Christopher D. Yung

15692 Thistle Court

Montclair, VA22025

Cell Phone: 703-992-3951



Close to twenty five years of experience assisting highlevel decision-makers and a diverse range of clients with policy advice pertaining toEast Asia, national security, defense policy, and political risk. My experience also includes managing people individually and in small or large teams, providing operations research, data collection and management consulting services to help address a diverse array of management challenges.

Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University

  • Senior Research Fellow

September 2009 to the Present

−Counsel to Office of Secretary of Defense(OSD), the National Security Council, State Department, Joint Staff, Unified Commands, Congress, and Intelligence Community

−Successfully managed a congressionally mandated research agency of the Department of Defense, oversaw the publication of numerous reports, actively managed seven strategic dialogues and exchanges with the Chinese military, and coordinated the research tasks of fifteen research analysts and assistants over 5 years

−Provide research, analysis & counsel on the political and security environment of East Asia especially the Chinese Communist Party’s decision-making process and its impact on U.S. policy

−Led research team which closely monitored events in China (the National People’s Congress, party plenums, party congresses) and other East Asian nations (Japanese and South Korean political events, ASEAN diplomatic efforts, Taiwan elections) and evaluated their relevance to U.S. policy

−Assessed China’s overseas economic, trade, and logistics requirements and its impact on U.S. defense and foreign policy

−Assisted OSD,and Joint Staff in conceptualizing the impact of the “Re-Balance to Asia” on operating forces

−Led a year-long effort to examine the military, economic, legal, diplomatic, and communications tactics of South China Sea claimants

−Served as member of numerous USG delegations to the Far East to discuss a range of security, political and economic issues with counterpart government think tanks in China, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN

−Developed and maintained a network of professional contacts in East Asia for the purposes of enhanced situational awareness

−Researched, wrote and published reports, monographs, and book chapters on military and strategic matters

−Edited books on military, security, and strategic issues

−Organized, managed, and oversaw conferences related to future political, security, and economic issues at National Defense University

−Provided briefs and presentations to various U.S. and non-U.S. government agencies

−Lectured to various U.S. and Asian audiences (the East West Center, Johns Hopkins SAIS, Beijing University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, National Institute for Defense Studies (Japan), Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Singapore), Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, National Maritime Foundation (India), and Korea Institute for Defense Analyses) on subjects related to future political, security and economic issues

−Appearances on C-Span and interviewed in such media outlets as China Central TV, Voice of America, the Washington Post, and the Financial Times on Asia related subjects

The Center for Naval Analyses (CNA)

  • Scientific Analyst and Special Assistant, Office of Chief of NavalOperations, Assessment Division (OPNAV N81), April2008-August 2009

−Provided analytical support to a one-star Navy Admiral, his Senior Civilian Deputy, and a Navy staff

−Successfully assisted the Navy leadership in managing a $50 million dollar research and analysis program, helped oversee Navy’s analytical contribution to the Department of Defense Quadrennial Defense Review(QDR)and the Programming, Planning, and Budget System (PPBS), and assisted the Deputy Director in evaluating dozens of potential research projects for the Navy

−Conducted Navy force structure analysis

−Participated in Multi-Service Force Development Conferences and other force sizing/shaping meetings

−Served as liaison between staff and CNA Headquarters

−Assisted Navy analysts in deriving metrics to measure political effects of military operations on host nations and their populations

−Assisted the Navy staff in putting together research and project proposals and served as a sounding board for briefings

−Analyses presented to the highest levels of the U.S. Navy

  • Senior Research Analyst & Project Director,2005-2008

−Managed teams of analysts and successfully led 4 projects, each completed on time and to the satisfaction of our clients

−Led project that evaluated the analytical objectivity of the Intelligence Community for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (2006)

−Study for the Director of National Intelligence led to a restructuring of how intelligence analysts perform their analysis duties

−Led analyst team which assessed contribution ofNaval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) to Global War on Terror (2007)

−Part of a study team which evaluated the operational impact of moving Marine Corps units from Okinawa to Guam (2007)

−Led project team which evaluated the state of China’s Science and Technology for the Office of Naval Research (2006)

−Led study to evaluate future Marine Corps capabilities to address lessons from OIF, OEF, and the Global War on Terror (2005)

−Helped examine forCOMNAVFORKOREA the impact of turning over U.S. operational control (OPCON) of U.S. and ROK Forces in Korea to the South Korean Military (2005).

  • Special Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Atlantic, 2001 to 2005

−Principal advisor to a Three-Star USMC General on issues related to research, analysis, experimentation, and evaluation of operations

−Successfully oversaw the completion of numerous studies in direct support of the command, and personally managed over twenty subject matter experts (SMEs) in support of the largest military experiment (Millennium Challenge) ever undertaken.

−Lead analyst and project director for the Marine Corps on major Joint Forces Command Experiment Millennium Challenge 2002

−Senior point of contact involving Marine Forces experimentation on the East Coast

−Oversaw data collection efforts of numerous USMC subject matter experts during exercises, joint warfare experiments, training events.

−Reconstructed and analyzed USMC force deployment planning & execution during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)

−Evaluated MARFOR contingency equipment storage options

−Analysis and findings presented to the highest ranks of USMC leadership

  • Special Assistant to the Commander, Amphibious Group Two, 1998-2001

−Principal advisor to a Two-Star USN Admiral on issues of fleet experimentation, operations research, unit readiness, tactical development

−Successfully oversaw the completion of numerous studies in direct support of the command, and provided analysis which guided the reorganization of the staff

−Senior point of contact for Atlantic Amphibious Fleet Experimentation

−Responsible for Amphibious Forces Tactical Development & Evaluation (TAC D& E) Program

−Served as member of Senior Officer Observer Team (SOOT) in support of Amphibious Ready Group deployment work-ups

−Assessed impact of removing SEALS from Amphibious Ready Groups

−Evaluated effect of losing Vieques on Atlantic Fleet amphibious training

−Conducted study on PHIBGRU readiness to assume the role of a war fighting staff

−Examined the impact of placing Organic Mine Countermeasure aircraft on amphibious ships

−Analyses and results frequently briefed to the highest levels of the U.S. Navy

  • Research Analyst, 1991-1998

−Conducted study for the Commander, Seventh Fleet on China’s maritime capabilities out to 2010

−Ground breaking study widely read by the Intelligence and Defense Communities and shaped the U.S. Government’s threat assessment of the Chinese Military

−The then Undersecretary of the Navy wrote letter of commendation praising the study

−Part of an analysis team that helped assess the restructuring/reorganizing of the Navy Staff

−Study results incorporated by the Navy and reflected in the Navy Staff reorganization of 1992-3

−Part of an analysis team which conducted studies for the Navy Staff on U.S. Navy-Republic of Korea Navy inter-operability and naval cooperation

−Evaluated the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet’s Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) exercises with the Southeast Asian navies and militaries.

−Scientific Analyst to the Navy Staff’s Director of Politico-Military Affairs (N52)


PhD. JohnsHopkinsUniversitySchool of Advanced International Studies

International Relations Theory May 1999

Dissertation: Peaceful Transfers of Foreign Policy Roles in International Systems.

Master of Arts. JohnsHopkinsSchool of Advanced International Studies

International Relations and East Asian Studies,May 1990

Bachelor of Arts. HaverfordCollege, Haverford, PA

Political Science 1986, Departmental Honors

Selected publications and miscellaneous Information

Author, “Continuity and Change in Sino-US Military to Military Relations”, inConflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations: Change and Continuity, Causes and Cures, Blanchard and Shen, eds., Routledge Press, (February 2015).

Author, “Not An Idea We Have To Shun”: Chinese Overseas Basing Requirements for the 21st Century”, China Strategic Perspectives #7, National Defense University Press, October 2014

Author, “Sinica Rules the Waves?: The PLA Navy’s Power Projection and Anti-Access/Area Denial Lessons from the Falklands/Malvinas Conflict” in Scobell, Lai and Kamphausen, eds., Chinese Lessons from Other People’s Wars, Strategic Studies Institute, 2011.

Editor with Phillip Saunders, Michael Swaine, Andrew Yang, The Chinese Navy: Expanding Capabilities, Evolving Roles, National Defense University Press, December 2011.

Author, “China’s Out of Area Naval Operations: Case Studies, Trajectories, Obstacles, and Potential Solutions”, China Strategic Perspectives # 3, National Defense University Press, December 2010.

Author, Gators of Neptune: Naval Amphibious Planning for the Normandy Invasion, 1942-4, Naval Institute Press, June 2006.

Author, “The Planner’s Daunting Task”, Naval History Magazine, Naval Institute Press, June 2009

Author, “Action This Day of Days”, Naval History Magazine, Naval Institute Press, June 2009

Author, “In D-Day’s Wake”, Naval History Magazine, Naval Institute Press, June 2009

Top Secret Clearance

Proficient in Mandarin Chinese and in Spanish