [TBA]
Chair: Mara W. Cohen Ioannides, Missouri State University
“Science in Yiddish: A study of what was said and how.” Stephen M. Cohen, Independent Scholar
“Schlemiels, Schlubs, and Schmendricks: How Yiddish Captured the Popular Imagination, As Seen Through Comic Strips,” Leonard Greenspoon, Creighton University
“Tevye the Yidene: Masochism and ‘Shprintse’,” Alexandra Hoffman, University of Michigan
IIIBIsrael Studies
Chair: TBA
“The Struggle for Bene Israel Religious Equality in Israel, 1960-1964,” Joseph Hodes, York University
“Mimicking Zionism: Yotam Reuveny Queering the National Narrative,” Oren Segal, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
“Revisiting the ‘Redeemed’: Race and Identities in Question in the Jewish Community of Palestine, 1918-1940,” Yehuda Sharim, University of California – Los Angeles
3:30 – 3:45pmBreak [TBA]
3:45 – 5:00pmEdwin Black, New York Times best seller
6:00pm – 7:15pmDinner [TBA]
7:30 – 9:00pmSession IV
The Wooden Synagogues of Poland: Traditional Tales, Art and Architecture [TBA]
Chair: Charles Bergengren, Cleveland Institute of Art
“The Wall-Paintings from the Polish/Ukrainian Wooden Synagogues: Multi-Cultural Jewish
Sources.” Thomas C. Hubka, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
“The Wooden Synagogues of Poland:Negotiating Boundaries in Talk, Timber and Tales,” Judith Neulander, Case Western Reserve University
“Tapestry of Life: The Panoply of Decorative Schemes in Polish WoodenSynagogues,”Marc Michael Epstein, Vassar College
Monday, October 11
9:00am – 10:30amSession V
Chair: Peter Haas, Case Western Reserve University
“Anti-Semitism in present-day Germany and Austria,” Klaus Hödl, University of Graz
“Jewish response to anti-Semitism in South Africa and Quebec 1900-1950: A Comparative Analysis,” Samuel Zeev Konig, Carleton University
“The Jew Who Loved Me: African America and the ‘Romance’ of Anti-Semitism,” Terry Rowden, College of Staten Island/CUNY
VBJews and Non-Jews: Relationships and Responses [TBA]
Chair: TBA
“Images ofthe cultural relations between Jews and the peoplesof the Europe during the Roman empire.” Franco Bontempi
“Rebuke and scorn: Does rabbinic ethics enable an empathic response to the Westboro Baptist Church?” Hillel Gray, Emory University
“‘Set me as a seal upon thine heart’: Anti-Miscegenation, Martyrdom, and Messianism in
Medieval Ashkenaz,” Natalie Latteri, Purdue University
10:30am – 10:45amBreak [TBA]
10:45am – 12:30pmSession VI
VIALanguage and Culture and Jewish Identity [TBA]
Chair: Judith Neulander, Case Western Reserve University
“The Menorah Journal and Shaping American Jewish Identity: on Culture and Evolutionary Sociology,” Matthew Kaufman, York University
“Secular vs Sacred Communication in Judaism: Some Observations on Speech Codes and Styles,” Michael Moss, Case Western Reserve University
“‘This is What I Know of My Mother’: Family Dynamics and Religious Identity Formation among the Conversos of Castile,” Jennifer H. Muñoz, Harvard University
“The ‘Jewish Languages’ in the Habsburg Monarchy,” Jana Schumann, University of Graz
VIBJewish Religious Texts: Midrash, Pedagogy, and Responsa [TBA]
Chair: TBA
“The Four Sons: A Completory vs. A Divisive Approach to Different Midrashs,” Russell Jay Hendel, Towson University
“Prophetic Theodicy, Pedagogy, and Pressures on Jewish Self-Perceptions,” Susan Kray, Indiana State University
“Defining the Boundaries of Jewishness in Solomon Freehof’s Reform Responsa,” Joan S. Friedman, College of Wooster
12:30pm-2:00pm Lunch [TBA]