John Landrø


Exercise 28November 21 2005

Christmas trivia quiz

In celebration of the festive season, here is a quiz full of Christmas traditions and trivia from around the world.

  1. The legend of Santa Claus began with which 4th century saint?
  2. Saint Christopher
  3. Saint Michael
  4. Saint Nicholas
  1. … and where did this saint live?
  2. Finland
  3. Turkey
  4. Italy
  1. In the United Kingdom, what do children put out for Santa Claus to put their presents in?
  2. hats
  3. socks
  4. shoes
  1. The Christmas tree tradition started in which country?
  2. Germany
  3. Russia
  4. Norway
  1. Where is the United States’ official Christmas tree located?
  2. In Times square, New York
  3. In King’s CanyonNational Park
  4. Outside the White House in WashingtonDC.
  1. Electric Christmas tree lights were first used in
  2. 1785
  3. 1895
  4. 1935
  1. The first charity Christmas card was produced by UNICEF in 1949. Who was the picture painted by?
  2. a seven-year-old girl
  3. Pablo Picasso
  4. Winston Churchill
  1. Every Christmas Day, the British Monarch’s speech is broadcast to the nation. Who wrote the first speech in 1932?
  2. The King
  3. Winston Churchill
  4. Rudyard Kipling
  1. What was invented by Tom Smith, an English confectioner, in 1847?
  2. tinsel
  3. the advent calendar
  4. the Christmas cracker
  1. How many people have spent Christmas Day in space?
  2. none
  3. five
  4. thirty-five
  1. Both Idaho and Indiana in the United States have a town called
  2. Father Christmas
  3. Santa Claus
  4. Saint Nicholas
  1. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer first appeared in 1939 to
  2. advertise chocolates
  3. warn people about catching a cold
  4. promote a department store
  1. In Finland, Santa travels on
  2. a swan
  3. a polar bear
  4. a goat
  1. In Syria, Christmas gifts are given by
  2. an eagle
  3. a horse
  4. a camel
  1. In Poland, a meal of twelve different dishes is eaten on Christmas Eve. The main ingredient is
  2. cheese
  3. chicken
  4. fish
  1. In Lithuania, children have to do what before they receive their presents from Grandfather Christmas?
  2. perform a dance
  3. tell a joke
  4. sing a song
  1. In Greece, to stop horrible creatures called Kallikantzori playing tricks on people at Christmas you have to
  2. burn an old shoe
  3. whistle loudly
  4. eat garlic
  1. In the Ukraine, if you find a spider’s web in the house on Christmas morning, it means
  2. good luck
  3. bad luck
  4. it will snow later in the day
  1. In Holland, who accompanies Santa when he is giving out presents?
  2. his son, Pink Peter
  3. his wife, Red Petra
  4. his servant, Black Peter
  1. In the United Kingdom, the day after Christmas is known as
  2. Walking day
  3. Boxing Day
  4. Sleeping day